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为利用组合化学原理构建核酸适体库,确定久效磷适体筛选缓冲体系的最适 pH 值及离子强度,采用紫外吸收光谱法研究了不同 pH 值及不同 Na ﹢、K ﹢和 Mg2﹢浓度的缓冲溶液中久效磷与四种碱基的相互作用。结果表明,pH 值及 Na ﹢、K ﹢和 Mg2﹢浓度对久效磷与四种碱基的作用有明显的影响,pH7.6、Na ﹢浓度200 mmol/ L、K ﹢浓度40 mmol/ L、Mg2﹢浓度15 mmol/ L 的50 mmol/ L Tris 缓冲溶液中久效磷与四种碱基的作用相对较强,可以作为久效磷适体筛选的参考缓冲体系。在此缓冲体系下,久效磷与四种碱基作用的强弱依次为胞嘧啶、胸腺嘧啶、腺嘌呤、鸟嘌呤。因此,构建核酸适体库时可以适当增加胞嘧啶、胸腺嘧啶的比例。  相似文献   
董仲舒的“天人感应”思想借“天”言人事,为君权神授作出合理论证,为西汉王朝推行封建专制主义提供重要的理论依据,在古代封建社会具有重要的历史地位.与董仲舒有过“师生”之缘的司马迁,其“天人之际”的思想与董仲舒的“天人感应”思想有着继承又创新的联系.其中,继承表现在“天”与政、“天”与命、“天”与象方面,创新表现在天象与人事、天道与人世、天意与人君方面.  相似文献   
MOOCs的发展经历了从2012年的狂热支持,到2013年的反对声日益高涨的急速转变之后,如何有效设计高质量的MOOCs成为研究者和实践者日益关注的重要问题。教学目标与教学交互是网络课程设计的两大关键。基于布鲁姆认知目标分类以及穆尔的教学交互分析框架对现有三种MOOCs实践形式进行分析发现:以内容传递为主的MOOCs(xMOOCs)把认知行为主义作为理论基础,强调知识的传递,注重学生与内容的交互,处于认知目标分类底层;以任务完成为主的MOOCs(sMOOCs)混合了认知主义和建构主义学习理论,强调做中学,重视学生之间以及师生之间的交互,处于认知目标分类的中间层;以网络建立为主的MOOCs(cMOOCs)基于联通主义学习理论,强调学生和内容的交互是学习发生的基础,学生和学生的交互是学习发生的关键,学生与教师的交互是学习发生的保障,处于认知目标分类的最上层。三类MOOCs各有其优势和不足,在MOOCs设计和开发的过程中需要打破这些MOOCs分类之间的界限,根据教学目标,选择最佳的教学内容、教学方法,保持目标、内容、方法的一致和最佳匹配。我国在设计和开发MOOCs的过程中,还需要思考如何利用精品课程建设的已有成果,如何开放学习过程,并且在此过程中形成自身特色,吸引学习者的可持续、大规模参与。  相似文献   
城市旅游、乡村旅游作为两种不同的旅游形式,具有较强的互补性和融合性。区域城乡旅游互动是促进区域城乡旅游全面、协调发展,最终实现城乡统筹的重要模式。本文在城乡统筹的背景下,分析了四川城乡旅游互动发展存在的主要问题以及互动发展的可行性,提出了促进四川城乡旅游互动发展的具体对策。  相似文献   
翻译教学是一个完整、科学的体系,其课堂目标是要培养学生的翻译能力,因此在日语翻译教学的改革中要重视学生翻译能力的习得。翻译能力的习得像其他学习过程一样,是一个动态的、螺旋上升的过程,从入门知识逐步演化为专业技能知识。语言习得有效路径启示我们,在日语翻译教学中,要创设多种互动环境,要加强双语交互思维训练和翻译过程的训练,并建立相关的数据库。  相似文献   
Although originally designed for science courses, learning studios have been introduced at over 100 college campuses in a variety of disciplines. Our study focuses on the differences between classrooms designed as lecture spaces versus classrooms designed as learning studios. The impetus is the growing number of learning studios and proponents’ claim of better collaboration and learning within them. Given the substantial cost of a learning studio and greater demand at the authors’ university than supply, we questioned whether the university administration should be encouraged to build more. Learning studios are classrooms in which the seating arrangement places the students in a face‐to‐face orientation with one another. Our study measures the differences between learning studios and traditional classrooms both quantitatively and qualitatively. The learning studio did not result in higher retention rates (the percentage of students completing the course during the semester) or significant differences in total points earned by students in a learning studio compared to a traditional classroom. When examined by gender, however, a significant difference in total points is apparent. For all students in the study, the ability to interact with other students as well as the instructor was greater in the learning studio.  相似文献   
在相关实验的基础上,根据实验中的经验和教训,总结出服装专业听障生在色彩构成课上的教学方法。一、备课先备学生。二、充分沟通特殊教师。三、利用听障生“特长”,多看。四、善用比喻发挥学生的想象力。通过以上方法,提高听障生色彩构成课的教学质量。  相似文献   
This is an article in a series illustrating the way scholars in communication have pursued translating their research into practice. The translational nature of communication accommodation theory and examples of its application are the focus of this contribution.  相似文献   
Points of contact formulate the culture of any organization and shape the perceptions of decision makers and colleagues alike. This research project investigated the interactions between Cataloging and Metadata Services staff and other library employees by analyzing interactions. This article summarizes the results of data gathered from interaction assessments and compares them with surveys about the current perceptions of the cataloging unit at the Utah State University Libraries. It discusses the ways these results have influenced existing unit workflows to enhance awareness of cataloging and metadata contributions to the library and posits possible ways to continue such initiatives moving forward.  相似文献   
合作教育学以研究与利用课堂教学的人际关系为基点,以目标设计为先导,以师生、先生和师师合作为基本动力,是一种具有创意和实效的教学理论。  相似文献   
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