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研究者选取甘肃省嘉峪关市某中学171名被试进行了综合研究。通过不同方法筛选出154名有效被试,将其划分为高求助组、中求助组和低求助组,分析了不同求助组学生自我概念的差异,并且做了初中生自我概念对学业求助的路径分析。各组在理科自我(F=6.883,p〈0.001)、艺术自我(F=5.834,p〈0.005)和外貌自我(F=4.821,p〈0.01)的得分上存在显著性差异。求助态度(求助益处和求助代价)在自我概念到学业求助行为的影响过程中起了中介变量的性质。  相似文献   

章鹏程 《考试周刊》2014,(69):184-185
文章研究探讨初中生学业自我效能感、求助态度与求助行为之间的关系。选取初中生作为被试,采用初中生学业自我效能感、学业求助态度和学业求助行为量表进行测量,分析学业自我效能感对学业求助路径的影响。结果发现在非工具性求助路径中,有3条显著路径;在对工具性求助-老师路径的分析中,有4条显著路径;在对工具性求助-同学路径中,有5条显著路径。可得结论,学业自我效能感通过学业求助态度影响学业求助行为,为了提高初中生学业求助行为频率,有必要干预自我效能感和学业求助态度。  相似文献   

本文分析初中生自我概念团体心理咨询设计方法,以影响学业求助。研究方法是依据路径分析结果。团体心理咨询设计内容主要包括朋友自我、艺术自我、家庭自我、诚实性、身心愉悦、外貌自我、理科自我7个一阶自我概念因素。团体心理咨询设计活动最终确定为共建家园、交往对对碰、我就是我、我是帅哥(美女)、我是家庭小成员、明辨是非、心目中的我和别人眼中的我、理科学习ABC、珍惜拥有等九大板块。得到的结论是良好的自我概念团体心理咨询实施可以作为初中生自我概念影响初中生学业求助的途径之一。  相似文献   

学业求助现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学业求助行为是指学生在学校情境中(不包括考试),以口头发问为主要表现形式、以老师或同学为求助对象的针对学习的求助行为。所有的学生,无论能力高低、成绩优劣,在学习过程中都会遇到自己无法克服的困难。要使学习进行下去,就需得到他人的帮助和指导,因此学业求助对学生具有普遍性。学业求助研究自20世纪70年代开展以来,人们愈益认识到学业求助的复杂性,求助者的特征、所求助的问题特征和帮助者的特征三方面都会影响学业求助行为。目前对学业求助研究得最多的是学业求助的态度、学业求助行为分类和影响学业求助的求助者因素等。一、评析学…  相似文献   

于清亮 《教育探索》2006,12(3):109-110
一、学业求助的内涵和性质 1.学业求助的内涵学业求助是指学生在学业上遇到困难时向他人请求帮助的行为。20世纪70年代以前,人们认为学业求助是一种依赖性的行为。应尽量避免。随着对学业求助研究的开展,人们日益重视了学业求助的重要性和复杂性。Nelson-LeGall 于1981年的研究中提到寻求帮助是一项重要的发展性技巧,同时又将学业求助行为分为工具性求助和执行性求助。执行性求助也称为非适应性求助,指儿童在面对本应自己解决的问题时,却请求他人替他完成。工具性求助也称为适应性求助,指儿童借助于他人的力量以达到自己解决问题或实现目标的目的,这些求助往往是小到足够完成任务就可以了。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,探讨职校生学业求助的特点,分析职校生成就动机、成就目标取向及自我效能感与学业求助之间的关系。发现职校生学业求助行为水平低下,遇到学习困难更倾向于执行性求助或回避求助。职校生工具性学业求助和回避性学业求助三个年级间不存在显著性差异,而执行性学业求助三个年级之间存在差异。职校男生的工具性求助极其显著(p〈0.001)的低于女生;执行性求助男女生之间不存在显著性差异;男生的回避性求助行为极其显著(p〈0.001)的高于女生。成就动机、成就目标取向与学业求助行为有显著关系。自我效能低的学生更不愿意求助或作执行性求助,支持脆弱假说。  相似文献   

初中生师生关系特点及其对学业求助行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者使用中学生师生关系评定问卷、学业求助行为量表对524名初中学生进行测查,并对师生关系特点对学业求助行为的影响进行了回归分析.结果发现:在亲密性、冲突性维度和师生关系水平维度上初一学生得分均显著高于初三学生,各年级女生得分均显著高于男生.亲密性维度对初中生选择工具性求助有显著的正向预测作用,对选择执行性求助和回避求助有显著的负向预测作用:依恋维度和师生关系总均分对回避求助均有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   

对500名初中生施测学业自我概念问卷、青少年学业情绪问卷,以探讨初中生学业自我概念、学业情绪对其学业成绩的影响模式。结果发现:(1)除了语文自我概念与消极高、低学业情绪以及学业成绩相关不显著外,其他变量之间都显著相关;(2)学业情绪和学业自我概念各维度都能够显著预测学业成绩;(3)学业自我概念的各维度能够显著预测积极高、低唤醒度学业情绪,但语文自我概念并不能显著预测消极高、低唤醒度学业情绪。因此研究得出结论:学业自我概念和学业情绪是影响学业成绩的重要因素,数学和英语学业自我概念对学业情绪的影响需要获得更多关注。  相似文献   

远程学习者在学习过程中遇到困难时进行积极地学业求助,是一种比较好的解决问题的策略。对当前远程学习者在学业求助行为倾向、求助对象、求助方式等方面的调查研究发现:我国远程学习者具有比较积极地学业求助行为倾向,能够进行工具性求助,但也存在执行性求助和回避求助等不良的学业求助策略。以网络课程为平台,建设学业求助的硬环境;以教师为主导、同伴协作为途径,设计学业求助的软环境;激发学习者个体的自我效能,促进远程学习者的学业求助策略的改进。  相似文献   

以258名大学一、二年级的学生为被试对象,对在体育教学情境下学生学业求助态度进行了研究,结果表明,自我效能,内在动机,任务定向目标等动机因素和课堂环境对学业求助态度呈显著正相关,自我效能,内在动机,任务定向目标,课堂环境对学业求助态度构成显著的回归效应,可解释学业求助态度76.3%变异。  相似文献   

The present study focused on junior high-school graduates who were equally able but attended different-rank high schools, comparing their academic self-concept, school adjustment, and academic achievement upon the completion of senior high school. An overall-school analysis was used to replicate previous findings, and an adjacent-school comparison was conducted to compare the performance of students at the bottom of a higher track and their similar-ability counterparts at the top of a lower track. The results indicated that the big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) affects the academic self-concept and school adjustment of certain students, but not their academic achievement. Furthermore, the BFLPE was present between the bottom students of the first-ranked school and the top students of the second-ranked school, but not between the bottom students of the second-ranked school and the top students of the third-ranked school. The obtained results indicate that the BFLPE may not necessarily be associated with cognitive outcomes such as academic achievement and tracking contexts with less contrasting groups.  相似文献   

This study is conducted with self-developed questionnaire on 910 middle school students, aimed at describing middle school students’ academic subjective well-being and exploring its influential factors. Results show that (1) Academic subjective well-being of middle school students is generally low and there exist differences in different schools and grades. Students from non-key middle schools have lower academic subjective well-being than those from the key schools. Grade 2 students in both junior and senior middle schools have the lowest academic subjective well-being. (2) Factors directly affecting middle school students’ academic subjective well-being are academic experience and the present academic achievements · · with the former playing a major role. (3) Factors indirectly influencing middle school students’ academic subjective well-being are social pressure and expected academic achievements, both of which influence students’ academic subjective well-being through students’ academic experience or their present academic achievements. __________ Translated from Educational Research and Experiment, 2004:4  相似文献   

This article explores variations in mental health and service utilization across academic disciplines using a random sample of undergraduate and graduate students (N = 64,519) at 81 colleges and universities. We report prevalence of depression, anxiety, suicidality, and self-injury, and rates of help-seeking across disciplines, including results from multivariate logistic regressions. We find significant variations: Students in humanities and art and design are significantly more likely to have mental health problems; and for students with apparent mental health problems, treatment rates are lowest among those in business and engineering. Noting these variations could enhance efforts to promote student mental health, particularly within academic departments.  相似文献   

The authors compare school motivation in Kenya and Italy, two countries that differ in terms of socioeconomic conditions, structure of the school system, and access to education. Free primary education is indeed a recent attainment for Kenyan students. The participants, 449 Kenyan and 480 Italian students, 9–14 years old and attending Grades 4–8, were asked to complete a questionnaire about learning motivation. A factor analysis revealed that school motivation can be described by five dimensions in both contexts: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, academic self-concept, causal attribution, and amotivation. Differences between countries and lower (Grades 4–5) and higher (Grades 6–8) grades emerged: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and academic self-concept were found to be higher in Kenyan than in Italian students, whereas amotivation was lower. Moreover, only Italian students showed less intrinsic motivation and more amotivation in higher grades than in the lower ones.  相似文献   

The reciprocal internal/external frame of reference model (RI/EM) extends the internal/external frame of reference model (I/EM) over time and the reciprocal effects model (REM) across domains. The RI/EM postulates positive developmental relations between academic achievement and self-concept within a domain and negative relations across two non-matching domains (e.g., math and English). However, until now, empirical investigations of the RI/EM had only focused on secondary school students from specific countries. In the present study, we test whether the RI/EM also applies to primary school students and to students in the United States, by using a representative longitudinal data set: the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten (ECLS-K: 1998–1999). We found positive reciprocal relations between academic self-concept and standardized test scores within a domain, whereas the effect of prior achievement on self-concept was much stronger (skill-development part) than the effect of self-concept on achievement (self-enhancement). Furthermore, we found negative effects of achievement on subsequent self-concepts across domains (I/E frame of references). Overall, the findings of the study strongly support the RI/EM for primary school students. Our results are compared to previous findings in the literature for secondary school students and are discussed with regard to self-concept formation in primary school.  相似文献   

王平 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(1):99-101
目的:分析初中生自我概念与学习成绩的相关性。方法:采用田纳西自我概念量表,对宜春市二中150名初中生进行问卷调查,结果:除家庭自我维度外,自我概念其余各维度在年级上呈现显著性差异;除心理自我和社会自我两个维度外,自我概念其余各维度在性别上不存在显著性差异;自我概念与学习成绩呈现出显著的正相关,除生理自我和道德伦理自我外,自我概念其余各维度在学习成绩上均呈现出显著性差异。  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between adolescents’ difficulty in mathematics and reading and the influence on academic self-concept and school grades was examined. The participants (N = 585; 299 girls, 286 boys) were one age group of ninth-graders whose mathematics and reading skills were assessed at the end of comprehensive school at age 16 years. Five student profile groups were found using cluster analysis: best achievers, normal achievers (NA), the reading difficulty (RD) group, the mathematical difficulty (MD) group, and the learning difficulty (LD) group. Post-hoc tests revealed that the RD group and the LD group had a higher academic self-concept than the MD group. In school grades history, surprisingly, the NA group and the RD group performed equally well across all school grades. Students in the MD group performed as poorly as the LD group. The results emphasise the prolonged and generalised effects of especially MD on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

中学生心理健康状况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用改编自王极盛的《中国中学生心理健康量表》对河南省11所学校的1413名中学生进行心理健康状况调查,用SPSS13.0分析数据,经检验后表示量表信度和效度良好。结果发现在总均分上轻度以上检出率为44.73%,在各因子上存在中度以上问题的比例约为5%-17%,存在严重问题最多的是学习压力感、焦虑因子;在任一因子上中度以上检出率为41.97%,高中学生比例最多达49.61%;高中生与初中生在除强迫症状因子以外的其他各因子上都存在均值差异显著,其中适应不良、抑郁因子的均值差异最大;学习成绩越低。心理问题越多。  相似文献   

学业求助是学生的一种学习手段,但许多学生在学习中并不愿求助或不会有效求助,解决这一问题对学生的学业大有帮助。一要寻求适量的求助对象,二要掌握一定的求助技巧和策略。  相似文献   

本文以240名农村贫困初中生为调查对象,运用自我描述问卷(SDQ-II)和父亲教养方式问卷(EM-BU)测查了他们的自我概念的发展状况和父亲教养方式的特点。结果发现:(1)农村贫困初中生自我概念在数学自我、异性关系自我和外貌自我维度存在性别差异,男生得分高于女生。但女生言语自我发展高于男生。体能自我的发展从初一到初三是逐步平缓下降。男生的诚实自我是从初一到初三是逐步下降的,女生则呈现相反的趋势;(2)男生相对于女生更多地感受到惩罚严厉和过分干涉以及拒绝否认等消极的父亲教养方式;(3)父亲的积极的教养方式(温暖理解)有助于自我概念的发展。父亲消极的教养方式(惩罚严厉、拒绝否认和过分干涉)不利于自我概念的发展。  相似文献   

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