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It is often argued that the core of organizational success is efficient collaboration. Some authors even posit that efficient collaboration is more important to organizational innovation and performance than individual skills or expertise. However, the lack of efficient models to manage collaboration properly is a major constraint for organizations to profit from internal and external collaborative initiatives. Currently, much of the collaboration in organizations occurs through virtual network channels, such as e-mail, Yammer, Jabber, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Zoom. These are even more important in situations where different time zones and even threats of a pandemic constrain face-to-face human interactions. This work introduces a multidisciplinary heuristic model developed based on project risk management and social network analysis centrality metrics graph-theory to quantitatively measure dynamic organizational collaboration in the project environment. A case study illustrates the proposed model's implementation and application in a real virtual project organizational context. The major benefit of applying this proposed model is that it enables organizations to quantitatively measure different collaborative, organizational, and dynamic behavioral patterns, which can later correlate with organizational outcomes. The model analyzes three collaborative project dimensions: network collaboration cohesion evolution, network collaboration degree evolution, and network team set variability evolution. This provides organizations an innovative approach to understand and manage possible collaborative project risks that may emerge as projects are delivered. Organizations can use the proposed model to identify projects' critical success factors by comparing successful and unsuccessful delivered projects' dynamic behaviors if a substantial number of both project types are analyzed. The proposed model also enables organizations to make decisions with more information regarding the support for changes in observed collaborative patterns as demonstrated by statistical models in general, and linear regressions in particular. Further, the proposed model provides organizations with a completely bias-free data-collection process that eliminates organizational downtime. Finally, applying the proposed model in organizations will reduce or eliminate the risks associated with virtual collaborative dynamics, leading to the optimized use of resources; this will transform organizations to become more lean-oriented and significantly contribute to economic, social, and environmental global sustainability.  相似文献   

不同情境下创新项目关键成功因素间关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜勇 《软科学》2003,17(2):75-79
在不同情境下,创新项目关键成功因素应该有所不同,本研究探讨了不同产品创新项目类型与不同环境不确定情境下关键成功因素间的差异,研究发现不同创新项目的关键成功因素部份相同,部份不相同,而营销及研发部门的整合、开发能力、创新项目执行熟练程度等3项在两种创新项目中均为重要关键成功因素。高度创新项目需注重团队技巧、科研能力、项目管理者的能力与高层管理者的关心度等关键成功因素;低度创新项目则需要更注重营销能力因素。此外,本研究也发现不同创新项目类型与不同环境不确定性下的项目,其关键成功因素之间的关系也不同。  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 448 projects, the interactions between three project planning variables, the quality of planning, goal changes, plan-changes and project success are analyzed. The most important results of this study are the interactions between the planning variables and their influences on project success. By using structural equation modeling, we gained insight into these complex indirect relationships. The results clearly show that the positive total effect of the quality of planning is almost completely overridden by the negative effect of goal changes. If we add the total effects of goal changes and plan-changes on project success, their combined effect is considerably stronger than that of the quality of planning. The study also identifies several contextual variables affecting the planning process.  相似文献   

No project is an island: linking projects to history and context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theories on project management are dominated by a perspective on singular projects, treating the unit of analysis as a lonely phenomenon. Anchored in a comparative case study, this paper discusses how the interior processes of a project are influenced by its historical and organizational context. The paper illustrates how the structures and procedures employed in a project have to be understood in relation to previous and simultaneous courses of activity, to future plans, and to standard operating procedures, traditions, and the norms of its surroundings. The findings suggest that future research on project management needs to extend its temporal scope, analyzing how project practices evolve through history over prior, present, and future projects, as well as its organizational scope, analyzing how project practices relate to long-term institutions as well as simultaneous activities in its environment.  相似文献   

针对学界关于青年科学家项目如何科学合理设置和有效管理的研究不足现状,鉴于我国首批启动的试点专项“十三五”国家重点研发计划“大气污染成因与控制技术研究”重点专项(以下简称“大气专项”)部署的一批青年项目的执行期已全部结束,并已完成了项目综合绩效评价,故以大气专项青年项目为研究对象,结合问卷调查,对青年项目的设置、管理和服务需求、组织管理经验及成效进行系统分析,并对其今后的进一步优化发展作出反思。结果显示:大气专项青年项目不拘一格选贤举能,突出原创性,加大经费支持强度、搭建平台优化服务,产出了一批科研成果,制定差异化分类管理举措,人才培养成效显著。在此基础上,提出依据专项特点设计指南和青年项目、鼓励青年学者独立承担项目、创新科技管理服务、制定差异化的项目管理措施等建议,以期为未来科技计划中青年项目的部署设计与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

R&D项目选择模型和终止模型的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R&D项目的选择与终止是R&D管理中的两个重要问题。如何在众多的项目中选择一个或者多个,使其为企业带来最好的回报,最大限度的推动企业的发展,对企业领导和决策层来说是一个重要但又十分棘手的问题。同样,项目的中止也是一个十分棘手的问题,失败的项目往往会拖得很久而毫无结果,这无形中给企业带来了巨大的损失。如何及时的中止某些项目、减少项目的失败给企业带来的损失,是一个值得研究的课题。就项目本身来说,虽然项目的中止对技术的成功或失败影响甚小,但对客户、领导乃至项目小组来说,及时的从中吸取经验教训,则肯定是大有裨益的。文章首先分别给出了R&D项目选择模型和终止模型,然后对这两种模型进行了比较,分析了它们的实质性区别。  相似文献   

   航天研制项目通常是复杂系统工程,具有研制周期长、参研单位性质多样、不确定因素多、经费预算调整难度大、研制和经费管控的不可预测性高等特点,本文针对国内外航天研制项目经费管理存在的问题和相关研究的缺陷,以航天研制项目过程中经费风险监控与处置问题为对象,研究建立全过程经费风险评估模型与风险评估体系,以及经费风险因素的有效识别、评估方法和管控措施。首先,在分析航天研制项目特点和风险管控内容的基础上,识别和详尽分析了航天研制项目包含的技术设计、研制生产、管理决策、人力资源和研制环境等五项经费风险因素,建立了航天研制项目全过程经费风险评估体系。然后,基于经费管控过程分析法,提出由风险设计、风险识别、风险分析、风险措施以及风险监控等模块组成的风险管控模型,这五个模块既相对独立又内在关联。随后,以确保航天项目成功研制条件下的经费风险控制成本最低为目标,研究提出并详细说明了航天项目研制过程中基于模型的经费风险规避、转移、缓解、利用等管控方法,详尽探讨了系统化管控、标准化管控、防御策划、人力激发和预警系统等具体经费风险管控措施,详细分析了风险因素、风险识别、处置方法和管控措施的对应关系,研究表明:这些措施与风险模型中的风险识别模块关联性最强。最后,结合嫦娥四号中继星——“鹊桥”项目的经费管控案例,介绍了项目特点、主要管控措施和管控成效,验证了本文所提经费风险管控措施的正确性和有效性。本文研究结论认为,风险设计是实现经费风险管控中的核心部分,只有在精准地实现了风险识别的前提下,管控措施才能得以顺利运行。本文研究成果在具体项目中实践得到了两个重要启示:一是航天项目经费管控要置前行动,在实施过程中要前移;二是在体系化的管理中,要重视风险设计的迭代、循环分析。本文研究成果及其在实践中的使用验证,充分表明了本文研究对未来项目特别是航天项目有效管理,具有重要现实意义和工程价值。  相似文献   

本文结合广东省重大科技专项中期评估的实际工作,研究了技术成熟度(TRL)在省级科技项目评估中的应用方法,建立基于TRL方法的一般评价规则,并针对不同的科技项目类型,给出了评价标准与实施方案。该方法将项目关键技术的当前状态、较立项状态提升的程度,以及与项目目标预期状态的距离,有助于及时掌握项目关键技术的实施进展情况,发现潜在的技术风险。广东省重大科技项目中期评估首次尝试采用TRL方法,作为一般省级科技项目的应用参考。  相似文献   

赵永 《大众科技》2012,(7):77-79
园林工程项目施工管理是业主及施工企业等参与建设的单位用系统科学理论对项目进行的计划、组织、监督、控制、协调等全过程管理,其基本任务是进行项目的进度、质量、安全和成本目标控制。文章对影响园林工程项目施工进度、质量、成本等因素进行了分析,并结合多年实际工作经验,提出了具体解决方法和措施。  相似文献   

曹萍  陈福集 《科研管理》2012,33(7):106-111,128
对软件项目的投标风险进行评估,是承包方选择项目的依据和提高软件项目成功率的有效手段。本文构建了软件投标项目风险评估的三级评价指标体系;并针对指标存在不确定性的特点,应用ER方法建立了软件项目的投标风险评估模型,对软件投标风险进行了综合评估。该模型解决了评价指标存在的不确定性和不完全信息的问题,案例分析说明该方法对软件投标项目风险评估的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

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