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裂变创业企业由于其遗传特性而通常被认为具有天生的合法性优势,然而实践显示,不少裂变创业企业脱胎于业务失败的母体企业,因此面临着组织合法性的挑战。通过双案例对比研究,本文发现,母体企业在业务失败的情境下,裂变创业企业面临源于裂变活动和创业活动的双重合法性门槛;裂变创业企业可以选择两种不同的组织身份变革路径获取认知合法性和社会政治合法性,以跨越合法性门槛。本文深化了裂变创业企业合法化策略的研究,对母体企业业务失败情境下的裂变创业活动具有重要启发意义。  相似文献   

科技型新创企业是国家创新驱动发展和促进经济增长的重要载体,但科技创业者的认知与行为方式触发创业成长的作用机理研究尚不充分。在253个科技创业者调研样本基础上,基于卷入理论和嵌入理论,探讨科技创业者创业双重卷入、资源网络嵌入与创业成长之间的关系。结果表明,科技创业者创业情境卷入和创业行业卷入均能显著促进创业成长;资源网络嵌入在创业双重卷入与创业成长之间起到中介作用;创业情境卷入与创业行业卷入交互效应通过资源网络嵌入提升了创业成长水平;创业行业卷入通过资源网络嵌入对创业成长的影响作用大于创业情境卷入通过资源网络嵌入对创业成长的影响作用。  相似文献   

创业者在实施创业的过程中,需要通过构建和利用社会网络以获取有价值的信息和资源,甄别并开发有价值的商业机会,进而创建新企业并推进所创企业健康成长。在创业过程中,特别是对于新创企业,创业者通常面临新进入缺陷和缺乏正当性或合法性的问题。因而,创业者妊须依靠自身的能力来构建社会网络,赢得网络成员的信任。与此同时,社会网络也会伴随着创业过程的推进而得到不断的完善和强化。研究社会网络在创业计划、创业决策、创业合作、创业激励中的作用,可以提高创业者及其企业的网络开发能力和经营能力,对于新创企业制定战略、促进创业企业成长壮大、促进中国创业型经济发展具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

社会网络关系为创业者习得储备知识和创业经验提供了大量资料来源,对新创企业的发展有着直接或间接影响,而知识获取来源、方式的各异也对企业成长绩效存在一定影响,故本研究沿袭社会网络中的逻辑思路,从向谁学、怎么学、学习结果如何层层递进关系中构建创业网络关系强度和信任、创业学习与新企业成长的关系模型,并分别就创业认知学习、创业体验学习和创业实践学习的中介效应做出探讨。据此,本文收集656份新创企业问卷数据,对理论假设采用结构方程模型进行实证检验。研究结果表明:(1)创业网络关系强度正向影响新创企业绩效;(2)网路关系的强度和网络信任影响着创业者对获取知识不同途径的选择;(3)创业认知学习、经验学习、实践学习三种学习方式,在创业网络关系嵌入与创业成长的关系中发挥部分中介作用,尤其创业经验对新创企业成长绩效有显著影响。  相似文献   

本文以知识流动为视角,整合企业家资源禀赋理论、知识创造和转移理论,运用网络爬虫工具以及文本和案例分析方法,探查互联网情境下创业者人力资本从创业者个体到创业企业成长的跨层次转移机理,明确知识转移绩效发挥的中介效应,揭示互联网情境在此链条发挥拓展接口、加速决策、深化螺旋的作用.研究结论廓清创业与学业的关系,为基于互联网情境的创业成长提供参考.  相似文献   

社会创业者双元价值内在逻辑冲突对于初创期社会企业发展的影响尤为关键。本研究以12个已经具有相对完善治理结构的社会企业创业者为研究对象,基于内在双元冲突视角,采用探索性多案例研究方法,提炼社会创业者角色身份和价值身份两个关键要素,探究单一型、混合型、平衡型社会创业者在社会创业意图、机会识别、信息反馈等方面的策略,并从社会创业价值平衡的相对平衡性、绝对强度两个维度,分析不同类型的社会创业者如何构建双元价值平衡模式。研究结论不仅为社会创业的多元选择和策略提供了解释依据,而且为社会创业者的创业路径提供了理论框架。  相似文献   

剖析双边道德风险条件下创业合作决策对合作关系的影响作用机理,构建创业合作的一般性纳什(Nash)谈判博弈,设计服务协议约束下双方合作的中庸策略,基于促成合作的思想对双边道德风险条件下4种创业合作情境的异质性均衡进行比较分析,揭示谈判博弈情境对"三高"型创业者博弈收益的作用机理。实证研究发现:中庸或聚点策略对创业合作绩效及公正性都具有显著的负向影响,收益转移互助模式相比非合作预案模式,对创业合作绩效具有更为关键的正向推动作用。基于此,分别从谈判、博弈规则、信息与资源管理等方面提出最优化创业合作建议,以有效抑制双边道德风险,真正消除创业过程中的漠然状态,最大限度地促进创业合作关系,提升创业合作绩效,加快创业企业成长,更好地实现"三高"型人才创业企业的长期可持续性发展目标。以期从理论层面上铺垫并夯实双边道德风险条件下创业合作关系的基础,丰富创业组织间合作关系理论和不同谈判情境下创业合作收益分配模型;从实践层面上为当代我国"三高"型人才创业企业良性成长及合作管制给出科学指引、经验依据和策略建议。  相似文献   

随着社会与组织环境日益复杂多变,创业情境的不确定性剧增。面对混合型组织存在的经济与社会双元目标的持续张力,社会创业者自身的身份认同模式不再停留于线性的、双元的、单向的关系,而是更为复杂、多元和混沌的多重身份“纠结”状态。本文采用扎根理论研究方法,基于44位社会创业者的访谈与交流、自我表述、社交媒体分享等数据,通过他们对社会创业过程的“自我叙述”,识别出社会创业者的3种多元身份,即个人身份、角色身份、组织—社会身份,以及生产型、孕育型、种植型和共生型4种多元身份建构模式及其心理机制,并进一步发现了不同心理机制下创业者平衡自我身份建构需求与组织合法性追求的多元身份整合结构。本文基于社会创业者多元身份视角探索性地解构了社会创业者所面临的多元身份管理挑战,从社会心理学的视角探索了社会企业家的创业过程,为政府及相关机构设计社会企业家支持系统提供了新的视角,并有助于指导社会企业家的心理调节和关怀。  相似文献   

对少数族群的移民创业者而言,外来劣势与资源匮乏是一个基本事实,有效的战略选择是移民创业企业获得创业成长的关键。本文聚焦于民族飞地战略、主流市场战略和跨国市场战略,系统地对比分析了移民创业三类战略选择的影响因素及结果。从移民创业战略选择的影响因素来看,微观层面的社会身份认知和创业者自身资源禀赋是决定其战略选择的关键,宏观层面的制度环境、经济环境和文化环境是主导战略选择的重要推动因素,而不同的战略选择会导致新创企业成长路径的演变。本文对移民创业战略选择进行系统的对比分析回顾,深化和扩展了战略与创业的相关研究。  相似文献   

 基于资源视角拓展了创业导向与创业绩效的经典模型,通过数据调查实证检验了学术型创业者资源支持、创业导向以及衍生企业绩效三者之间的关系,由此得出了相应的结论:(1)学术型创业者资源支持与创业绩效正相关,创业导向与创业绩效正相关;(2)创业导向在学术型创业者资源支持与衍生企业绩效之间起中介作用。学术型创业者获取资源的支持行为越多,创业导向越能促进绩效的改进。  相似文献   

The influence of the university department upon spin-off venture evolution is complex and dynamic. We examine how the university department context influences the spin-off process from the perspectives of both the spin-off venture and the department. By comparing the development of entrepreneurial competencies within spin-offs based in different departments at the same universities we observed significant differences in early venture performance. Small differences in initial departmental support from management and senior academics for gaining commercial experience and spending time exploring the commercial opportunity were seen to have a major impact upon the subsequent spin-off development path. Supported ventures gained momentum as the department helped develop entrepreneurial competencies and influenced how these competencies were developed from external actors outside the department. By contrast, a lack of departmental support for entrepreneurship severely constrained the evolution of spin-offs regardless of university level policies and practices. This emphasizes the need for a shift in focus from the well-studied university level to the relatively neglected department level to help explain institutional differences in university spin-off activity.  相似文献   

Companies that conduct internal research cannot fully specify the output from that research in advance. Inevitably, spillovers may result. A company might choose to create a technology spin-off company to realize value from such research spillovers. But how is such a spin-off to be governed? Effective spin-off governance structures in a highly uncertain environment must promote experimentation and adaptation, in order to unlock the latent value in a technology. These can conflict with structures intended to manage coordination with the parent firm’s complementary assets.This paper analyses 35 spin-off organizations that arose from the Xerox Corporation. Xerox’s own initial equity position is negatively correlated with the subsequent performance of its spin-offs, but this is due not to their equity per se, but Xerox’s practices in managing its spin-offs. Spin-offs with a higher percentage of venture capital investors on their Boards were associated with higher financial performance, while spin-offs with a Xerox insider as CEO were associated with lower financial performance. Qualitative interview data suggest that Xerox’s practices caused its spin-offs to search locally near Xerox’s own business, while spin-offs governed by outside investors’ practices searched a broader space for commercializing their technologies.  相似文献   

易朝辉  管琳 《科研管理》2018,39(11):166-176
大学衍生企业作为科研成果商业化的主要途径,其成长性一直是国内外学术界研究的热点问题。本文基于角色认同视角,以203家中国大学衍生企业为研究样本,通过问卷调查并利用结构方程模型实证检验了学者创业角色、创业导向以及大学衍生企业创业绩效之间的关系,研究结果表明:(1)学者创业角色促进了衍生企业创业绩效的提升;(2)学者创业角色对创业导向产生了积极作用;(3)创业导向对学者创业角色与衍生企业创业绩效之间的关系具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   

学术创业对于国家的技术进步、创新能力提升和区域经济发展都有着非常重要的影响,大学/科研院所衍生企业是学术创业的重要形式之一,也是促进科技成果转化的重要途径之一。近年来衍生企业相关研究逐渐兴起,成为学术界和产业界关注的热点话题。文章基于中国科学院及其各研究院所358家衍生企业2008-2017年的面板数据,采用固定效应模型,从资源基础理论和代理理论出发,探究了学术衍生企业的股东特征对衍生企业绩效的影响机制。结果发现,衍生企业的股东多样性对企业的专利产出和财务绩效均有显著的促进作用,研发投入在股东多样性与企业绩效中间起中介作用,股东多样性水平越高,对企业研发投入和企业绩效的促进作用越强。  相似文献   

H. Lawton Smith  K. Ho   《Research Policy》2006,35(10):1554-1568
The paper reports on a recent study, which uses various indicators to provide an insight on the performance of spin-off companies from the public sector research base in Oxfordshire (UK). The study builds upon the other studies and fills a gap in the field by gathering empirical information on the performance of technology-based spin-off companies. While the main geographical focus is the county of Oxfordshire, UK, the findings will also be of value for other researchers and institutions with an interest in assessing the performance of spin-off firms. The evidence shows that the number of spin-offs in Oxfordshire has increased rapidly over recent years, as the result of evolving national policy and the entrepreneurial culture of the universities and laboratories. However, the academics and scientists in Oxfordshire's institutions were already entrepreneurial in the 1950s, less so in the 1960s, but increasingly in the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in Oxford University, which is by far the largest generator of spin-offs in the region.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a taxonomy of corporate spin-off firms by exploring the nature of parent firm-spin-off firm relationship. Relying on the resource-based and the resource-dependence theory, special attention is paid to the complementarity of the resource base of the parent firm relative to its spin-off, the intensity of collaboration between the parent and the spin-off, and the dependence of the spin-off firm on the resources provided by the parent organization. Based on cluster analysis, we were able to identify three distinct groups of corporate spin-off firms: spin-offs developing new technologies, spin-offs serving new markets and restructuring spin-offs. These groups differ from one another in terms of the intensity of resource sharing linkages and knowledge transfer between the parent and the spin-off, timing of separation, as well as the direction and breadth of their new product development activities.  相似文献   

李小康  胡蓓 《科研管理》2013,34(9):72-80
提出"大企业衍生创业"的概念,并构建以创业能力形成为中心环节的衍生创业的过程模型;在文献分析基础上通过定性分析并辅以案例验证,认为大企业衍生创业是产业相关企业不断创建产生并最终推动集群形成的重要动因;建立以大企业衍生创业为核心的集群形成解释模型,并据此提出通过创业-集群的方法来促进区域经济成长和创新发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104713
This study examines how the identity orientation of founders, i.e., the extent to which they define themselves in terms of their relationships to others and to social groups, is imprinted by their professional logic and influences their ambitions for venture growth. We draw on existing insights regarding the Darwinian, Communitarian, and Missionary orientation of entrepreneurs and on interviews with 29 founders to develop our hypotheses, which we then test in a sample of 58 academic and 113 non-academic founders that participated in a venture competition. We argue that, compared to non-academic institutional logics, academic logics are tied to a stronger Communitarian and Missionary orientation and a weaker Darwinian orientation in founders. A stronger Darwinian orientation values venture growth, whereas a stronger Communitarian orientation appraises the benefit of the technology for a restricted set of people at the expense of such growth ambitions. A stronger Missionary orientation values welfare maximization for society which may to some degree entail higher growth aspirations. We argue and empirically confirm that these identity orientations explain why academic founders hold lower growth aspirations for their start-up than non-academic founders. Our findings can at least partially clarify why academic start-ups do not grow according to expectancies. They theoretically advance our insights in academic entrepreneurship and founders' growth aspirations while also extending the literature on founders' identity orientation.  相似文献   

庞文  丁云龙 《科研管理》2014,35(11):171-177
基于已有学术研究成果制定相应的激励政策,是促进大学衍生企业发展的重要途径。本文通过构建三层次概念模型并综述国外研究成果,发现国家的知识产权制度、商业化政策和大学的创业政策、资源与文化能推动衍生企业创生,大学孵化机构的支持和衍生企业的经营管理模式对企业成功至关重要。在此基础上提出促进大学衍生企业创生及其成功的政策原则,以期对我国的科技创业及相关政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigated how universities facilitate the process of spin-off venture formation based on academic research. Building on a capability perspective, we add to the literature on university characteristics and resources by exploring how the university context impacts the entrepreneurial process. We based our study on two mid-range universities and followed the start-up process of four spin-off ventures. Based on the results of our longitudinal study, we propose a set of three university capabilities that facilitate the venture-formation process: (1) creating new paths of action, (2) balancing both academic and commercial interests, and (3) integrating new resources. Each capability is particularly important for specific phases in the venturing process. Our findings suggest that these capabilities are dependent on prior spin-off experience and reside within several actors both inside and outside of the university. Furthermore, universities with weaknesses in the identified areas can take strategic action to develop these capabilities to some degree.  相似文献   

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