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结合运动技能学习的相关理论,研究对运动技能学习的结构进行了探究,发现运动技能学习既包含有运动技术和运动技能两个目标要素的目标结构,还包含有动力、操作和知识三个过程要素的过程结构,两者紧密结合共同反映着运动技能学习的本质特征,也就是以学习运动技术,培养运动能力为核心的教学/训练活动,教师/教练是运动技能学习的主导,学生是学习运动技能的主体,在相关过程要素的影响下,主体的认知结构会随着学习策略应用能力的不断提高而不断完善,从而获得个体运动技能的内化与发展。  相似文献   

运动协调能力由几种运动素质结合而成,包括力量、反应时间、运动速度、爆发力和协调性。运动协调能力是少年儿童学习运动技术、技能的基础。从生理学上讲,通过协调能力训练,可使少年儿童技能储备增多,使大脑皮层之间的暂时神经联系加强,有利于技术的掌握和提高,有助于技能的形成。  相似文献   

著名教授施密特提出了运动技能的概念:运动技能应当是花费最少的精力和时间,按一定运动技术要求,完成系列的有目的的运动动作。它是受个体身体形态、生理机能、运动素质、心理素质内部潜在能力制约的。体能包括人的有形能力(身体能力)和无形能力(心智能力,即由身体结构、身体机能和智力意志三部分组成)。运动技能与体能的关系是相辅相成、相互影响的。体育运动技能的发展和提高,要求人们具有良好的体能,并以此作为基础来学习运动技能。体能可以分为10多种,  相似文献   

不要鄙薄体育教师的运动技能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
所谓运动技能是指运动技术内化为人从事运动的一种能力。运动技术一般是指“合理有效地完成运动的方法”,它是一种客观存在,从事任何运动都有一个技术问题。运动技术一旦被人所掌握,就成了人所具有的运动技能。所谓教学技能,主要是指组织教法的运用能力。体育教师的教学技能主要包括:选择教材内容与教法手段的能力;组织教学的能力;营造教学氛围和调控教学情绪的能力;讲解与示范能力;区别对待与因材施教的能力;观察与分析学生行为表现的能力;帮助学生克服不良行为与纠正错误动作的能力;合理安排运动负荷与教学节奏的能力;处理偶…  相似文献   

<正>运动技能是指,与人体各种心理活动紧密相关的,并受心理过程的控制,通过身体练习而获得的迅速、精准、流畅和娴熟的身体运动能力。在教学中,教师应重视运动技能教学的育人功能。运动技能教学不能一味地"为运动技能而教,为运动技能而学",在重  相似文献   

论运动技术与运动技能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在学校体育学科中,有关运动技术与运动技能的关系问题一直以来是一个比较含糊的问题,本文认为:运动技术这一概念是体育学科、学校体育学科中不可忽略的一个重要概念,但它与运动技能的概念有着本质的区别。运动技能是经过人的学习而被人格化的运动技术。对运动技术人们宜用“学习”一词来表达。对运动技能宜用“掌握”来表达;目前学校体育中存在着学习的运动技术较多,掌握的运动技能较少的严重现象,本文针对这一问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

运用学习策略理论 ,并结合运动技能学习的特点 ,在田径技术教学中对运动系 2 0 0 1级学生进行了教学实验 ,初步得出以下结论 :在学习运动技能过程中施加学习策略训练有助于学生掌握运动技术 ;在培养学生运用学习策略的能力方面 ,语言法、调控法、认知体验三项指标得到明显改善 ,学习策略能力的培养是一个长期的过程。  相似文献   

运动协调能力就是在运动过程中人体各部分活动的良好配合能力,它是掌握运动技能和改进技术的基础。运动员的协调能力强,学习技术就快,改进技术就有效。协调能力在运动中起着非常关键的作用,特别是对需要掌握多种复杂技术,在各种条件下运用技术的运  相似文献   

为探讨中学生运动技能形成的年级发展,小肌肉技能与大肌肉技能形成的关系,逐次练习技术能力的发展趋势等问题。通过测试,得出结果:小肌肉技能形成的速度与准确性,初中生高于高中生;以小肌肉为主的掌握与调节速度的能力,发展明显,而以大肌肉为主的,则进展甚微。  相似文献   

<正>运动技术的教学意义重大,对运动技术教学的深入分析有利于教师更好地提高体育教育教学能力,而对运动技能策略的开发也可以更好地提升体育教学的学习质量。  相似文献   

论新体育课程中运动技能教什么和如何教的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据新的教育思想和课程理念,探讨基础教育体育课程中运动技能的教学问题。认为:应根据学生身心发展特征,学生生活经验和实际,学校现实条件等因素选择教学生何种运动技能;应遵循面向全体学生,服务学生健康,促进学生全面发展的新理念,教授学生运动技能;同时应处理好运动兴趣培养、游戏教学、体能练习、情景教学等与运动技能教学之关系。  相似文献   

运动技能本体论及其对中小学体育与健康课程的教学启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从本体论角度对运动技能这样一个既为大家所熟知又颇具现实性的问题进行理论探讨,旨在提高中小学体育教学研究的功效性。研究结果表明:(1)运动技能是按照技能规律对运动行为的资源进行整合或调控的总称,包含目标、知觉、动作和练习4个要素;(2)运动技能分类是从课题研究的实际出发并依据我国体育事业现行的“奥运战略”和“全民健身”计划的二元结构特征所进行的整体性、多层次、连续划分;(3)运动技能本质是运动行为的潜能及其强化.基本特征表现为专门性、程序化和练习性;(4)建立了通过运动技能来提高中小学体育与健康课程教学效果的函数关系,其应用模型的数学表达式为:Y=f(Ms,Ts,S)。  相似文献   

运动技能是体育教学中的一个重要概念,获得良好和稳固的运动技能是体育教学和训练的一个基本目标.从生理学、心理学以及自然辩证法的视角探讨运动技能概念的非统一性,指出运动技能在田径技术表现上的动态性,为体育运动技术教学与训练提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

Background: Developmental theorists suggest that physical activity during early childhood promotes fundamental motor skill (FMS) proficiency; and that differences in FMS proficiency are largely related to children's experiences.

Aim: To examine associations between participation in different types of recreation/leisure and FMS proficiency of boys and girls in their first year of school. We hypothesized that there would be positive associations between FMS proficiency and participation in organized sport, physical activities, and active physical recreation; but not for other types of recreation/leisure.

Method: Participants (n?=?74) were kindergarten children (Mage?=?5y11?m; boys?=?55%). Parents completed the diversity dimension of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) survey. The CAPE measures children's participation in everyday activities outside of mandated school activities in the past four months in five types of formal and informal activities, specifically: Recreational activities, Physical activities, Social activities, Skill-Based activities, and Self-Improvement activities. Two categories of activities were also reported: Organized Sport and Active Physical Recreation. Locomotor and object control skills were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and static balance was assessed using a stork stand. Sex-based differences in motor skills and participation were examined using chi-squared analyses. Correlation coefficients were used to examine relationships between motor skills and CAPE sub-domains and categories. Linear regression was used to examine whether the type of activity predicted motor skill proficiency and the reverse.

Results: There were no sex-based differences in locomotor skills; whereas boys' object control skill scores were significantly higher than girls, and girls' stork stand scores were higher than boys'. Although there were no sex-based differences in the more active categories of recreational pastimes; girls participated in significantly more formal and informal dance and the prevalence of participation in team sports was significantly higher for boys. For boys, participation in physical activities predicted both locomotor and object control skill scores, organized sport predicted object control skills, and active recreation predicted stork stand times and object control skill scores. These relationships were not evident among the girls.

Conclusions: These findings illustrate that young children participate in a narrower array of physically active recreational pursuits compared with less active pursuits. There were notable sex-based differences in the relationships between participation and motor skill proficiency. For girls, none of the associations between recreational pastimes and motor skill proficiency were significant. This suggests that the motor proficiency of girls, as assessed in this study, is neither a precursor to, nor an outcome of, participation in active recreational pastimes. Contrastingly, the findings for boys support theory that suggests that physical activity is driving the acquisition of particular types of motor skills. Less active recreational activities were not associated with motor skill levels of boys, whereas each of the more active categories of recreational pastimes (active recreation, physical activities, and organized sport) predicted at least one sub-type of motor skill. It also seems clear from our findings that more light needs to be shed on how to optimally portray young girls' motor skill proficiency; as well as the relationships between their participation and motor skills.  相似文献   

运动协调的定量方法以及在专项技术分析领域的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人体的运动协调问题一直受到多个研究领域的关注。Bernstein运动协调观与运动协调的动态系统理论被广泛应用于解释运动协调的形成、发展、特征中,成为研究运动协调的主要理论基础。依据这些理论基础,针对不同类型研究的需要,设计了多种运动协调的定量方法来客观展现人体的协调运动,这些方法都具有各自的优缺点。目前,在专项技术分析领域中,对专项技术中肢体协调层面的研究较多,在多种专项技术中都发现了一些高效的运动协调方式。尽管这些运动协调方式各有不同,但是展现出一些共性的特征。此外,在优秀运动员的技术中,具有较大的肢体协调变异性,这些变异性是肌肉-骨骼复杂系统灵活性的体现,有利于运动任务的实现。在关节动力学、肌肉活动等层面中运动协调的研究相对较少。专项技术中运动协调的研究趋势有:1)由于运动技术种类繁多,各自特征不同,对运动协调的研究将会涉及到更多的运动项目中;2)应用动态系统理论,进一步探索优秀运动员技术中运动协调变异性对专项技术的作用;3)应用动态系统理论,拓展对专项技术中运动协调控制变量的研究;4)拓展在优秀运动员专项技术中关节动力学、肌肉活动等更深层面中运动协调特征的研究。  相似文献   

根据元认知和自我监控理论,研究在技术学习中培养学生的自我监控能力,同时通过自我监控能力的提高促进技术技能的掌握。并利用董奇的《学习自我监控量表》进行实验前后学生自我监控能力的差异比较。结果表明,在技术学习中培养学生的自我监控能力可促进技术技能的形成,提高了学生的能力和运动技术学习的效果。  相似文献   


A previous study showed prolonged cognitive–motor integration (CMI) deficits in youth with a history of concussion who were classified as asymptomatic by current return-to-play protocols, highlighting potential differences between clinical symptom recovery and skill recovery. The present study examines factors that may influence skilled performance recovery (defined as matching the skill level of no-concussion history peers) post-concussion in a similar cohort. Sixty-four asymptomatic youth (M?=?13 yrs.) soccer, hockey, and lacrosse players with a concussion history (M?=?14 months post-concussion) who returned to play and sixty-two age-matched team members with no previous concussion participated in this study. They performed two touchscreen-based eye–hand coordination tasks, including a direct interaction and a CMI task. We analysed the relationship between CMI performance and concussion history, and whether age, sex, number of concussions, and years of sport experience in their sport affected skill recovery. Individuals with concussion history and higher amounts of sport experience (7–12 years) reached a performance level matching their no-history peers quicker (after 12 months) than those with concussion history and lower sport experience (1–6 years; recovery after 30 months). This effect was independent of the number of concussions, age, and sex. The present results point towards an important role of eye–limb coordination-related sport experience in functional CMI recovery post-concussion. Youth with a concussion history but greater sport experience may have more skill-related motor “reserve”. This reserve may directly aid in behavioural recovery post-concussion, or the greater neurological efficiency associated with athletic experience provides a compensatory mechanism that provides faster functional recovery.  相似文献   

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