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坐标图上标值线的表达   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王广治 《编辑学报》1995,7(3):147-148
标值线是坐标图的构成要素之一(坐标线上无标值的坐标图除外),对于它的正确表达(即绘制)尚未见有关的标准或规范。故此,造成它的长短、粗细和疏密程度等不一。有的标值线画得太长,其长度是粗线条宽度的好几倍;有的又画得太短,只有一丁点儿,好似一个点。有的标值线画得太粗,其宽度与粗线条一样;有的又画得太细,令人看不分明。有的坐标线上密密麻麻画的全是标值线;有的仅在终点处画了一根;有的干脆不画标值线,只是在坐标线相对应的位置上贴上标值而已。有的坐标线上末尾一根标值线未包容坐标内的线条或坐标点;有的又包容过余。  相似文献   

郝拉娣  刘琳 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):223-223
笔者对国内外科技期刊中常见的经纬度坐标图共有信息的表达方式进行了调查与分析. 调查内容包括坐标轴、标值线、标值和标目.经纬度坐标图共有信息的表达方式实际上有很多种,这里,笔者仅将期刊中一些普遍存在的形式列出,供分析讨论.  相似文献   

王继鸣  王广治 《编辑学报》2003,15(3):196-197
坐标图上的标值线不能随意设定,而要根据坐标图的性质、特征、正文内容及美感等因素来设定。当纵横坐标轴上的标值与标植线的多寡悬殊影响了图的美感时,可在确保坐标图准确性的前提下重新设定纵横坐标轴上的标值与标植线,以使坐标图简洁明了、清晰易辨。  相似文献   

李存葆  张思琪 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):395-397
鉴于对数坐标图在科技期刊中的重要应用,对其编排模式以及相应的标目标注形式等细节进行了探析。对对数坐标原理进行了分析论述,以常用对数坐标为例,从坐标图的编排、刻度线的编排与显示、标值的标注及与标目的形式匹配等方面分析研究了对数坐标的科学编排模式及其绘制修饰方法,对于科技学术期刊编辑处理对数坐标图具有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

王继鸣  王广治 《编辑学报》2002,14(Z1):30-31
坐标轴上标值线的形式未见有规定,在实际应用中,它有长、中、短3种形式,它们在坐标图中各自扮演着不同的角色,发挥着不同的功能与作用.对于重要的、起到以点带面启示作用的标值处要用长标值线,余均用短标值线;中标值线的功能与作用介于长、短标值线之间,标值线侧旁有时要带有标值,有时又无须带有标值.长、中、短3种标值线在坐标轴上的分布,务必均衡、对称和有规律性.  相似文献   

何莉  丁吉海  王培珍 《编辑学报》2013,25(3):249-250
依据国家标准和规范,结合X线光电子能谱图坐标量的物理意义,分析科技书刊中X线光电子能谱图坐标标目与标值表述不规范的问题,给出了规范的表达形式。认为:X线光电子能谱图中纵坐标量名称为相对光子通量、量纲为1,或为光子通量,表示为Φ/s-1或Φp/s-1;横坐标的量名称为结合能,单位eV或keV,首选的表达形式为Eb/eV或Eb/keV。  相似文献   

统计线图绘制中常见的错误是坐标轴上各标值线间隔表示的数量不等。为了使编辑和作者重视并解决此类问题,进一步规范科技论文中统计图的表达,该文列举了科技论文中统计线图坐标标值不等距的表现,并提出了不同情况下的处理方法。  相似文献   

周继荣同志《书稿编辑过程中量与单位方面应注意的几个问题》(下文简称《问题》)一文中列举了科技书刊中存在的一些量和单位方面的问题 ,而作者在举例中又存在两个错误 :1 插图不规范科技期刊中规范的函数曲线图应该是 :若坐标轴表述的是定性的变量 ,即未给出标值线和标值 ,则在坐标轴的尾部应按变量增大的方向画出箭头 ,并标注变量 ;若坐标轴上已给出标值线和标值 ,即坐标轴上变量增大的方向已经示明 ,则不应该再画箭头。标目应与被标注的坐标平行 ,居中排印在坐标轴与标值的外侧。既然作为范例就应该是标准规范的图 ,而《问题》的作者所…  相似文献   

在现代科技书刊中,反映物理量之间函数关系的简式直角坐标图使用得十分普遍。最近,为了调查了解科技期刊的编排质量,我翻阅几十种学术期刊,发现其中相当数量的坐标图存在着不少问题,如画法不规范,图线布局不合理,数值、量和单位符号的写法不符合有关规定或标准等。为了提高科技书刊的编辑出版质量,我认为很有必要统一插图尤其是简式直角坐标图的体例,使其做到简明、规范、准确、美观。本文根据新的  相似文献   

用Photoshop快速做图的几点体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据用Photoshop做图的经验,总结了如何快速做图的几点体会.1)不需敲字图的处理,其中包括坐标图和框图的处理.2)需敲字图的处理,其中包括单个坐标图及有多幅坐标图组成的图的处理.3)重描图的处理,其中包括结构合理,但质量差的图和结构不合理的图的处理.4)修图的方法.5)图的放置.通过以上方法对图的处理,力图高速度、高质量地完成图的绘制,并使整期图大小比例合适,线的粗细均匀,字的大小一致,结构合理,布局美观.  相似文献   

关于书次号几个问题的认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Problems of book numbers have repeatedly become a heated argument in the Chinese library and information world.The author believes that the function of book numbers is single,that is,the differentiation of a group of books with same classification numbers in order of priority.It is inevitable that there are duplicate numbers in the author table,yet attention should be paid to finding a simple and convenient method to solve the problem of duplicate numbers.Stress should be laid on combining the scientific nature with the paractical natrue in preparing the author table,especially its operativity.ref.3  相似文献   

接雅俐 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):109-112
对12名35岁以下在美国杜克大学肿瘤研究所学习的公派留学人员进行访谈,了解他们对中国科技期刊学术论文的阅读、写作和引用情况,探察他们对于中国科技期刊的真实认知。结果发现,青年一代的医学科研人员对于中国科技期刊有“三不”的态度倾向,即不阅读、不写作、不引用,对于中国科技期刊的认知片面,存在轻视、误解和偏见。急需扭转这种不利于我国科技期刊发展的态势,引导青年一代的医学科研人员树立健康的科研价值观,期刊也要提升学术质量和品牌声誉,做好营销,助力科研人员重拾科技文化自信。  相似文献   

赵丽莹  张宏 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):438-440
为了使函数图更好地表达科研成果,从科学性、规范化以及美学角度出发,对几例函数图进行修改优化。认为:原则上能不用图例就不用图例,使用图例要规范,图例顺序尽量与曲线顺序一致;通过变动坐标,将线型接近、拥挤的曲线分开或叠置;对于一组有相似变化规律的材性曲线,如果要突出具体数值变化,需要选择典型曲线绘制;函数图要精选组元,以最少的组元表达同样的科学内容。  相似文献   

Citation numbers are extensively used for assessing the quality of scientific research. The use of raw citation counts is generally misleading, especially when applied to cross-disciplinary comparisons, since the average number of citations received is strongly dependent on the scientific discipline of reference of the paper. Measuring and eliminating biases in citation patterns is crucial for a fair use of citation numbers. Several numerical indicators have been introduced with this aim, but so far a specific statistical test for estimating the fairness of these numerical indicators has not been developed. Here we present a statistical method aimed at estimating the effectiveness of numerical indicators in the suppression of citation biases. The method is simple to implement and can be easily generalized to various scenarios. As a practical example we test, in a controlled case, the fairness of fractional citation count, which has been recently proposed as a tool for cross-discipline comparison. We show that this indicator is not able to remove biases in citation patterns and performs much worse than the rescaling of citation counts with average values.  相似文献   

郭华  齐淑娟 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):446-447
目前,科技期刊中还普遍存在着科技名词使用不规范的现象,一些作者偏爱使用科技名词的简称、缩写及习惯用语,而科技期刊编辑也未能正确地修改不规范的科技名词.针对科技期刊中存在的这些问题,分析它们的成因及危害,认为科技期刊编辑在工作中应该重视科技名词的规范化使用,增强编辑学习科技名词的自觉性,提高科技期刊的科学性和准确性.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the origins of modern policies aimed at encouraging scientific publication activities, the impact of such policies on scientific journals, and the possibility of assessing the effectiveness of research activities on the basis of quantitative indicators for issued journals. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the methods that are applied for performance assessment in the scientific field. These methods should be based on indicators that take the entire system of scientific activities into account and not only one publication component, which represents the final stage of scientific research.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):133-153
Functional theory defines value-expressive attitudes as attitudes that are formed to aid in the achievement of one's values, and social-adjustive attitudes as attitudes that are formed from the desire to affiliate with others. The current investigation argues that both functions are based in a person's values, with the social-adjustive function being a specific form of a value-expressive attitude. Contemporary approaches to this theory have argued that these attitude functions can be inferred from scores on the self-monitoring scale, thus eliminating the need to measure the values underlying these functions. The current investigation argues that the success of studies using the self-monitoring scale to infer these functions should be due to the covariance of the other-directedness dimension of the scale with the values underlying those attitudes. Overall, the findings of the investigation indicate that the formation of these functional attitudes depends more on the match between the value-content of the persuasive messages and the extent to which the message recipients hold those values than their level of other-directedness. Other-directedness did not covary with the values that underlie value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes, but did aid in the reception of the social-adjustive message. Thus, the research using the self-monitoring scale to infer functions cannot be fully reconciled with the conceptualizations of value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes.  相似文献   

Conditions of relative humidity (RH) and temperature within museums and buildings holding collections of cultural heritage objects are often maintained around a strictly controlled set point of about 50 ± 5% RH and 20 or 21 ± 2°C to provide safe, stable conditions for hygroscopic artifacts. It has recently been proposed that these ranges should be relaxed to values that are less energy-intensive to maintain while still being safe for the objects in the collection, with the aim of reducing both carbon footprint and energy use. It is also suggested that conditions should be determined by the needs of individual objects and by the local climate of the region, rather than applying overall values across the museum as a whole. This proposal has led to much discussion within the conservation community. The suggested values, a stable humidity within the range 40–60% RH and a stable temperature within the range 16–25°C for most objects, apart from the most vulnerable, are derived from the results of experimental research on the responses of individual materials to particular conditions of RH and temperature, as well as observations of the behaviour of cultural heritage objects in their own environments and on loan. This paper describes briefly the historical and scientific background to the present discussion.  相似文献   

陶范 《编辑学报》2012,24(3):222-224
我国学术界言必称SCI,中文科技期刊越来越不受待见,甚至被斥为"垃圾期刊"。中文期刊水平不高是学风不良、研究水平不高的结果,不能简单地否定中文期刊。学术界和期刊界应共同努力,爱我中文期刊,打造好我们自己的学术平台。  相似文献   

与科研合作相关的研究内容呈现多样性的特征,但针对某一高校内部科研合作规律的分析鲜有问津。本文以华东理工大学机构知识库的数据为数据源,通过SQL编程代码运行以统计分析该高校的合作情况、合作范围、合作规模等内容,分别基于发文量、被引频次、h指数3个评价指标分析高校作者的合作差异情况。研究表明,华东理工大学的作者合作程度较高,其中两人合作最普遍,并且科研人员倾向于小规模的科研合作;合作规模为3人至5人时,论文的质量较高;高水平作者间的科研合作以高h指数作者间合作最为紧密。  相似文献   

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