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【目的/意义】为帮助学者省时省力地发掘出更多潜在科研合作者,建立高效科研合作。【方法/过程】本文提 出基于多维决策属性的科研合作者推荐模型,将学者选择科研合作者的因素划分为可合作性和易合作性两个维 度,其中可合作性包括学者研究方向度量、权威程度和活跃程度;易合作性维度侧重考虑目标学者对科研合作者年 龄、性别的偏好以及彼此建立合作的难易程度。【结果/结论】通过获取“情报学”领域实例数据,验证了该模型的科 学性和有效性。【创新/局限】本文在精确表征学者研究兴趣的基础上,从认知等层面挖掘多维科研合作者决策属 性,为科研合作者推荐提供了可行思路,对构建高质量科研合作具有重要意义。但本研究面向的是发表论文层面 的科研合作,未考虑学者联合承担项目等其他方面的合作,后续还需进一步完善。  相似文献   

Do men and women academic faculty vary in their research collaboration patterns and strategies? This straightforward question does not lend itself to a straightforward answer. A great many sex-correlated variables could possibly mitigate the relationship of sex and collaboration. If one finds sex-correlated differences in the number of collaborators, can one infer that there is something intrinsic to men's and women's work strategies and preferences? Or would such differences owe instead to women's and men's different positions in work structures and hierarchies? The focus here is on two sets of research collaboration variables, numbers of collaborators and the collaboration strategies employed. The study uses questionnaire data from the U.S. National Survey of Academic Scientists (n = 1714) and tests several hypotheses about collaboration numbers and strategies. Regression results indicate, counter to the core hypotheses and almost all published literature, that in a properly specified model, one taking into account such factors as tenure, discipline, family status and doctoral cohort, women actually have somewhat more collaborators on average than do men. For both men and women, those with more industrial interactions and those affiliated with university research centers have more collaborators. Men and women differ in their collaborator choice strategies. Men are more likely to be oriented to “instrumental,” and “experience” strategies, while both men and women are motivated by “mentoring” strategies. Regression analyses show that for both men and women, having a coherent collaborator choice strategy predicts the number of collaborators.  相似文献   

Scientific collaboration empowers scholars to build larger teams and produce more high-quality knowledge. However, with insufficient microscopic examination of scientific collaboration, i.e., the interactions between collaborators, little is currently known about whether the contributing roles of collaborators are fairly and accurately represented on the bylines of scientific papers. To fill this gap, the current study examines how the different roles of collaborators are connected to the order of their names in article bylines across disciplines and team sizes. A dataset of 105,192 articles containing author contribution statements was compiled and analyzed to investigate the byline order distributions of three different contributing roles: versatiles, specialists, and teamplayers. We discovered that, across all disciplines, the order of names in article bylines usually represented authors’ contributions. Versatiles were more likely to be first authors in the byline, followed by teamplayers and specialists. We also found that the division of labor in larger teams varied between disciplines. In some subjects, the three contributing roles disappeared as the size of teams increased, while in others, they remained distinct. Finally, larger team sizes were associated with a weaker relationship between byline ordering and contributing roles. These findings advance studies of scientific collaboration and enrich the literature on the evaluation of scientific performance.  相似文献   

李晓敏  王昊  李跃艳 《情报科学》2022,40(4):156-165
【目的/意义】为帮助科研用户快速准确地找到与自身研究兴趣相关的学术论文,构建了基于细粒度语义实 体的学术论文推荐模型。【方法/过程】将实验前期识别出的研究主题、研究对象和理论技术类语义实体作为学术论 文和核心作者的内容特征,分别利用TF-IDF算法、TextRank算法和LDA模型得到学术论文和核心作者的特征词, 利用Word2vec对特征词进行向量化,再计算核心作者和学术论文的余弦相似度,将余弦相似度值靠前的Top20推 荐给作者。【结果/结论】利用准确率、召回率和F值对基于三种算法得到的特征词生成的推荐结果进行比较评价,结 果表明,基于TF-IDF算法得到的特征词生成的推荐效果最佳,并对推荐结果进行了实例展示,可以看出本文提出 的推荐模型能够更为全面地为科研用户推荐与其研究兴趣类似的学术论文,提高科研效率。【创新/局限】本文主要 是从学术论文的内容特征入手,对类型细分后的关键词利用不同算法进行核心作者特征词筛选,进而实现学术论 文推荐,但是对学术论文中包含的网络关系并未涉及。  相似文献   

    利用机器学习发现影响学者知识创新绩效的复杂非线性特征组合,能提升学者绩效和促进资源优化配置。以2016—2018年国家自然科学基金委公布的1409位国家杰出青年科学基金项目和优秀青年科学基金项目获得者为研究对象,运用学者获得项目前在web of science 刊载的14 819篇论文构建学者科研合著网络(个体网) 927个。考虑知识创新绩效的滞后性,采用学者获得项目后发表的20 824篇论文及其91 968篇被引论文,结合中国科学院文献情报中心发布的期刊分区表等多源异构数据,使用K-Means聚类将学者进行群组划分,得到特征均衡型、环境驱动型和合作创造型三类学者群组,运用决策树CART算法挖掘不同类型学者知识创新绩效的潜在决策规则。研究结果表明:(1) 知识创造具有普适性,它是促使不同类型杰出学者达成高知识创新绩效的关键因素;(2) 杰出学者应根据内外部综合条件配置科研合作关系资源,尽量避免封闭式发展路径与合著者过多导致的“规模不经济”;(3) 在不同类型学者群组中,存在影响知识创新绩效的不同特征组合,为杰出学者达成高绩效目标提供个性化发展策略。  相似文献   

张金年  罗艳 《情报科学》2021,39(8):86-93
【目的/意义】学术合作有利于促进科研工作的顺利开展,加速科研成果产出,促进学术交流与知识融合。 【方法/过程】以2017-2019年图书馆学领域7本CSSCI来源期刊论文为研究对象,定义、提取作者关键词现实关系、 作者关键词潜在关系;运用共现分析识别、排除合作者数据,基于耦合分析界定作者间潜在关系并建立矩阵,构建 基于研究内容的作者潜在合作网络;运用聚类分析、结合聚类效果归纳潜在合作团体,并通过文献内容研究析出潜 在合作主题。【结果/结论】研究结果表明:图书馆学领域有72位潜在合作者、8个潜在合作团队,1个整体合作中心和 多个区域合作中心;潜在合作主题按集群分为7大类、按个体分为若干小类。该发现为科研人员的合作提供可借鉴 的参考。【创新/局限】该发现为科研人员的合作提供可借鉴的参考。  相似文献   

李一帆  王玙 《情报科学》2022,40(6):115-123
【目的/意义】随着学科交叉与学科融合的不断深入,科研工作越来越需要多个学者合作完成。识别潜在的 合作关系,为学者推荐适合的合作对象,能有效提高科研效率。【方法/过程】基于动态网络表示学习模型对学者合 作关系预测展开研究。首先,提出一种动态网络表示学习模型 DynNE_Atten。其次,根据图书情报领域的文献数 据构建动态科研合作网络和动态关键词共现网络,使用 DynNE_Atten 模型得到作者向量表示和关键词向量表示, 同时提取作者单位特征。最后,融合作者合作、主题与单位特征,预测未来可能产生的合作。【结果/结论】实验结果 表明,本文提出的动态网络表示学习模型在时序链路预测任务中只需要较少的输入数据,就能达到较高的准确性; 相比于未融合特征的学者表示,融合模型在合作关系预测中展现出明显的优势。【创新/局限】提出了一种新的动态 网络表示学习模型,并融合主题特征和作者单位特征进行科研合作预测,取得了较好的结果。目前模型在特征融 合的方式上只考虑了数据层面的异构,并未考虑网络层面的异构。  相似文献   

 通过对478位博士研究生的调查发现:超过70%的被调查者对学术论文代表理论研究水平、学术期刊存在品质差异、期刊品质与刊载论文的质量存在正相关关系持认可态度。在独立认知评价模式下,学者的理论研究水平往往因其在低品质期刊发表论文而得到较低的非正式认可度;在比较认知评价模式下,该非正式认可度主要由论文的质量决定,与论文数量没有关系;认知评价模式对部分类型学者理论研究水平的非正式认可度有显著的影响。此外,调查还发现:研究方向聚焦与发散孰优孰劣的评判标准因被评价者所处不同的科学社会层级而不同。在此基础上,论文对提升理论研究水平非正式认可度提出了建议。  相似文献   

合作科研、团队攻关已成为现代社会生产条件下科学技术研究活动的内在要求,不同学科科研产量和科研质量的提高,与合作模式、团队的规模、学科结构等密切相关。研究通过对114位不同学科带头人的科研论文合作规律进行分析,结果显示:一、不同学科的合作模式存在较大的差异,合作方式上,管理学和人文社科类倾向于“个人独著”以及“小规模的团队合作”,理、工、农、医存在较大的相似性,更加倾向于多人合作的方式,且更倾向于“大规模的团队合作”;二,在合作过程中,合作人数的增加并不能显著提高科研产出。研究发现,合作模式是影响科研产出的重要因素,学科特性是决定合作模式的重要影响因素,合作模式和学科特性二者共同作用,影响着不同学科科研合作的差异。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代起,企业社会责任与财务绩效关系一直是学术界及企业界备受关注的主题,国外学者对两者关系的实证研究投入了大量的工作,但至今仍未取得一致的见解,他们的研究得出了两者正相关、负相关、不相关等多种不同结论。本文在对国外企业社会责任与财务绩效关系的实证研究进行分类梳理的基础上,评析了导致实证研究结论差异的研究方法上的问题,并对今后相关研究方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

周洪  梁希  魏凤  李小春 《科技管理研究》2020,40(23):153-159
技术间的相互影响、相互依存的关系推动着技术领域的发展和演变,开展专利技术交叉影响的探讨十分必要。目前,已有学者开展技术直接影响的研究,但技术间接影响的研究还较少,也较少考虑单个技术在技术体系中的关键程度和整体影响。本文提出一种基于DEMATEL模型的技术影响关系研究方法,可以识别技术间的直接影响关系和间接影响关系,还可以展示单个技术在技术体系中的位置和作用,从而全面了解专利技术间的交叉影响和内部结构。该方法有助于发现大量专利文献数据中有价值的技术模式或规则,理清技术的中心位置和相互影响,也有助于研发机构制定具有针对性的技术研发策略。基于地质建模专利的实证研究,证明了该方法在技术评估中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

赵君  鄢苗  魏炜 《科研管理》2019,40(8):156-165
通过41个高校科研团队的176名博士生样本进行问卷调查,本文构建了一个科研不端行为从团队传染至个体的被调节的中介作用模型。结果发现:团队科研不端行为正向影响个体科研不端行为;团队科研不端行为正向影响第三人效果;第三人效果正向影响个体科研不端行为;第三人效果在团队科研不端行为与个体科研不端行为之间具有部分中介作用;默许沉默正向调节对第三人效果对个体科研不端行为的影响;默许沉默正向调节团队科研不端行为透过第三人效果影响个体科研不端行为的中介作用。最后,讨论了研究的理论贡献和实践启示。  相似文献   

In online travel communities, ‘Top-K best places to visit’ recommendations are gaining more attention from travelers due to their ubiquitous access to the Internet, but little empirical effort has been made to investigate what factors lead to the popularity of user-curated ‘best places to visit (BP2V)’ recommendations. This research therefore aims to identify and validate the heuristic factors affecting the popularity of BP2V recommendations. Based on the heuristic-systematic model (HSM) of persuasion, we derive recommender-related (i.e., recommender's identity disclosure, reputation, experience, and location of residency) and recommendation-related (i.e., number of places recommended, helpfulness rating, number of comments added, and length of recommendation) heuristic characteristics of BP2V recommendations and investigate their impact on recommendation popularity. In addition, this study examines the moderating effect of destination category (i.e., attractions, food, shopping, and activities) on the relationship between heuristic characteristics and the popularity of BP2V recommendations. Our empirical results, which were based on 565 ‘best places to visit in the U.S.’ recommendation postings from Qyer.com, a major online travel community in China, suggest that recommender's identity disclosure, reputation, number of places recommended, helpfulness rating, and length of recommendation are positively associated with recommendation popularity. We also found that the relationships between heuristic factors and the popularity of BP2V recommendations are contingent on destination category. This study will contribute to the body of knowledge on online travel communities and HSM and provide valuable implications for general travelers and managers in the tourism and hospitality industry.  相似文献   

提出科技新星的概念,总结科技新星素质特征和科研成果的基本要素,构建科技新星素质特征与科研成果关系模型。引入结构方程模型分析方法 (SEM),提出素质特征变量与科研成果的关系假设,通过定量方法对假设进行验证,深入研究素质特征变量对科研成果的相对重要性。研究结果显示,素质特征变量中,科研能力对研究成果的相关关系最大,科研水平次之。  相似文献   

Talent recruitment has become a crucial issue for companies since finding suitable candidates from the massive data on potential candidates from online talent platforms is a challenging task. However, extant studies mainly focus on the scalability and inference ability of models, while the dynamic variability of the importance of each feature in different scenarios is barely addressed. Besides, there is a lack of research on how to depict the hidden potential preference of the job which cannot be derived from job requirements. In this paper, we propose a two-stage resume recommendation model based on deep learning and attention mechanisms, especially considering the latent preference information hidden in the hired employee resumes, named the Attentive Implicit Relationship-Aware Neural Network (AIRANN) model. Specifically, a novel mechanism is proposed herein to extract the hidden potential preference of the corresponding job by deriving the implicit relationship between the target resume and hired employees’ resumes. Existing studies have not considered such resume implicit relationships. Moreover, we propose a Feature Co-Attention mechanism to capture the dynamic interactive importance within the non-text features of both resumes and jobs. For different jobs, the suitability of resumes would be valued from different aspects, including resume implicit relationships, as well as textual and non-textual features. Accordingly, an Aspect-attention mechanism is designed herein to automatically adjust the variant importance of each aspect. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on a real-world company dataset. The experiment results of ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of each mechanism in the proposed AIRANN model. The experiment results also show that the proposed AIRANN model outperforms other baseline methods, showing a general improvement of 13.31%, 12.49%, 6.5% and 7.17% over the state-of-the-art baseline under F1@6, F1@15, NDCG@6 and NDCG@15, respectively.  相似文献   

付博  于桂兰  梁潇杰 《科研管理》2019,40(8):273-283
上下级关系实践是中国情境下组织中所特有的概念,而理论界缺乏以关系实践对员工工作绩效的积极和消极双重影响为出发点的研究。为此,本研究通过对12家企业中48个部门的464套配对调查问卷,构建多层数据模型(HLM),从个体层面关系实践的促进作用和群体层面关系实践的抑制作用探讨上下级关系实践对员工工作绩效的积极与消极双重影响。研究发现:在单层模型中,个体层面关系实践对员工角色内绩效和组织公民行为具有正向影响,工作满意度起到部分中介作用;在多层模型中,群体层面关系实践对员工角色内绩效和组织公民行为具有负向影响,程序公平感知起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Jun Suzuki 《Research Policy》2011,40(7):986-1000
There is a considerable volume of prior research on the relationship between innovation and patents. Those research studies reveal that patents contain a great deal of noise, and unless a correction is made in terms of the value of individual patents, a simple count of the number of patents does not constitute a very useful indicator. From research that has been conducted for the purpose of finding such an indicator to show the value of individual patents (that is, research to identify the characteristics of valuable patents), many kinds of value indicators have been proposed. Nevertheless, research hitherto has focused primarily on business or private value derived from the possession of patents, and little attention has been paid to value in terms of technical knowledge or social value. In a survey of inventors conducted by RIETI in 2007, terminology describing broad concepts was used when questioning inventors about the value of individual patents, and this has provided an excellent opportunity to analyze the multiple factors lying behind the value of patents and how they impact one another.The purpose of this research is to use data from the RIETI survey of inventors and structural equation modeling methods to elucidate the relationships between the technological and business value of patents, and the latent factors that influence them. The findings show that a scientific-technological motive for inventors would have a positive effect on both the business and technological value, meanwhile, the monetary or promotion motive would not have any direct effects on the value of a patent. The model also suggests that academic linkage would have a strong positive effect on the technological value but a weak negative effect on the business value. Furthermore, these relationships differ more markedly according to technological field.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103799
Interdisciplinary research (IDR) has raised increasing expectations among scholars and policymakers about its potential to produce ground-breaking scientific contributions and satisfy societal demands. While existing research highlights that novel connections across fields is beneficial for scientific contributions with high academic impact, comparatively less is known about whether IDR is positively associated to scientists’ engagement with non-academic actors. To investigate this, we examine whether there is a systematic relationship between scientists’ IDR-orientation and their interactions with industry. We conceptually distinguish four stylized modes of interaction (firm creation, technology transfer, co-production and response modes) and employ three distinct indicators of IDR. We use data on 1,170 scientists affiliated to public research organizations in Spain, bibliometric dataset of scientists’ publications, and details of scientists’ past involvement in interactions with industry. Our results show that IDR has a transversal influence on all four modes. However, IDR-oriented scientists are more strongly associated to transactional (market-mediated) compared to relational (personal-based) interaction mechanisms; while we find no evidence of a significant difference between IDR-oriented scientists and their propensity to engage in different modes of U-I interaction according to the degree of goal specificity.  相似文献   

科研合作对促进科技创新和发展具有重要作用,高校作为汇聚、培养和发挥高层次人才的战略高地,如何避免身陷科研合作的“盘丝洞”是学界普遍关注的重要课题。聚焦微观层面高校学者的科研合作,以中介、调节的研究视角为切入点,针对合作范围与科研产出之间的关系,分析位置嵌入、关系嵌入、结构嵌入三种网络嵌入的调节作用和国家级基金资助的中介作用,构建有中介的调节模型。以上海市8所研究型大学被SCIE收录的2018-2020年Web of Science类别为“Nanoscience&Nanotechnology”的4365篇合作论文中1292位作者为样本,开展实证研究,结果表明:(1)国际合作更有利于学者提升科研产出;(2)国家级基金资助在合作范围与科研产出之间起部分中介作用;(3)网络嵌入调节合作范围与科研产出之间的关系,当学者网络嵌入处于较高水平时,强化了合作范围对科研产出的影响,其中位置嵌入、结构嵌入的调节作用部分通过国家级基金资助的中介实现。  相似文献   

本文结合全国范围内的一项抽样调查数据,以多层线性模型(HLM)为分析工具,考察了个体和单位两个层次的因素对科研人员获取项目资源的影响效应及影响机制.研究发现,科研人员在项目资源获得数量上的总体差异,既受性别、教育程度、职称、权力、私人关系等个体特征的影响,也有相当部分差异可以归因于单位类型、科研实力、单位规模等组织属性,后者所能解释的方差比例占到了近五分之一.单位属性既直接影响了不同科研机构的平均项目资源量,也结构性地调整了不同单位内个体特征对于项目资源获得的影响效应.对科研人员项目资源获得及相关的资源分配不平等等问题的探讨,需要重视对结构性、制度性因素(如单位属性)的把握和认识.  相似文献   

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