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[目的/意义] 对美国《图书馆杂志》从1992年开始设立的"年度图书馆"奖的评选标准以及获奖图书馆的特色服务进行研究,旨在为我国图书馆开展特色化服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 通过网络调查法和案例分析法,对2000-2018年获得"年度图书馆"奖的19所图书馆开展的特色服务进行比较分析。[结果/结论] 获奖图书馆的服务特色:重视公民教育,强化教育职能;强调均等服务理念,体现人文关怀;提供多元社区信息服务,参与社区建设;树立品牌意识,打造品牌项目。对我国图书馆界的启示:科学合理地进行角色定位;积极参与社区贫困计划;强化特色服务品牌意识;拓宽合作领域。  相似文献   

Professional American football games are recorded in digital video with multiple cameras, often at high resolution and high frame rates. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a videogrammetry technique to calculate translational and rotational helmet velocity before, during and after a helmet impact. In total, 10 football impacts were staged in a National Football League (NFL) stadium by propelling helmeted 50th percentile male crash test dummies into each other or the ground at speeds and orientations representative of concussive impacts for NFL players. The tests were recorded by experienced sports film crews to obtain video coverage and quality typically available for NFL games. A videogrammetry procedure was used to track the position and rotation of the helmet throughout the relevant time interval of the head impact. Compared with rigidly mounted retroreflective marker three dimensional (3-D) motion tracking that was concurrently collected in the experiments, videogrammetry accurately calculated changes in translational and rotational velocity of the helmet using high frame rate (two cameras at 240 Hz) video (7% and 15% error, respectively). Low frame rate (2 cameras at 60 Hz) video was adequate for calculating pre-impact translational velocity but not for calculating the translational or rotational velocity change of the helmet during impact.  相似文献   
以中国科学院大学雁栖湖校区为例,用城市雨洪管理模型(SWMM)模拟2016-2017年48场降雨事件中所有子汇水小区的径流过程;在验证可靠的基础上,探讨径流量空间分布与降雨和下垫面的关系,是开展防汛工作的重要基础。结果表明,径流量高值区多位于沥青小区,而低值区多位于绿地小区。沥青最易产流,绿地最不易产流。砌砖易产生中等量级的径流,混凝土较砌砖更易产流,但二者在不同降雨事件下的产流规律相似。沥青小区和砌砖小区的地表径流量均与坡度呈极显著或显著线性正相关关系。对沥青-砌砖和沥青-绿地小区,将非渗透面积比例(PIC)降至60%可明显控制其暴雨和大雨径流。要明显控制大暴雨径流,可将沥青-绿地小区的PIC降至30%以下;但降低PIC对沥青-砌砖小区大暴雨径流的控制作用不明显。研究结果可为海绵城市建设和城市内涝防洪提供理论依据和决策建议。  相似文献   
高分值难度动作的选编是竞技健美操比赛运动员获胜的根本。作为难度组合的常用动作,提臀类与分切类难度动作在国际高水平赛事中选用甚多,两类动作技术的掌握对于运动员成套编排和训练以及难度分值的提升尤为重要。以高分值难度A207与A220为例,对提臀类与分切类难度动作进行运动学对比研究.比赛中两个难度区分度较低,容易混淆,A220较A207更具竞争力,但A220难度技术复杂,失误率较大。运用Qualisys红外光点高速运动捕捉系统,深层次剖析A220与A207每个动作阶段的运动学特征。研究结果表明:1)以背阔肌为主导的肩关节稳定性是提臀类和分切类难度动作推起腾空的基础。2)分切类难度肩关节高度高于髋关节,左右髋关节角度变化差异较提臀类难度动作更大。3)A207与A220两个动作总体用时无显著性差异,身体重心Z轴位移变化趋势无明显差异。4)腾起高度是运动员高质量完成提臀类与分切类难度动作的基本条件。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate kinematic and spatiotemporal variables of aquatic treadmill walking at three different water depths. A total of 15 healthy individuals completed three two-minute walking trials at three different water depths. The aquatic treadmill walking was conducted at waist-depth, chest-depth and neck-depth, while a customised 3-D underwater motion analysis system captured their walking. Each participant’s self-selected walking speed at the waist level was used as a reference speed, which was applied to the remaining two test conditions. A repeated measures ANOVA showed statistically significant differences among the three walking conditions in stride length, cadence, peak hip extension, hip range of motion (ROM), peak ankle plantar flexion and ankle ROM (All p values < 0.05). The participants walked with increased stride length and decreased cadence during neck level as compared to waist and chest level. They also showed increased ankle ROM and decreased hip ROM as the water depth rose from waist and chest to the neck level. However, our study found no significant difference between waist and chest level water in all variables. Hydrodynamics, such as buoyancy and drag force, in response to changes in water depths, can affect gait patterns during aquatic treadmill walking.  相似文献   
摘要:习近平总书记在十九大报告中出要广泛开展全民健身活动,加快推进体育强国建设。随着“健康中国”上升为国家战略、居民消费升级需求日益加深,我国运动休闲特色小镇的发展路径显得尤为重要。在此背景下,专家学者和业界名流齐聚北京大学,集思广益、畅所欲言,为特色小镇献计献策,共商特色小镇建设合作大计。此次中国体育产业高峰论坛分论坛以“运动休闲特色小镇”为主题,对运动休闲特色小镇这个概念进行了全方位、系统性的深刻剖析,并结合运动休闲特色小镇相关成功实践经验,从前期策划、设计、投资到后期的建设、运营,再到内容为王、跨界融合、聚集建构效应,多层次、多角度阐释了运动休闲特色小镇建构的内在机理和方法,为建设运动休闲特色小镇事业,开创全新体育文化产业格局提供了切实可行的路径。  相似文献   
为提高自动化集装箱码头自动导引小车(automated guided vehicle,AGV)作业效率和利用率,考虑AGV的电量续航能力和重空载的耗电差异,在AGV任务选择时综合考虑任务距离和各任务紧急程度,并设置AGV充电结束条件以减少AGV排队等待的时间,建立以最小化完成任务总时间为目标的AGV调度模型。用Java进行实例求解。结果表明,对AGV采用多频次充电并将其允许工作电量百分比设定为71%时,完成任务总时间最短,耗电量最小,且AGV利用率较高。  相似文献   

Fast bowling is categorised into four action types: side-on, front-on, semi-open and mixed; however, little biomechanical comparison exists between action types in junior fast bowlers. This study investigated whether there are significant differences between action-type mechanics in junior fast bowlers. Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic analyses were completed on 60 junior male fast bowlers bowling a five-over spell. Mixed-design factorial analyses of variance were used to test for differences between action-type groups across the phases of the bowling action. One kinetic difference was observed between groups, with a higher vertical ground reaction force loading rate during the front-foot contact phase in mixed and front-on compared to semi-open bowlers; no other significant group differences in joint loading occurred. Significant kinematic differences were observed between the front-on, semi-open and mixed action types during the front-foot contact phase for the elbow and trunk. Significant kinematic differences were also present for the ankle, T12-L1, elbow, trunk and pelvis during the back-foot phase. Overall, most differences in action types for junior fast bowlers occurred during the back-foot contact phase, particularly trunk rotation and T12-L1 joint angles/ranges of motion, where after similar movement patterns were utilized across groups during the front-foot contact phase.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 论文出版过程中,若能够合理有效地呈现出一篇学术论文的核心观点,不仅可以大大减少科研人员在查找和筛选文献上花费的时间,而且有助于阅读与理解。[方法/过程] 通过标注385篇XML格式期刊论文,构建了研究语料库,再利用关键词分析法对亮点的语言学特征进行分析,借助自然语言处理算法探索亮点的分布特征。[结果/结论] 亮点是一组规范的、语义明确的短句的集合,是一篇学术论文与其他论文相比较的新观点、新视角、新方法、新思路、新结果、新结论等内容的体现。亮点具有新颖性、简明性、易读性、"宣传"性等特点。亮点分为研究创新型亮点、研究方法型亮点、研究过程型亮点与研究结论型亮点,本文发现了亮点在正文和各章节的分布情况。  相似文献   

The purpose was to quantify the effects of mid-flight whole-body and trunk rotation on knee mechanics in a double-leg landing. Eighteen male and 20 female participants completed a jump-landing-jump task in five conditions: no rotation, testing leg ipsilateral or contralateral (WBRC) to the whole-body rotation direction, and testing leg ipsilateral (TRI) or contralateral to the trunk rotation direction. The WBRC and TRI conditions demonstrated decreased knee flexion and increased knee abduction angles at initial contact (2.6 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3) and increased peak vertical ground reaction forces and knee adduction moments during the 100 ms after landing (1.7 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3). The TRI condition also showed the greatest knee internal rotation angles at initial contact and peak knee abduction and internal rotation angles and peak knee extension moments during the 100 ms after landing (2.0 > Cohen’s dz > 0.5). Whole-body rotation increased contralateral knee loading because of its primary role in decelerating medial-lateral velocities. Trunk rotation resulted in the greatest knee loading for the ipsilateral knee due to weight shifting and mechanical coupling between the trunk and lower extremities. These findings may help understand altered trunk motion in anterior cruciate ligament injuries.  相似文献   
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