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剖析有关概念的人文词源发现:治理实质是模糊人本、相对科学、相互人道的假定交往方法,由思行合一、虚实辩证的能动思维方式所支配;所有的劳动产品都是物质与精神的辩证统一,必由客观空间环境、地缘差异文化、多元思维方式所决定。图书馆是虚拟事物,人对物化精神产品的学习研究、创作传播、存取利用是密不可分的整体,呈现地域单元、虚实主体、相互评价的治理框架。图书馆机构是决策、执行、监督的法人治理结构。  相似文献   
刘淑华 《编辑学报》2011,23(4):336-338
为进一步提高期刊的质量和办刊水平,《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》编辑部树立人本管理理念,以提高编辑素质为切入点,加强内部管理,建章立制,重点建立并完善了质量管理制度、岗位责任制和绩效考核制度,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   
人本主义视野下的高校外语教师继续教育研究不仅强调教师在教学过程中自我认知的建构,更关注教师社会需求下的“职业生命”价值,其中职业信念、职业认同和职业素养是教师有效实现专业化发展的前提和保障,以此建立长效管理机制,优化教师发展的外部环境,帮助教师自身问题的解决,有助于进一步推动我国高校外语教师继续教育的发展,更好地为教育改革服务。  相似文献   
《弗兰肯斯坦》的科幻色彩,浪漫气息以及深切的人文关怀,让它成为有史以来最伟大的恐怖作品之一。本文试从其多样性的体裁视角来解读这部小说独特的艺术魅力。  相似文献   
Ethiopia has launched a grand scheme of renaissance to realise fast-paced economic growth. The two Growth and Transformation Plans spanning five years each (2010/11– 2015/16 and 2016/17 – 2020/21) outlined major targets towards which the country intends to mobilise all its resources. In the education sector, this vision is understood as producing a workforce that can realise massive industrialisation. However, what is conceived as ‘renaissance’ in Ethiopia and what kind of education is viewed as capable of bringing it is very mechanical, reductive and utilitarian compared to the Renaissance movements of the late-medieval Europe, which were holistic endeavours to culturally uplift and humanise individuals and societies. The purpose of this paper is to compare the educational views of Christian humanists – the European renaissance thinkers who wrote the early-modern renaissance utopias – with what is conceived today as ‘renaissance’ education in Ethiopia as embedded in major educational policy documents.  相似文献   
那达幕是勤劳勇敢的蒙古民族人民在千百年的历史发展过程中逐渐形成、发展并传承至今的娱乐、体育、文化和民俗相结合的盛会。人文奥运理念是在中国哲学人文思想基础上提出的并与现代奥运理念相融合的精神理念,是北京奥运精神的核心和灵魂,具有丰富的内涵。那达慕精神与北京人文奥运理念在许多方面是相同的。随着国际一体化的进程加快,各种文化的交流与交融更加迅疾,草原那达慕具有鲜明民族性格、鲜活独特魅力与勃勃生机的文化,应该是世界的,为全人类所共有。  相似文献   
通过对北京奥运会马术比赛成功举办的分析,对马道内涵进行了阐释,指出我们应当马道地对待赛马,并对北京奥运如何讲马道进行了探讨,希望能为有关部门和相关人员提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
The 2004 National Framework for Religious Education (NFRE) innovatively recommended that secular philosophies such as humanism, or secular worldviews, be included in locally agreed syllabuses for religious education (RE) in England. However, the NFRE is a non‐statutory document, and Agreed Syllabus Conferences (ASCs) and Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs), the bodies responsible for RE in each local authority (LA) in England, are not obliged to respond to its recommendations. This article reports the responses of 80 LAs to the recommendation to include secular worldviews, and examines the range of mechanisms for including secular worldviews across 27 agreed syllabuses. The author discusses key issues to consider when revising agreed syllabuses to include secular worldviews and concludes that, while there is not yet a best model for inclusion of secular worldviews, many locally agreed syllabuses are valuable in pointing ways forward.  相似文献   
古代美索不达米亚的宗教是一种自然崇拜和多神崇拜的宗教。深入其内部,可见具有神人合一而以人为本的结构特点,系浓厚的人本主义因素使然。由此决定,才表现出世俗的功利主义、现实主义和个人主义的外部特征,这对古代希腊、罗马文化产生了深远影响,实是文艺复兴人文主义的最初源头。  相似文献   
郑静 《科教文汇》2012,(13):121-122
本文认为在新的大学英语教学形式下,构建情感互动教学模式是外语教学的发展的必然,并分析了情感活动教学的内涵。在构建情感活动教学模式时必须遵循一定的科学原则,本文提出以下三个重要原则:学生自主性原则、课堂活力原则和人文主义原则。  相似文献   
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