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武晓兰  李昌军 《游泳》2005,(2):14-15
我们在挑选和训练少年儿童游泳运动员时,都会思考下面的一些问题: 训练的近期和远期目标是什么?少年儿童运动员的运动潜能有多大?各游泳项目最高成绩的发展与少年儿童 游泳运动员各年龄阶段训练有何关系?游泳技术、战术以及心理因素发展的趋势怎样?改进少年儿童游泳训练有什 么新途径、新方法和新手段?少年儿童游泳训练中可能出现的问题和解决方法?等等。 为了减少少年儿童游泳训练的盲目性,增强科学性,针对性和有效性,我们应当有根据地对上述问题进行"猜 测"。这就是通常所说的预测。预测在少年儿童游泳运动员训练工作中占有非常重要的地位。目前我国少年儿童游 泳运动员平均年龄大都在10岁-13-14岁之间,是游泳运动员打基础,为今后出成绩的年龄阶级,他们的运动成  相似文献   

长期以来在中国游泳界普遍认为竞技游泳属于青少年而不是成年人的运动项目。基于这种认识,在人才培养方面出现一些决策性偏差,表现在全国少年儿童游泳比赛分龄组中偏重于儿童,致使各级选材年龄相继提前,趋于小龄化。10~12岁儿童男子在一般情况下尚未进入青春发育期,竞赛却设3个组,处在青春期中的13~17岁少年只设2个组。这与少年儿童的生理、心理发育规律不相协调。11岁和12岁的两个儿童组其运动成绩已接近少年两个组的水平。这种年龄差别大,成绩差距小的现象导致省市专业队选材基本以11岁~12岁的儿童为主,而15~17岁少年选材机率的可能性…  相似文献   

何江海 《体育科技》2004,25(2):10-13
近年来中国男子游泳与迅速提高的世界游泳水平的差距日趋加大。落后的根本原因在于长期以来忽视了基础训练 ,造成游泳人才来源匮乏。针对此问题职能部门应集中力量把重点放在基础训练工作上 ,制定相关的倾斜政策 ,扶持基层业余体校的基础训练 ,尤其加强对 11~ 12岁男子儿童的训练管理 ,以改变我国男子游泳落后的面貌。  相似文献   

在游泳训练、教学中发现:少年儿童阶段的游泳训练能否掌握规范的泳姿,对运动员今后能否更好的发展起到了极为关键的作用。特别是游泳训练的初期选能够尽快地掌握规范的泳姿,对今后运动水平的不断提高尤为重要。本文通过对不同年龄、组别的少年儿童训练进行了跟踪统计、分析和研究。  相似文献   

武晓兰  李昌军 《游泳》2003,(6):37-38
我们在挑选和训练少年儿童游泳运动员时,都会思考下面的一些问题:训练的近期和远期目标是什么?少年儿童运动员的运动潜能有多大?各游泳项目最高成绩的发展与少年儿童游泳运动员各年龄阶段训练有何关系?游泳技术、战术以及心理因素发展的趋势怎样?改进少年儿童游泳训练有什么新途径、新方法和新手段?少年儿童游泳训练中可能出现的问题和解决方法等等。  相似文献   

题目刊期页码田径咨5 n 19 26 3210我们是怎样改进短跑训练的—在一九七八年全国短跑教练员训练班上的发言1我国短跑速度与速度耐力现状分析1国外短跑技术和训练理论介绍1从汤智敏的训练看少年儿童标枪运动员训练阶段的划分l从一九七八年全国田径达标赛看铅球技术的发展和青少年的训练1国内外男女短跑成绩的进展及分析1对第四届中日田径对抗赛男子百米跑的分析6游泳7 10 13 16 20 28 32392 2 2 2 2 2 2 22自由泳技术效能的测定与研究训练中长距离游泳运动员的几点体会汤群的多年训练开展少年游泳训练的初步体会我们是怎样进行少年儿童游泳训…  相似文献   

少年儿童的游泳训练要以“从小培养,多年训练”这样一个原则出发,从技术的初步掌握,动作质量的逐渐提高,再到四种姿势的全面发展,并随着年龄的增长和训练水平的提高而提高的。因此,少年儿童游泳技术教学的安排比例应占总训练量的50~60%。但随着年龄的增长、技术质量的逐渐提高,  相似文献   

从城运会游泳比赛看中国游泳后备人才储备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料调研、问卷调查等方法,通过城运会游泳比赛,对我国竞技游泳的后备人才的储备进行调查研究。结果显示,城运会男子运动员参赛年龄合适,涌现出成绩好、年龄小的运动员,女运动员整体年龄偏大,缺少运动成绩好而年龄小的尖子运动员;城运会教练员是一批素质好、年龄适宜、训练经验丰富的优秀游泳教练员,他们是我国游泳项目走向世界的有力保障;女子项目要想在2008年北京奥运会取得好成绩,除了保持现有的优秀运动员良好的竞技能力、延长运动寿命外,还需要不断培养新人才能寻求突破,而在男子项目上较长距离项目是我们的优势。  相似文献   

中国男子竞技游泳的社会学思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究结果表明 :中国男子游泳水平低于女子的原因是多方面的 ,身体素质和形态的差距较大 ,另外现行的训练体制的衔接对男子竞技游泳的发展有一定的制约。通过第 2 7届奥运会、九运会男子游泳比赛个人项目前 8名的成绩对比 ,找出存在的差距。着重从社会学角度分析、研究中国男子游泳现状 ,并提出建议。  相似文献   

随着多种科学技术在游泳选材和训练中的综合运用和人们对游泳规则认识的不断深化,竞技游泳成绩达到了相当高的水平.要想在当今世界泳坛上取得优异成绩,对于抓好少年儿童游泳运动员的选材和训练有着十分重要的意义.本文根据笔者14年从事少年儿童游泳运动员选材和训练的实践经验,运用现代的科学技术对这一向进行探讨.游泳科学选材与训练,是以现代科学的系统论。  相似文献   


Athletes’ energy distribution over a race (e.g. pacing behaviour) varies across different sports. Swimming is a head-to-head sport with unique characteristics, such as propulsion through water, a multitude of swimming stroke types and lane-based racing. The aim of this paper was to review the existing literature on pacing behaviour in swimming. According to PRISMA guidelines, 279 articles were extracted using the PubMed and Web of Science databases. After the exclusion process was conducted, 16 studies remained. The findings of these studies indicate that pacing behaviour is influenced by the race distance and stroke type. Pacing behaviours in swimming and time-trial sports share numerous common characteristics. This commonality can most likely be attributed to the lane-based racing set-up. The low efficiency of swimming resulting from propulsion through the water induces a rapid accumulation of blood lactate, prompting a change in swimmers’ biomechanical characteristics, with the goal of minimising changes in velocity throughout the race. Although the literature on youth swimmers is scarce, youth swimmers demonstrate more variable pacing profiles and have more difficulty in selecting the most beneficial energy distribution.  相似文献   

为了解上海游泳项目后备队伍现状及发展趋势,对全市12所游泳学校运动员、教练员及训练状况进行调查。结果显示,存在低年级运动员训练时间偏多、运动量偏大;高年级运动员训练普遍不足地;二、三线全面技术、耐力等基础训练抓得不够;竞赛制度有缺陷,训练与文化学习的有矛盾、人才流失等现象,影响了上海游泳后备人才的培养。笔者对此提出若干对策建议。  相似文献   

对游泳训练体制及后备人才培养现状的调查与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用文献资料和问卷调查等研究方法,对游泳训练体制及后备人才培养现状进行调查与分析。结果发现,目前我国的游泳训练体制造成运动员的流失及浪费很大,主要原因是:一线和二线运动队的容量太小;运动员进入专业训练的年龄偏小,难以承受大负荷的运动训练:一线运动员对自己的前途担忧。  相似文献   

Generally, swimmers pace themselves using their own judgement and the poolside clock during swimming training, fitness testing protocols or scientific investigation. The Aquapacer is a new pacing device that can be used to pace the swimming speed or stroke rate of the swimmer. The aims of this study were to determine if breaststroke swimmers could pace accurately during submaximal swimming using a poolside clock (Study 1) and the Aquapacer (Study 2), at swimming speeds at, just above and just below maximal 200 m time-trial speeds (using the Aquapacer, Study 3) and under three different race pacing conditions (using the Aquapacer, Study 4). Between 8 and 15 male national or club standard 200 m breaststroke swimmers participated in each of the studies. The swimmers in Study 2, despite being less well trained than the swimmers in Study 1 and part of a more heterogeneous group in terms of swimming performance, repeatedly demonstrated less random error in pacing, suggesting that the Aquapacer may be preferable to the poolside clock when swimmers are being required to pace accurately. The Aquapacer also enabled swimmers to pace accurately at race-specific swimming speeds (until fatigue precluded them from holding pace) (Study 3), and through a change in pace at race-specific speeds (Study 4), which suggests that it may be of use in entraining racing strategies.  相似文献   

Generally, swimmers pace themselves using their own judgement and the poolside clock during swimming training, fitness testing protocols or scientific investigation. The Aquapacer? is a new pacing device that can be used to pace the swimming speed or stroke rate of the swimmer. The aims of this study were to determine if breaststroke swimmers could pace accurately during submaximal swimming using a poolside clock (Study 1) and the Aquapacer? (Study 2), at swimming speeds at, just above and just below maximal 200 m time-trial speeds (using the Aquapacer?, Study 3) and under three different race pacing conditions (using the Aquapacer?, Study 4). Between 8 and 15 male national or club standard 200 m breaststroke swimmers participated in each of the studies. The swimmers in Study 2, despite being less well trained than the swimmers in Study 1 and part of a more heterogeneous group in terms of swimming performance, repeatedly demonstrated less random error in pacing, suggesting that the Aquapacer? may be preferable to the poolside clock when swimmers are being required to pace accurately. The Aquapacer? also enabled swimmers to pace accurately at racespecific swimming speeds (until fatigue precluded them from holding pace) (Study 3), and through a change in pace at race-specific speeds (Study 4), which suggests that it may be of use in entraining racing strategies.  相似文献   

浅析水中游戏对幼儿游泳初期教学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来游泳运动飞速发展,出现了竞技游泳运动员出成绩的年龄越来越小的现象。由于开始学习游泳的年龄越来越小,而国内在幼儿游泳研究与国外相比起步较晚,研究内容也较少。本文针对幼儿容易出现恐水怕水心理和注意力不集中这一年龄特点,提出了在幼儿游泳教学初期中应该采用何种有效的辅助手段,摆脱枯燥乏味的学习方法,来加快幼儿对水性的熟悉和对游泳情趣。  相似文献   

在游泳教学中,如何用量化的指标来科学地评判游泳者的游泳能力一直是游泳学界研究的热点。本文通过检测游泳能力掌握程度的不同对人体水中俯卧滑行能力的影响,讨论不同游泳能力者俯卧滑行能力的差异,反映游泳熟练程度对被动阻力的影响,来检验俯卧滑行能否作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。选取华南师范大学体育专业38名身体健康的大学生按游泳能力的不同分为三组(平均年龄19岁,身高1.72cm,体重64.23kg)作为实验对象分别测量俯卧滑行的距离。要求实验对象采用双手置于头前蹬边滑行的方式进行测试,以手到池边的距离为测量距离。采用单因素方差分析检验俯卧滑行距离是否存在组间差异。结果表明,游泳能力会影响俯卧滑行距离(被动阻力)。不同水平游泳者其俯卧滑行的距离在统计学中有显著性差异,说明俯卧滑行能力可以作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。  相似文献   

刘晓敏  刘华斌  金迪 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(5):619-620,F0003
随着社会的不断进步,健康越来越受到人们的重视,在各项体育运动中,游泳是一项非常有益人们身体健康的运动。仰泳是人们普遍认为比较"休闲"的一种泳姿,深受少年儿童的喜爱。因仰泳呼吸与其他泳姿不同,它是在水上呼吸,可以使初学者减少恐惧心理。学会了仰泳对于学习其他的泳姿,能起到事半功倍的作用。通过对不同层次的学员教学比较,重点探讨了少年儿童仰泳的教学方法,并结合实际情况,提出了在游泳教学中的几点可行性建议,以期对少儿游泳教学有一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

景晨 《体育科研》2019,(2):68-71
探讨手足相关派生指数与运动等级的相关度,为游泳运动员选材形态指标的精选提供理论依据。方法:对334名上海区级游泳学校、上海高校、上海市队、浙江省队游泳运动员手足表型进行测量统计并计算相应派生指数,对不同等级运动员手足面积表型与运动等级进行相关性分析。结果:男子游泳运动员手足面积表型与运动等级均无直线相关关系(相关系数小于0.3),女子足部派生指标与运动等级亦均无直线相关关系,仅手部面积Ⅰ表型与运动等级存在极显著性低度直线相关(P<0.01)。结论:手面积Ⅰ表型可入选女子游泳运动员二类选材指标。女子游泳运动员足面积表型和男子游泳员手足面积表型均不具备选材评价指标依据。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was (1) accurately estimate longitudinal relationships between decimal age (i.e., chronological and relative) and performance in Australian female 100 m (N = 765) and 200 m (N = 428) Breaststroke swimmers (10–18 years); and (2) determine whether corrective adjustment procedures could remove Relative Age Effects (RAEs) in an independent sample of age-matched 100 m (N = 2,491) and 200 m (N = 1,698) state/national level Breaststroke swimmers. In Part 1, growth curve modelling quantified longitudinal relationships between decimal age and swimming performance. In Part 2, relative age distributions (Quartile 1–4) for “All”, “Top 25%” and “10%” of swimming times were examined based on raw and correctively adjusted swim times for age-groups. Based on raw swim times, finding identified RAE effect sizes increased in magnitude (small-medium) with selection level (“All”-“Top 25%”) in 12–14 years age-groups for both events. However, when correctively adjusted swim performances were examined, RAEs were primarily absent across all age-groups and selection levels. Using longitudinal reference data, corrective adjustment procedures removed relative age advantages in female youth Breaststroke performance. Removing the influence of relative age-related differences is predicted to improve the accuracy of identifying genuinely skilled youth swimmers.  相似文献   

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