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邱吟  杨阳  姚蓝洁 《教育导刊》2023,(10):63-73
为了给将来的教育干预提供支撑,特基于PISA 2018中国四省市11986名15岁中学生的测试数据,通过潜在剖面分析的方法探究中学生成就动机的不同组合类型。研究发现,中学生成就动机模式可以分为成功导向型、学业淡漠型、平衡动机型三种潜在类型。不同类别的学生在学业成就和幸福感上均存在显著差异,成功导向组的学生在学业成就上表现最优,幸福感体验最高;学业淡漠组的学生在学业成就上表现最差,幸福感体验最低;平衡动机组的学生在学业成就上表现中等,幸福感体验与学业淡漠组无显著性差异。性别和家庭社会经济文化地位会影响学生的成就动机模式,女生更有可能拥有更优的动机结构,低家庭经济文化地位的学生更有可能拥有欠佳的动机结构。  相似文献   

成就动机的归因模型建构及其在教育实践中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是归因理论最重要的应用领域之一,学生对其学业成败的归因在决定其成就动机和学习行为方面有重要作用.而当今成就动机研究几乎成了动机研究的同义语,关心学生学业成就的教育心理学家占据了动机研究的中心舞台.在此背景下,归因理论的介入给其研究注入了新的活力,成为该领域的主旋律,对教育教学实践起着积权的指导意义.文章拟结合动机研究的发展历程,对成就动机的归因模型建构加以探析,并讨论其在教育教学实践中的意义及运用.  相似文献   

为探讨高中生学业拖延的特点及其与成就动机的关系,采用成就动机量表以及中学生学习拖延调查问卷对贵阳市某中学256名高中生进行调查.结果发现高中生学业拖延不存在显著性别差异;高一学生在计划缺乏、执行不足上显著高于其他两个年级;追求成功动机与学业拖延各维度呈显著负相关,避免失败动机与状态不佳呈显著正相关;成就动机对高中生学业拖延水平具有显著预测力.  相似文献   

在教学中,对文章的各构成要素进行协同和整合,进而形成整体的感知与理解,这是提高学生阅读能力的重要手段。而这一阅读能力也被称为"整体阅读能力",教师要提高小学语文阅读教学质量,则可将整体性阅读教学方式引入到阅读课堂上来。基于此,本文主要立足于提升学生的整体阅读能力,对小学语文阅读教学的整体阅读教学方式进行详细分析,以期可以促进学生在阅读学习方面的有效发展。  相似文献   

一、高中英语阅读教学现状(一)学习习惯有待改善阅读教学中,学生学习英语的动机单一,仍以功利性动机为主,缺乏英语阅读的积极性。当前的教育体制之下,高考成绩仍被当做衡量学生成绩优劣的主要标准,阻滞了学生学习的热情,学生的阅读习惯阅读能力,方法使用都存在误区或问题。学生学习的积极性不高致使学生在课堂当中偏离教师指导,教师未及时纠正学生不良阅读习惯等情况均存在,导致学生在英语阅读学习过程中缺乏科学、系统的指导,阅读过程存在漏洞。学生在语法、词汇学习、文章理解等等方面存在一定困难,影响英语阅读水平的提升。  相似文献   

成就动机,是要求取得优秀成绩的动机。成就动机与事业的绩效呈正相关。麦克莱兰指出,一个企业,乃至一个国家的兴旺发达,取决于具有成就动机的人数的多寡。因此我们认为,学校的各科教育,都应该重视学生成就动机的养成和强化。语文教育,在培养和强化学生成就动机方面,具有得天独厚的条件,我们应该努力营造培养学生成就动机的环境。这里,我们不妨从以下几个方面着手。一、充分发挥教师榜样的力量,增强学生的成就动机教师的一言一行,往往成为学生的榜样。榜样的力量是无穷的。语文教师在语文教学活动中应该以强烈的成就动机感影响学…  相似文献   

阅读在语文教学中的地位是毋庸置疑的,体现了学习者的语文素养,因此,在小学语文教学中,教师需要注重语文阅读教学.但在实际阅读教学中,不少教师担心学生理解不透,而分析过细,这反而制约了学生自主能力的发展,影响阅读教学效果.为了提高语文阅读教学效果,教师可以开展整体性阅读,包括了如下三个层面:整体感知层面、局部研读层面、整体把握层面,循序渐进,让学生逐步理解课文.同时,在教学过程中,教师还需要根据学段来有针对性地、有偏重性地组织语文整体阅读训练.比如,在小学语文低年级教学中,侧重整体感知;而在中高学段,则侧重局部研读,偏重整体把握.当然,有所偏重并不意味着独立开展,而需要有机结合,环环相扣,层层推进,步步深入,以强化学生阅读能力,提高阅读教学效率.  相似文献   

<正>在初中英语阅读教学过程中采用分层教学,不仅可以提高不同层次学生的英语阅读能力,还可以提高英语课堂的教学效率,因此初中英语教师应该在英语阅读的过程中采用分层教学,提高学生的英语成绩。本文主要探讨如何在初中英语阅读教学过程中实施分层教学。1.采用英语阅读分层教学的意义分层教学就是根据学生的综合表现对学生进行分组,进一步因材施教,对学生的薄弱方面进行有针对性的指导,从而提高学生的英语成绩。对学生进行  相似文献   

就阅读教学而言,提问是启发思维、引领阅读、引发对话的主要手段.在阅读课堂揭示课题、初读感知、深读感悟、总结拓展的每一个环节,引导学生发现问题并展开阅读实践的质疑教学,有着不可替代的课程价值及深远意义.  相似文献   

钟林杞 《成长》2020,(4):104-104
就当前的语文教学而言,已经不再是单单的教给学生们基础的语文知识,更需要学生自己拥有主动阅读意识,在阅读过程中提高自己的阅读能力。如何对小学生语文阅读和阅读能力的提高进行完美的整合探索,是目前语文阅读教育中教师需要面对的主要问题之一,因此,笔者主要对现今小学语文阅读教学中教师对学生阅读能力的培养方案进行简要的分析,希望能够给现在的语文教学带来帮助。  相似文献   

This study examined the independent and interactive effects of supplement format (knowledge map vs. text vs. no supplement) and strategy (cooperative learning vs. cooperative teaching vs. individual study) on learning. After training and practice sessions, subjects studied a science and math passage over which they were tested. Two individual difference measures were also taken and combined into a general ability score. Repeated-measures analysis of variance of the recall variables indicated that (a) high ability subjects outperformed low ability subjects, and (b) cooperative learning with map supplements had a mutually facilitative effect on the low ability subjects’ recall.  相似文献   


This essay argues in favor of college instructors, especially in introductory classes, giving students the freedom to use Wikipedia entries in their research projects. It explores the pedagogy created by rigid prohibitions of potential sources, and argues that at stake are two chief dichotomies: one, students learning by engaging in a process vs. students producing a product, and two, students thinking individually and evaluating vs. students following rules. Within the discussion of these dichotomies is a call for instructors to emphasize evaluation of the content of research material rather than an author's credentials or other external markers.  相似文献   

外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系,利用外语阅读焦虑量表,对随机抽查的150名英语专业的大学生进行测试,并就阅读焦虑与阅读课程成绩和阅读理解成绩进行研究。结果表明:同非英语专业学生一样,英语专业学生普遍存在英语阅读焦虑;英语阅读焦虑与英语阅读学业成绩及阅读理解回顾成绩之间存在显著性负相关,阅读焦虑与阅读理解多项选择成绩之间没有显著性负相关关系。  相似文献   

Although the relationship between attitudes toward reading and reading achievement has been well documented, the causal relationship between these constructs remains unclear.Using longitudinal covariance structure modeling, this study tested the hypothesis that 3 reading-related constructs in the primary grades (2nd-3rd grade) – reading attitude, behavior, and achievement – would predict reading achievement in the 7th grade. Results showed that primary attitude was not correlated with primary achievement yet both had causal paths to 7th-grade achievement, described as a “temporal-interaction” model. The resulting model suggests that while reading attitude and achievement may appear unrelated at the early stages of reading they become more closely linked over time, developing into important causal determinants of reading achievement by early adolescence.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of Reading Recovery on children's motivational levels, and how motivation may contribute to the effect of the intervention on literacy achievement. Prior studies concluded that Reading Recovery was positively associated with increased student motivation levels, but most of those studies were limited methodologically. The achievement and motivation levels before and after the intervention of Reading Recovery students and similarly low-performing first-grade students were compared using structural equation modeling. It was found that Reading Recovery had a .31 treatment effect on achievement after controlling for baseline achievement and motivational differences among the treatment and comparison students. Reading Recovery also was associated with greater average levels of posttest motivation, and motivation was found to mediate the treatment-achievement relationship. This study highlights how important it is for early reading interventions to consider the role motivation plays in literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to ascertain if a combined repeated reading and question generation intervention was effective at improving the reading achievement of fourth through eighth grade students with learning disabilities or who were at risk for reading failure. Students were assigned to a treatment or control group via a stratified random sampling. Instructional components and training were based on best practices reported in the literature. Students receiving intervention significantly improved their reading speed and ability to answer inferential comprehension questions on passages that were reread. Compared to the control group, students in the intervention group also made significant gains in oral reading fluency on independent passages.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine if selected noninstructional variables affect the reading achievement of fourth-grade students in Arkansas. Data for 332 of the state's 333 school districts for the 1986-87 school year were analyzed. The relationships between achievement of students, as measured by the Metropolitan Achievement Test-6 (MAT-6) and eight variables were analyzed. Four variables studied had significant relationships to fourth-grade reading scores, as measured by the MAT-6. The percentage of minority students and the percentage of students eligible for free or reduced lunches had negative relationships. The percentage of staff holding master’s degrees or above and the relative wealth of the school districts had positive relationships.  相似文献   


Research on reading achievement and reading motivation has rarely addressed the question if and how they affect each other over time. In our study, we investigate the reciprocal effects between reading achievement and both intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation during elementary school. We measured reading achievement and intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation in 966 students at 3 points of measurement during 3rd and 4th grade. Consistent with previous research, cross-lagged panel analyses revealed positive reciprocal effects between reading achievement and intrinsic reading motivation. Effects of reading achievement on intrinsic reading motivation were found during Grades 3 and 4, whereas effects of intrinsic motivation were limited to Grade 3. No reciprocal effects between reading achievement and extrinsic reading motivation were found. We discuss the implications of our results for daily teaching practices and effective reading instruction.  相似文献   

This study attempted to examine the long range effects of ITA, four years after its inception as a method of beginning reading instruction. IQ and achievement data were collected for both ITA and conventional (TO) reading groups. With achievement test subscores at the end of grade four as the criterion variable, results of 2-way analysis of variance designs indicated significant differences between the reading groups in four of twelve comparisons. Compared with TO, the ITA group achieved significantly higher mean scores on measures of word meaning, average reading, word study skills, and science. Although there were no interactions of mental ability with reading method in any of the twelve analyses, reading scores increased as IQ level increased regardless of the reading method considered.  相似文献   

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