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大战略是指国家联盟、国家或政治集团运用以军事为主的综合手段达成政治目标的总战略。《孙子兵法》中所说的“庙算”、秦汉以来所流行的“大略”等概念含义与之相近。《孙子兵法》中的大战略思想主要包括“察”战、备战和慎战的重战战略思想、以“伐谋”、“伐交”为主的“不战”战略思想和唯“战道”是从的“善战”战略思想三部分内容。这三者是一个密切关联的有机整体。  相似文献   
论述了对理工科大学生进行审美教育的重要性,从加强认识、精心施教、重在实践三个方面提出加强理工科大学生审美教育的措施。  相似文献   
地方官是促进区域社会农业科技交流推广的必要中介。清代四川相当一部分外省籍地方官对辖区农业着力经营,不失时机地引进、推广新的作物品种,使农业技术更趋精细化,并推动农业科技改良组织的建立与农业科技著作的编撰、刊印和流布。四川一些农业科技也藉地方官之力传播到省外。地方官通过科技交流推广以发展农业文明的历史传统,当进一步总结发扬。  相似文献   
We collected think-aloud, pre-test, post-test, and motivation data from 43 undergraduates to examine the impact of conceptual scaffolds on the fluctuation of certain motivation constructs and use of self-regulatory processes during learning with hypermedia. Participants were randomly assigned to either the No Scaffolding (NS) or Conceptual Scaffolding (CS) condition. During the experimental session, each participant individually completed a pre-test on the circulatory system, a pre-task motivation questionnaire, one 30-min hypermedia learning task during which they learned about the circulatory system, a motivation questionnaire at three regular intervals during this learning task, a post-test on the circulatory system, and a post-task motivation questionnaire. Results indicated that while participants in both conditions gained declarative knowledge, participants who received conceptual scaffolds during learning demonstrated deeper understanding of the circulatory system on the post-test. In terms of self-regulatory processes, the results indicated that participants in the CS condition used significantly more planning processes during learning than participants in the NS condition. Additionally, participants in both conditions significantly decreased their use of strategies as they progressed through the learning task. Regarding motivation while learning with hypermedia, results indicated that participants in both conditions reported significantly increased levels of interest as they progressed through the learning task. Furthermore, participants in the CS condition reported the task as being easier and putting forth less effort than participants in the NS condition.
Daniel C. MoosEmail:
The history of curriculum debate involving science in the United States has touched all levels and concepts of schooling. It has involved a wide spectrum of competing interests and ideas. It has helped guide the framing of concepts as complex and influential as those of progress, human nature, and the national welfare. It has been a stage on which many players have entered, spoken, left, and returned (not always in the guise of farce). Above all, it is itself something from which a great deal can be learned: for in large part any current situation stands at the apex of this long history and cannot in any sense be divorced from what it reveals about the larger place of science and learning in American consciousness. Eric Hobsbawm once wrote that the progress of schools and universities measures that of nationalism, and that education generally is the most conscious champion of the state. History reveals this to be an enormous oversimplification, woefully expedient, and particularly so in the case of science. Here, in fact, nationalism itself can be revealed as a collision of many conflicting interests, myths, visions, and hopes, all of which at some point took the scientific as legitimating dais. No committed history could be so reductive. It must rather open both inward and outward, toward the past and its continued momentum.  相似文献   
王雅萍 《双语学习》2007,(11M):227-227,229
It shows in the tendency of the global economic development in recent years that Services Science would no doubt become the next hot topic in economic study. And service supply chain is a new study aspect in supply chain management of services science. This article begins with study on the definition and characters of service supply chain, compares this with traditional supply chain,establishes the structure of its form and puts it into our regional economics to examine its impacts.  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》的善本不外乎以下几种本子:第一是山东临沂银雀山汉墓出土的竹简本《孙子兵法》,第二是影宋本《魏武帝注孙子》,第三是宋本《武经七书》本《孙子兵法》,第四是宋本《十一家注孙子》。对《孙子兵法》的主要版本作一概括性的介绍,可以为孙子兵法研究提供可靠的文本。  相似文献   
1902年,梁启超撰写了他的史学名著<新史学>,该论著对封建史学思想进行了批判,对史学近代化进程起了理论奠基作用,同时也有提倡民族主义精神,增强中华民族凝聚力的作用.  相似文献   
品牌课程建设是提高来华留学教育教学质量的重要组成部分。西安石油大学石油与天然气工程是国家级特色专业、陕西省名牌专业和"一流本科专业"建设点专业,"采油气科学与技术"作为来华石油与天然气工程留学本科生的专业必修课程,教学意义重大。为了加强教育部第二期来华留学英语授课品牌课程"采油气科学与技术"的建设,在全英文教材编写、高水平师资队伍建设、教学手段、考核评价体系、因材施教等方面进行了探索,为其他留学课程的建设提供了借鉴,具有显著的示范效应。  相似文献   
二十一世纪是海洋的世纪。大学生是社会主义的建设者和接班人,有责任和义务推进我国的海洋强国建设。“海洋科学导论”涵盖海洋科学主要分支学科的基本内容,有利于快速提高大学生的海洋意识。针对非海洋科学专业学生学习“海洋科学导论”以及教师授课过程中遇到的问题展开讨论,结合实例提出了相应的教学改革建议,有助于提高学生的学习热情,使学生更深刻地理解海洋学理论,进而更好地将其应用到自己的专业领域。  相似文献   
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