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习近平主席提出"一带一路"的理念和经济发展战略规划,标志着我国经济发展以及外交事务进入了一个新的历史阶段,但从经济发展的角度看,这个理念把过去经济发展,特别是国家经济联系的点对点的模式拓展成为一个多方合作共赢的立体网状空间,这为新时期经济发展模式拓展了空间和思路。运动休闲产业作为中国的新型产业,过去对西方国家的依赖太重,这个并不受西方技术壁垒的产业之所以难称民族产业,原因在于西方产品与理念在我国市场上占据了先入为主的优势,"一带一路"建设为我国运动休闲产业的发展或者说起飞提供良好的契机,构建"一带一路"运动休闲产业经济带是我国运动休闲产业全面发展的重要基础。  相似文献   

This study aimed to present a model of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) by incorporating international posture, motivational disposition (ideal L2 self), second language (L2) self-confidence, and metacognitive learning strategies. To this end, 150 Iranian L2 learners, selected through convenience sampling procedure, took part in the research. The findings of structural equation modelling revealed that the proposed model showed adequate fit to the data, implying that the model is appropriate in Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) context. Also, the results indicated that learners with a high level of international posture are more likely to bridge the gap between their present and ideal selves. This was, additionally, argued that internationally oriented and ideally motivated learners become confident of their abilities to get engaged in interaction with L2 target communities. Furthermore, metacognitive learning strategies were found to be directly associated with ICC, implicating that the learners who continuously reflect on their learning and evaluate their performances are more prone to have a higher level of ICC. Finally, suggestions were offered for language teachers and policy-makers to inspire their learners to be more competent in communication with people of other cultures and languages.  相似文献   
医学留学生的课程设置以专业课为主,涉及的人文学科及人文教育相对较少。将人文素质教育融入医学专业的教学过程中,不仅有助于提高留学生学习医学的兴趣,增强教学效果,而且对增强学生的社会责任感、使命感以及培养学生的科学思维和素养等方面具有深远的影响。文章主要介绍本系教师在病理学教学中培养留学生医学人文素质的思考及实践。  相似文献   
东盟区域龙狮运动传播过程中伦理困境的解决是促进龙狮运动在国际上传播的重要影响因素。面对传播者的行为瓶颈问题,应从提高传播者的道德意识做起;面对传播媒介沦陷的问题,应注意龙狮运动传播媒介作用的正确发挥;面对中西方文化差异问题,应促进各国文化的融合;面对受众对龙狮运动的误解,应扩大对龙狮运动的正面宣传。深入解决龙狮运动传播的伦理困境,加快龙狮文化的国际传播脚步。  相似文献   
分析澳大利亚政府为实现其"富有创造力的中等强国"目标而在体育促进发展、体育外交领域实施的一系列资助计划和发展战略,将澳大利亚体育外交战略规划与实践的成功之处概括为6个方面,即体育外交与国家发展战略高度关联、战略目标关注国际社会前沿议题、战略实施中建立多元合作伙伴模式、战略资金保障制度健全、重视发挥大型体育赛事作用、实施体育外交绩效评估。据此提出对中国体育外交的启示:①持续增强体育综合实力,获得广泛国际认可;②构建中国体育外交战略,坚持周边体育外交优先发展;③提供具有吸引力的体育思想,主导国际体育秩序变迁;④建立多元体育外交合作模式,充分动员各种社会力量;⑤重视体育外交绩效评估,确保实现国家核心利益。  相似文献   
Student exchange programs and trips abroad are consistently portrayed in scholarship as a strategy for promoting students’ global competence. Through a thematic document analysis of a mandatory course developed by the Israeli MOE for students embarking on trips abroad and additional sources, I explore the discourse used to portray these trips in the Israeli context, showing an alternative model that places the state rather than students at the center of these programs. Although from an education perspective this discourse is distinct, political science scholarship suggests the goals it embodies could be embedded across many national contexts, albeit more discretely.  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the influence of the cultural elements on international students’ country choice. It also examines whether individual values moderate the influence of cultural elements on the country choice of international students. Drawing upon a sample size of 223, the data was analysed using structural equation modelling technique. Among the five cultural elements, education, language and social institutions were found to have a positive significant influence on the international student’s country choice. When moderated by individual values education was found to be the only key significant value to international students when selecting a country to further their education. The cultural elements should be given much attention by marketers, government and managers of academic institutions. An improvement in the standards of education in developing countries would attract more students from developed countries.  相似文献   
运用文献资料等研究方法,基于"契机-轨迹"理论,对中美建交40年来体育文化交流情况进行了回顾和梳理,分析了外交政策导向下中美体育文化交流"契机"的形成和"轨迹"的发展,解读中美建交的历史背景和体育文化交流的特征与价值。认为:在"和平与发展""构建开放合作和谐社会""新时代构建新型国际关系"外交政策的影响下,中美体育文化交流具有体育文化财富的共享性、体育竞技的对等性、体育文化交流的公共性特征;中美体育文化交流促进中美建交,促进中美和平发展;改变世界格局,获得话语权;树立国家形象,展示大国责任;深化体育改革,促进社会发展。  相似文献   
运用双框架模型对中美竞技体育国际竞争力进行比较研究。认为:①从显现性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力一直稳定处于高位,而中国则呈现以2008年为峰顶的倒“U”型发展特征,且与美国还存在一定差距;②从解释性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力已趋于顶峰,而中国稳步提升;③中国竞技体育发展潜力巨大,但短时间内难以赶超美国;④“举国体制”有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升,但与美国社会办竞技体育的发展模式相比,市场、社会在竞技体育发展中的作用发挥不足,不利于高经济性项目、高欣赏性项目的发展;⑤坚持“举国体制”、承办2022年冬奥会有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升和冬季项目的发展,但同样存在竞技体育项目布局转型的困难和群众体育基础薄弱的困境。  相似文献   
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