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This article reports on issues of diversity in the context of widening participation in global higher education (HE). Mature students represent a third of the HE student population in Australia, Canada, UK and the USA. More research is needed to understand factors that can facilitate or hinder access to HE for this group. The aim of this study was to examine factors that a small group of mature students perceived influenced them as they made the decision to take up HE. Six undergraduate students at a British university who were on track to finish their studies took part in semi-structured interviews. All participants were white and from families with no previous experience of HE. Mean age was 42.7 years (range 35–51), and 50% were female. The interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Through using phenomenological analysis to analyse perceptions of changing motivation and goals during the decision-making process to take up HE, a detailed understanding of the complexity of these change processes was obtained. The analysis offers evidence that mature students experience far-reaching personal and social changes related to their decision to enter HE and adds a novel understanding of these identity-changes. This new insight is of fundamental importance to the field because the novel understanding of mature students’ meaning-making could be used to tailor interventions to facilitate access to HE for mature students.  相似文献   
A common phenomenon in online discussion groups is the individual who baits and provokes other group members, often with the result of drawing them into fruitless argument and diverting attention from the stated purposes of the group. This study documents a case in which the members of an online community--a feminist web-based discussion forum--are targeted by a "troll" attempting to disrupt their discussion space. We analyze the strategies that make the troller successful and the targeted group largely ineffectual in responding to his attack, as a means to understand how such behavior might be minimized and managed in general. The analysis further suggests that feminist and other nonmainstream online forums are especially vulnerable, in that they must balance inclusive ideals against the need for protection and safety, a tension that can be exploited by disruptive elements to generate intragroup conflict.  相似文献   
颠覆性技术遴选是在一定范围内对颠覆性技术的发展现状和未来趋势进行预测识别和评价判断的行为,其目的是确定未来国家军事、产业和经济发展重点并科学有效进行规划和部署。在深入研究国内外颠覆性技术遴选现状和预测评估理论基础上,结合我国发展实际,从理论上研究了颠覆性技术遴选评价的体系框架,提出颠覆性技术遴选的基本思路和运行流程。  相似文献   
渭干河平原绿洲景观演变及其对土壤性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在专题图件、实测土壤数据以及GIS与RS技术的支撑下,研究新疆天山南麓渭干河平原1980年到2001年绿洲景观变化及其对土壤性状的影响.结果表明,20年来区内以耕地为主体的人工绿洲景观面积大幅增加,天然绿洲和荒地面积减少,水域和荒漠面积略有增加;人工绿洲面积扩展的主要供体为荒地和天然绿洲,共有31.8%的天然绿洲和35.1%的荒地转化成人工绿洲,人工绿洲的9.9%和2.2%退化为荒地和荒漠景观;天然绿洲转化为人工绿洲,土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾分别下降了51.0%、42.6%、7.2%、43.2%和44.9%;荒地转化为人工绿洲,有机质、全氮和速效钾各自减少了3.1%、12.9%和12.6%,碱解氮和速效磷则提高了25.9%和16.7%.人工绿洲的扩展导致土壤养分在总体上呈下降趋势.此外,绿洲景观的变化对土壤含水量和土壤含盐量也产生较大的影响.  相似文献   
札剌亦儿是一个古老而具有影响的部落,其驻地随着蒙古高原和蒙元历史的演进而有所变迁。公元8—9世纪,札剌亦儿部曾驻牧于哈剌和林一带。辽代东移至斡难与怯绿连河之间。蒙古国建立不久,又移牧漠南上都路。随着元朝建立,忽必烈迁都幽燕,札剌亦儿部被徙至辽河流域,讫元终。另有部分家系,因身系军籍或累世入仕朝廷,从而得以驻留汉地食邑或分戍中原。  相似文献   
本文着眼于广义修辞学视野,观察20世纪80年代中期以来国内的小说语言变异研究,对现有研究成果的学科分布、理论资源、研究方法、优长与缺失、学术影响等进行梳理和论析,以期为该领域的研究现状描画一个大致的轮廓.  相似文献   
近代中国各政权出于各种目的制定了一系列劳工法规,形成了独特的劳工法制多元格局。这一局面又历经变迁,最终以中国共产党的劳工法范式占主导地位而结局;但劳工法制多元格局却一直延续至今。  相似文献   
明代前期,骚体文学由抒写时代和个人命运的乱世悲音,转而成为服务于统治者统治、歌功颂德、粉饰太平的道统、应制之文体,内容空洞、庸俗,虽多少仿得屈骚“惊采绝艳”之文辞,却毫无屈骚精神可言。  相似文献   
走城市化道路是一个国家迈向现代化的必由之路。我国西部地区的整体发展水平远远落后于东部和中部发达地区,如何启动西部的城市化是当前需要特别关注的问题。绵阳是共和国历史上移植现代工业和高科技而形成的一座新兴城市,绵阳的城市发展历程在共和国历史上较为典型,在西部地区也较为成功。本文选取绵阳城市作为研究个案,着重探讨西部内陆地区走城市化道路的问题。  相似文献   
“自然价值”与21世纪   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“人类中心主义”是 2 0世纪的关键词 ,“自然价值”是 2 1世纪的关键词。在实践转变方面 ,环境保护、资源保护、实施可持续发展战略需要确立自然价值概念 ;在理论转变方面 ,科学转变、经济学转变、伦理学转变和哲学转变需要确立自然价值概念  相似文献   
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