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开展创新创业教育,培养创新创业型人才,是高校适应我国经济发展新常态的必然要求。根据我院实情,构建富有职教特色的创新创业教育体系,是做好创新创业教育的前提和基础。  相似文献   
To cope with the digital transition exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, managers of manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to adopt innovative practices to face uncertain scenarios and create long-term value, identified as transformational entrepreneurship practices. Among emerging digital technologies, digital platforms are shaping and outgrowing the e-commerce channel representing a potential opportunity for manufacturing SMEs to embrace digital transformation. Drawing on affordance theory, this research uses a mixed method approach to investigate how manufacturing SMEs’ e-commerce commitment and digital platform adoption stimulate the actualization of three e-commerce affordances: consumer knowledge generation, internationalization, and customer diversification. Based on survey responses from 165 manufacturing SME managers, we find that direct selling through owned websites actualizes consumer knowledge generation and internationalization, indirect selling actualizes customer diversification and internationalization, and agency selling through third-party platforms actualizes all three affordances. The relationship between e-commerce commitment and ecommerce performance is mediated by consumer knowledge generation and internationalization but not by customer diversification. A fsQCA analysis outlines seven configurations actualizing these e-commerce affordances by pairing different ecommerce approaches with degrees of e-commerce commitment. Finally, an analysis of open-ended questions from 24 respondents complements the study and deeply interprets the seven unique configurations outlined.  相似文献   
学术创业企业的成长伴随着从科研网络向产业网络的跨越,为了解析其成长机理,本文以中美两国共14个学术创业案例为依据,从“社会网络—合法性”视角分析企业网络的动态演化,并着重探讨了各阶段合法性约束的种类、身份转化劣势的作用机制以及合法性策略选择的情境条件。研究发现:(1)学术创业者在创业者存在身份转换劣势,并给企业带来合法性约束。(2)根据网络边界跨越方式的不同,创业者建立合法性的策略可分为直驱型策略和迂回型策略。(3)合法性策略的选择受到企业所在网络的多样性和自身技术新颖性的影响。基于学术创业的特殊情境,论文提出身份转换劣势的概念,并为企业成长理论和合法性理论做出贡献。  相似文献   
郭毅  双羽 《科教文汇》2020,(12):62-63
“双创”教育作为“双一流”建设人才培养的关键环节,对于提升高校人才培养质量、提升高校国内和国际地位、建设“双一流”高校具有理论指导和实践意义。本文分析了我国目前创新创业发展及普通高校“双创”教育发展现状,提出了建立符合学科特色的“双创”教育人才培养体系、开展“群众型”与“精英型”两个层次的“双创”活动、坚持研究型与应用型并重模式的人才培养工作机制。  相似文献   
王剑凌 《科教文汇》2020,(7):57-58,86
在大众创业、万众创新的背景下,创新创业教育是高校教学改革的突破口。案例教学法是将理论与实践相结合的重要教学方法,对培养创新型人才有积极意义。文章以创新创业教育为导向,应用案例教学法开展概率论与数理统计课程的教学实践。通过深入分析概率论与数理统计课程的教学现状,探讨案例教学法的教学优势,提出教学改革思路——建立完整的案例库、理论与实践并重,在教学实践中取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
实践育人是高校深入实施素质教育的必然要求,是人才培养的重要途径。本文从“双创”的视域,分析当前社会对人才需求的现状和高校实践育人面临的困境,帮助教育者充分把握“双创”形势,并就完善高校实践育人机制提出合理建议。  相似文献   
罗晓艳 《科教文汇》2020,(10):6-7,14
近年来我国高职院校大学生创业基金快速发展,但其管理及使用绩效不高,未能全面发挥自身促进大学生创业的作用。西双版纳职业技术学院是云南省西双版纳州唯一一所综合性的高职院校,由于受各种客观因素的制约,我校在创业教育及创业教育基金的管理等方面才刚刚起步,存在很多问题亟待解决。笔者结合自身十余年教学及管理工作的经验,以云南省西双版纳职业技术学院为例,分析高职院校创业基金功能,并联系西双版纳职业技术学院创业教育现状及创业基金管理实际给出针对性的优化措施,以期为更好地发挥高职院校创业基金的作用提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
"油气藏渗流力学"作为石油工程专业主干课程,在日常教学中,多为理论知识教学,缺少实践教学活动。本文通过问卷调查,得出创新创业教育实际情况的相关数据。根据实际情况,以创新创业为方向,将其思想与内涵同"油气藏渗流力学"的教学计划及活动相结合。从课上到课下,从学校到学生,全方位、深层次、多方向地提出了模块教学、合理规划科技创新竞赛及跨专业联合教学模式三种教学改革方式。  相似文献   
在以"创业带动就业"的政策导向下,创业教育在高等院校尤其是高等职业院校开展得如火如荼。但是,创业教育重技能传授轻伦理素质培养、思想品德教育偏重生活道德忽略创业伦理的现状,导致毕业生创业观念的偏差,引发社会问题。目前,社会发展与转型迫切需要高校开展创业伦理教育,引导大学毕业生选择正确的创业方向、把握理性的创业思维、探索竞合的创业发展、实现幸福的创业生活。高校创业伦理教育的内容与形式需要不断创新、不断完善,为培养具有道德魅力和卓越能力的创业人才作出贡献。  相似文献   
We examine engagement in commercial activities (consulting, patenting, and founding) among more than 2200 German and UK life scientists. We test hypotheses that include attributes of individuals, their material and social resources, and perceptions about values and reputation. We find that characteristics reflecting professional security, advantage and productivity are strong predictors for a greater breadth of participation in academic entrepreneurship, but not for all forms of technology transfer that we are able to test. For such academics, science and commerce go hand in hand, as they are best poised to straddle the boundary between industry and academy. We find strong support, however, that scientists perceive the value of patenting differently, and the level of reputational importance placed on scientific compared to commercial achievements matters in shaping commercial involvement.  相似文献   
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