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基于泛在环境下的高校图书馆学科服务体现出泛在性、互动性、相融性的特点,相应的,高校图书馆学科服务也要基于用户需求的角度,将学科信息资源与信息服务全面融入到用户的服务空间中去,通过学科化服务促进图书馆从传统的资源主导服务转变为基于用户需求的学科服务.以华侨大学图书馆为例,针对该问题展开讨论,从学科服务工作模式、服务内容及具体的运行机制3个方面进行分析.  相似文献   

数字化信息服务交互性影响因素及服务推进分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用户、内容、系统是数字化信息交互过程中必不可少的三部分.分析数字化信息服务中的交互过程,探究数字化信息服务交互性影响因素,有利于提升数字化信息服务的交互性,提高数字化信息服务的质量和效果.数字化信息服务的交互性主要体现在用户与系统基于界面层的交互、用户与内容基于内容层的交互,以及系统与内容基于组织层的交互.在不同层面上,有多种因素影响了数字化信息的交互性.用户因素是最重要的影响因素.提升数字化信息服务的交互性,应以用户为中心,着重于用户与系统、用户与内容的双向沟通,最终在用户与信息服务商间建立一个良性发展的交互式信息服务环境.表1.图4.参考文献17.  相似文献   

文章阐释了数字化阅读环境下高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务的特征,深入挖掘了数字化阅读环境下高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务的难点,针对学科资源建设力度不够、学科服务功能不够完善、嵌入用户方式深度不够等一系列问题,提出数字化阅读环境下高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务优化策略.  相似文献   

本文针对数字化环境中用户需求的新变化及信息服务的新特点,探讨了在数字化环境中图书馆信息服务的发展创新,重点阐述了从服务内容和服务形式上的发展创新,以期提高数字化环境中图书馆信息服务的质量与水平。  相似文献   

高校图书馆学科信息共享空间服务模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学科服务已经在高校图书馆发展起来,而学科信息共享空间(简称为SIC)环境赋予了学科服务新的内容,SIC的服务环境和理念又为开展学科服务提供了最佳平台。SIC不仅能为用户提供贯穿学习、研究活动全过程的学科化服务,还能够最大限度地满足高校用户专业化、个性化、知识化的深层服务需求。文章从SIC学科馆员的建设、学科服务方式和服务内容等方面进行了探讨和研究,最终目的是为了满足高校师生多元化的信息需求。参考文献10。  相似文献   

随着图书馆的资源数字化、载体多样化、管理电脑化、服务专业化和信息咨询与文献传递的网络化,其管理、服务及资源利用都呈现出新的特点。讨论了网络环境下图书馆面临的新挑战,以及对数字图书馆职能的认识。从更新观念、改变管理与服务模式、深化服务内容、提高管理人员服务能力及加强用户信息素质培养等方面论述了图书馆职能的转变与服务的扩展创新。  相似文献   

嵌入式学科馆员信息服务是图书馆为用户构建一个以适应其个性化信息需求的信息环境为目标的深入信息服务,也是一种学科馆员服务的高级形式,代表着学科服务的重心由资源主导向用户主导转变。基于科技查新的视角,探讨嵌入式学科馆员信息服务模式和效率,以推进我国图书馆学科服务建设良性稳健发展,也为图书馆今后的发展提供了崭新的思路。  相似文献   

学科服务的理念、方式、环境等的变化导致学科服务模式的转变。研究型图书馆的学科服务模式正从以馆员为中心向以学科服务平台为中心转变。此文梳理了学科服务平台的两个发展阶段——学科信息导航和学科内容管理的工具与系统,分析了学科服务平台对研究型图书馆学科服务带来的影响。  相似文献   

本文总结分析了高职院校图书馆资源配置的现状,从专业设置和学科建设、用户信息需求、学科馆员和学科服务、信息获取与利用等视角,探讨了高职院校图书馆数字化信息资源配置策略,借此推动高职院校数字化信息资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

网络环境下高校图书馆信息服务模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在信息数字化、网络化、虚拟化环境中,高校图书馆必须以方便用户、服务读者为宗旨,结合实际建立新型信息服务模式。网络环境下高校图书馆信息服务模式应以嵌入式学科服务平台促进学科发展,以渗透式育人平台培育科研尖兵,以科技查新促知识更新和科研创新,以学术信息共享空间营造百家争鸣的学术氛围,从而为学科评估和制订学科发展规划提供依据,促进高校的科技创新活动,实现高校及其图书馆的可持续发展。  相似文献   

e-Science与文献情报服务的变革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
e-Science是一种新的数字科研环境,它的高共享性、高协同性等特性将变革文献情报服务的用户环境,从而使得文献情报服务的服务理念、服务内容、服务手段等方面发生深刻变化,文献情报服务的服务理念将从以需求拉动服务转变为以服务促进需求;知识服务将成为文献情报服务的核心竞争力;将出现新的服务对象如科学数据;嵌入式服务将成为服务的主要组织方式;一站式服务、联合服务等将是实现e-Science环境下文献情报服务的主要手段。  相似文献   

Push技术开发应用研究述评   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Push技术是一种信息推送技术。它克服了Pull技术(信息拉取技术)之不足,为人们提供了一种高效快捷的信息获取方法。它将改变因特网上信息的传播与服务模式,推进因特网的发展。Push技术在图书馆等文献信息部门应用,将一改长期以来的被动服务模式为主动信息服务模式,提高图书馆的信息服务质量。本文将对国内外,有关Push技术的开发应用情况作一全面的论述,期望促进该技术在图书情报部门的开发与应用的研究。  相似文献   

图书馆国际合作的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付群 《晋图学刊》2006,(3):11-12,65
馆际合作随着信息环境的进步与更高的服务需求而调整,而馆际合作系统的持续加强,改变了传统馆际合作的面貌,电子全文的方便撷取,逐渐改变读者的研究行为及使用渠道,图书馆必须审视自身的功能及未来的变化,并思考在信息社会中扮演如何的角色。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(43):131-144
The availability of information in electronic form, specifically through on-line services and in CD-ROM format, has presented new opportunities and challenges for reference librarians in research libraries. Similarly, the advent of networked information tools and resources presents similar challenges. These challenges are examined, and the changing face of scholarly research and communication is discussed. How the individual reference librarian's job will change is a determination that needs to be made within each research library. But the author argues that if reference service in research libraries is to be responsive to user needs, most reference departments will be forced to confront reorganization or restructuring as a result of the changing nature of research practice.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this project is to understand how each National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center library, and all libraries that support cancer research, function within their institutions. Through an in-depth survey focused on three major areas (staff, content and tools procurement, and user services), the research team hopes to determine how a cancer-centric library can be successful in supporting quality patient care, research excellence, and education. Additionally, the survey will examine the necessary minimum staffing levels for librarians and information professionals based on organizational size and degree of research focus. The survey will seek out the new skills librarians will need to deliver optimal services. The survey will also explore how content libraries purchase reflects and maps to constituents’ current medical and research activities. Libraries within a research intense environment have a responsibility to align with researchers and health care professionals to provide resources and services that support their workflows. Cancer libraries need to be attuned to their institutions’ missions, whether that includes excellent patient care, research endeavors, or cutting-edge educational programs. The information gathered from the survey will provide data for this research team to define the vision and standards of excellence for a cancer specialized research library.  相似文献   


Today's libraries-academic, research, public, and elementary and secondary schools-are in the midst of an extended period of unprecedented change and adjustment. Having never been static organizations, they have existed within and responded to changes in the communities they exist to serve. Computerization, electronics, and telecommunications have resulted in the alteration of almost every function performed in libraries today. The reference services extended by these libraries are no different. In keeping with their missions and goals, they must adopt and incorporate the new information technology now as well as the year 2000 and beyond. Problems and challenges which must be solved and met are discussed. There is no doubt that the library user will benefit as services are expanded to include among other innovations: services expanded beyond the walls of the library and its physical collection, interactive face-to-face teleconferencing with information specialists, and machines utilizing artificial intelligence which assist in identifying and locating information.  相似文献   

信息资源开放利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息资源开放利用是解决图书馆在现代网络环境下逐渐被边缘化的重要途径之一,是实践图书馆泛在服务的重要基础和手段。文章在对信息资源开放利用的层次、类型、关键技术和在语义网中的地位进行分析和研究的基础上,指出信息资源开放利用将在以下几个方面改变图书馆的未来:信息资源建设的泛在化、信息服务平台的泛在化和信息服务对象的泛在化。  相似文献   


In order to provide optimum service in a world increasingly awash with information and technological change all set against a backdrop of escalating costs and static or declining budgets, librarians must make a choice. Based on a careful analysis of the information preferences and needs of their clientele, librarians will be driven by economics and demand to decide whether their particular library will become primarily an archive of materials in traditional formats or a gateway to the world of electronically networked information. Which direction a library takes will have a great impact on interlibrary services. In an “archival” environment, external access to information will be deemphasized and interlibrary services will see cutbacks. In an “access” environment, interlibrary services must be genuinely recognized as vital to the library's mission and must be allocated truly sufficient resources to meet what will be an even greater demand.  相似文献   

The future will be one of change driven by technology and information. Reference librarians are finding themselves in the forefront as information specialists committed to service to their users. With clients beginning to view librarians as essential professionals, there is a tremendous opportunity to combine well-designed services with the new technology and move into the role of assisting people to solve information problems. Successful programs will be centered around a user-oriented climate and provide access to a wide variety of information and technologies.  相似文献   

The paper examines the management of change and the embedding of innovation in academic libraries and information services during a period of considerable and continuous change. Detailed examples are given from the author's own institution that adopts a very structured and corporate approach to strategic planning. The internal and external factors driving organisational change in the UK Higher Education (HE) sector are identified using a PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis, and a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is presented which will enable institutions to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of their services being able to deliver the changes required. Examples are given of the kinds of changes library and information services will need to implement in order to respond effectively to the changing external environment. Some of the barriers to the successful implementation of change are identified, with some practical measures to bear in mind to help ensure successful outcomes.  相似文献   

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