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Contemporary information technologies such as social media have invigorated the way knowledge is shared within organizations to the extent that we have to rethink and reassess our understanding of the role and influence of technology in organizational processes and knowledge sharing. This paper uses the strategy as practice lens guided by the interpretivist philosophy to understand the influence of informal social media practices on knowledge sharing and work processes within an organization. The paper uses empirical evidence from the case study of a telecom organization in Tanzania to gain theoretical insight into informal social media practices and knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the Information Systems (IS) literature by asserting that organizational processes are achieved by mundane knowledge sharing mediated by informal social media use within the organization. Also, the study contributes to IS literature by highlighting how emerging informal practices are essential to daily processes within organizations.  相似文献   

地域文化的传播与交流拓展了整个民族的文化时间和文化空间,从而不可避免地拓展了这个民族生命存在的时空形态,构成了民族文化的灿烂星空。本文从西部文化资源传播价值入手,在梳理西部文化传播巨大市场空间和西部媒介拓展地域文化巨大优势的同时,进一步指出西部传媒在地域文化传承中存在的问题,提出西部传媒在地域文化传承方面必须制订长期的发展战略,整合传媒资源,坚持“文化品位”,提升节目的“特色”和“内涵”,建立文化传播平台,在培育市场和受众群体中拓展栏目的生命空间,创办具有浓郁地域特色的文化栏目,在继承与创新中走出西部传媒的发展新路。  相似文献   

Identifying and extracting user communities is an important step towards understanding social network dynamics from a macro perspective. For this reason, the work in this paper explores various aspects related to the identification of user communities. To date, user community detection methods employ either explicit links between users (link analysis), or users’ topics of interest in posted content (content analysis), or in tandem. Little work has considered temporal evolution when identifying user communities in a way to group together those users who share not only similar topical interests but also similar temporal behavior towards their topics of interest. In this paper, we identify user communities through multimodal feature learning (embeddings). Our core contributions can be enumerated as (a) we propose a new method for learning neural embeddings for users based on their temporal content similarity; (b) we learn user embeddings based on their social network connections (links) through neural graph embeddings; (c) we systematically interpolate temporal content-based embeddings and social link-based embeddings to capture both social network connections and temporal content evolution for representing users, and (d) we systematically evaluate the quality of each embedding type in isolation and also when interpolated together and demonstrate their performance on a Twitter dataset under two different application scenarios, namely news recommendation and user prediction. We find that (1) content-based methods produce higher quality communities compared to link-based methods; (2) methods that consider temporal evolution of content, our proposed method in particular, show better performance compared to their non-temporal counter-parts; (3) communities that are produced when time is explicitly incorporated in user vector representations have higher quality than the ones produced when time is incorporated into a generative process, and finally (4) while link-based methods are weaker than content-based methods, their interpolation with content-based methods leads to improved quality of the identified communities.  相似文献   

Marketers increasingly use social media platforms as a promotion channel, and doing this, they prefer highly interactive social media because it allows consumers to socialize and network better. However, in this media, attention is often restricted towards primary purpose only as a result of the level of interactivity, thereby affecting consumer response towards the advertisement(ad). In this setting, the study analyzes the role of media interactivity and the effects it has on the reaction of customers towards the social media ad. Further, the study also introduces the conditional role of message relevant aspects, such as message vividness and anthropomorphism, and examines the intervening role of flow experience. Results from a between-subjects study indicate that interactivity hurts the consumer ad reactions. It also suggests that the right use of message relevant aspects can mitigate these adverse effects. Thus, the study makes a significant contribution to the literature and practice regarding the effects of social media interactivity which is relatively recent and has been overlooked by past researchers.  相似文献   

铜仁市有得天独厚的民族旅游自然景观和人文景观,为民族传统体育旅游的发展提供了广阔的前景。本文通过对立足发展倾力打造铜仁“龙舟文化”旅游品牌和“龙舟文化”促进了铜仁旅游业和经济的快速发展的研究,以期让人们更好地认识和把握铜仁“龙舟文化”的发展态势,抓住机遇,扩大影响力。倾力打造“中国西部名城”、铜仁“龙舟文化”旅游品牌,借助“龙舟文化”这一特色活动,促使铜仁市民族传统体育旅游真正成为民族地区经济发展新的增长点,进一步推动铜仁市文化旅游产业和经济的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

[目的] 为探究社交媒体平台用户倦怠行为形成机制与规律,引导平台向更好方向发展。[方法] 结合心理学、复杂系统及决策科学,构建社交媒体平台影响用户倦怠行为分析框架,用演化博弈方法分析平台、用户行为策略,考虑个人异质性和平台环境差异性作用,进行数据仿真。[结论] 用户内容资源贡献、时间成本投入、固定收益是影响倦怠行为关键因素。此外,"利他型"用户和"友好"平台环境氛围有利于用户和平台关系稳定。  相似文献   

翟姗姗  胡畔  吴璇  孙雪莹 《情报科学》2021,39(10):118-125
【目的/意义】从新媒体社交平台中用户行为角度分析造成“信息茧房”的影响因素,探究突破特定内容领 域“信息茧房”困境、提升信息传播力的策略。【方法/过程】本文构建了新媒体社交平台中“信息茧房”现象影响因素 模型,运用相关分析与回归分析定量化检验新媒体社交平台中“信息茧房”现象产生的多重影响因素,在此基础上 提出突破茧房提高非遗短视频传播力的策略。【结果/结论】选择性接触行为、信息偶遇和主观规范直接正向影响 “信息茧房”感知和“信息茧房”突破意愿;使用时间、使用频率、单次使用时长和关注人数间接正向影响“信息茧房” 感知和“信息茧房”突破意愿。【创新/局限】本文借助于抖音APP为实证平台,融合新媒体社交平台结构属性与资源 内容属性双重特征,针对特定内容领域的信息茧房现象探索影响因素的形成动力与信息传播规律。  相似文献   

社会化媒体的兴起推动了用户参与创新的方式由线下转向线上,使用户参与创新日益向分布式、网络式和协作式转变.学术界对此变化的关注逐渐升温,并产生了一些创造性的成果.本文基于该主题的国内外研究进展,首先解释了社会化媒体情景下用户参与创新的起源和内涵,并对实践中出现的多种基于社会化媒体的用户创新方式进行了类型划分.进一步地,从社会化媒体情景下用户参与创新的前因、过程和效果3个方面总结了当前研究的主要成果.在此基础上,构建了社会化媒体情景下用户参与创新的系统性解释框架.最后,就社会化媒体情境下用户参与服务创新、识别有效创新用户、用户知识转移过程以及创新生态网络等问题对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

孟健  姜燕 《现代情报》2015,35(11):31-37
以基于用户点评的社会化商务网站"大众点评网"为研究对象,在文献分析与问卷调查的基础上,提取可能影响社会化商务环境下用户生成内容的动机因素并建立模型,利用统计学软件SPSS及结构方程软件AMOS对数据进行处理,构建与修正模型并验证相关假设,重构社会化商务环境下用户生成内容的动机模型。实证结果表明:社会信任、感知易用性、享乐动机及外部奖励显著正向影响用户生成内容行为,而社会交往、感知有用性及利他动机对用户生成内容行为并未产生显著影响。  相似文献   

家风又称门风,指一家或者一族世代相传的道德准则、生活作风。继承家风家训,探寻符合当代大学生家风教育的方法,对促进我国国民素质的整体提高有着非常积极的作用和重要意义。本文借鉴社会存在的家风家训的经验,探索适合培养大学生道德养成的途径,有利于加强当代大学生道德修养,将大学生道德文化修养与家风家训的内容相融合,深层次地挖掘传统家训家风教育之长处,注重当代家风家训的时代意蕴,充分发挥传统文化的有效作用。  相似文献   

庞立君  杨洲 《情报科学》2021,39(7):108-115
【目的/意义】虚拟品牌社区日渐成为企业和用户之间的重要沟通渠道,对于企业而言,如何引导用户助力 社区发展至关重要。基于自我决定理论探寻用户参与行为的影响因素及形成机制。【方法/过程】运用自我决定理 论,构建信息交互对用户参与行为(奉献行为、浏览行为)的影响机制模型,并探寻用户承诺(情感承诺、算计承诺) 在其中的中介作用。利用结构方程模型对收集的386份有效问卷进行分析。【结果/结论】研究结果表明,信息交互 能够有效促进用户参与行为,如奉献行为及浏览行为;情感承诺在信息交互与用户奉献行为间具有中介效应,算计 承诺在信息交互与用户浏览行为间具有中介效应;与算计承诺相比,情感承诺对奉献行为具有较强影响;与情感承 诺相比,算计承诺对浏览行为具有较强影响。【创新/局限】本文基于动机视角探寻信息交互对用户不同参与行为的 影响及作用机制,但尚未对其它影响因素如社会影响及社区类型等开展研究。  相似文献   

While some conceptual studies have highlighted the impact that Web 2.0 technology and social media have on cultural industries, empirical evidence is still missing. Specifically, no study has considered the role of cultural bloggers, who mediate the information flows from cultural organizations to consumers. To fill this gap, this paper suggests and tests a model that explains blog readers’ intentions to consume cultural products suggested by the blog. The findings from a sample of 215 cultural blog readers show that the impact of the blog on reader intention to consume the products suggested by the blog is strongly influenced by reader engagement with the blog. In addition, the results highlight the effects of content quality, enjoyment, and homophily. The implications of these findings for bloggers and for organizations communicating through bloggers are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The emerging research area of opinion mining deals with computational methods in order to find, extract and systematically analyze people’s opinions, attitudes and emotions towards certain topics. While providing interesting market research information, the user generated content existing on the Web 2.0 presents numerous challenges regarding systematic analysis, the differences and unique characteristics of the various social media channels being one of them. This article reports on the determination of such particularities, and deduces their impact on text preprocessing and opinion mining algorithms. The effectiveness of different algorithms is evaluated in order to determine their applicability to the various social media channels. Our research shows that text preprocessing algorithms are mandatory for mining opinions on the Web 2.0 and that part of these algorithms are sensitive to errors and mistakes contained in the user generated content.  相似文献   

西部文化产业跨越式发展思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球化,市场国际化以及WTO的加入,给我国西部文化产业带来前所未有的机遇和挑战。一方面,西部地区文化资源富集,有着深厚的文化底蕴;另一方面,由于客观原因,西部地区文化经济产业发展落后,与富集资源形成了鲜明反差。究其因,除了以往文化体制的弊端、文化产业创业环境差、文化投融资渠道小、基础条件比较薄弱以及发展文化产业的低科技含量等,最为重要的还是缺乏战略性人才,缺乏适应国际文化产业发展潮流的新型人才。  相似文献   

高校体育教育与民族传统体育特色优质教学资源开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄家莲 《大众科技》2011,(9):162-164
民族传统体育是中华民族文化的重要组成部分,将民族传统体育融入高校体育教育课程,不仅为高校体育教育的改革注入新内容和活力。而且对传承、弘扬民族传统体育文化有着重要意义。通过高校体育教育与民族传统体育特色优质教学资源整合,教学实验与课程评价的实践研究,论证民族传统体育在高校体育教育中的优势作用,适合大学生体育锻炼多元化的需...  相似文献   

In this study, the under-examined area of privacy perception and protection on Chinese social media is investigated. The prevalence of digital technology shapes the social, political and cultural aspects of the lives of urban young adults. The influential Chinese social media platform WeChat is taken as a case study, and the ease of connection, communication and transaction combined with issues of commercialisation and surveillance are discussed in the framework of the privacy paradox. Protective behaviour and tactics are examined through different perceptions of privacy in the digital age. The findings of this study suggest that users possess certain amount of freedoms on WeChat. However, users’ individual privacy attitudes and behaviour in practice suggest they have a declined sense of their own freedom and right to privacy. A privacy paradox exists when users, while holding a high level of concerns, in reality do little to further the protection of their personal information on WeChat. We argue that once a user has ingrained part of their social engagement within the WeChat system, the incentive for them to remain a part of the system outweighs their requirement to secure their privacy online as their decision-making is largely based on a simple cost-benefit analysis. The power and social capital yielded via WeChat is too valuable to give up as WeChat is widely used not only for private conversations, but also for study or work-related purposes. It further blurs the boundaries between the public, the professional and the private, which is a rather unique case compared with other social media around the world.  相似文献   

实施科教兴国的社会文化环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从文化层面分析了科技发展和科技转化为生产力的社会条件以及我国在发展科技、教育和经济过程中存在的文化观念方面的种种问题 ,指出我国要采用多种手段建设社会主义现代文化以保证科教兴国战略的实施  相似文献   

目前,媒体传播信息的方式逐渐发生改变,广大受众的需求也逐渐开始出现变化,在此种环境下,体育文化传播也应当顺应这种新形势,努力调整自身的传播策略,以此增强体育文化传播的竞争力与影响力,文章主要针对新媒体环境下的传播特征展开分析,并针对体育文化传播的策略进行研究。  相似文献   

In community-based social media, users consume content from multiple communities and provide feedback. The community-related data reflect user interests, but they are poorly used as additional information to enrich user-content interaction for content recommendation in existing studies. This paper employs an information seeking behavior perspective to describe user content consumption behavior in community-based social media, therefore revealing the relations between user, community and content. Based on that, the paper proposes a Community-aware Information Seeking based Content Recommender (abbreviated as CISCRec) to use the relations for better modeling user preferences on content and increase the reasoning on the recommendation results. CISCRec includes two key components: a two-level TransE prediction framework and interaction-aware embedding enhancement. The two-level TransE prediction framework hierarchically models users’ preferences for content by considering community entities based on the TransE method. Interaction-aware embedding enhancement is designed based on the analysis of users’ continued engagement in online communities, aiming to add expressiveness to embeddings in the prediction framework. To verify the effectiveness of the model, the real-world Reddit dataset (4,868 users, 115,491 contents, 850 communities, and 602,025 interactions) is chosen for evaluation. The results show that CISCRec outperforms 8 common baselines by 9.33%, 4.71%, 42.13%, and 14.36% on average under the Precision, Recall, MRR, and NDCG respectively.  相似文献   

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