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We applied the selection, optimization and compensation (SOC) model of successful aging to media use. Using a new self-report measure to assess selective and compensatory media use we illustrate the role of these media selection strategies in successful aging. In other words, we link compensatory and selective media use to different indicators of well-being among older nursing home residents and for a group of younger adults, which served as a comparison group. Selective media use was positively related to well-being for older, but not for younger adults, and compensatory media use was negatively related to well-being for both younger and older adults. In a second study, we replicated these findings with a sample of healthy older adults.  相似文献   
This article was motivated by the inquiry of the National Heritage Committee of the British House of Commons into the price of compact discs in 1993. Its general thrust is to foster the dialogue between sociological approaches to the study of innovation and microeconomic theory. To do this, it presents a comprehensive case study of technological innovation in the market for recorded music in Britain. The material is analysed with the aid of the ‘sociotechnical constituencies’ approach recently proposed in this journal by Alfonso Molina, followed by a game theoretical analysis of competitive alignment between the dominant constituents. Using this interdisciplinary approach, the article argues that technological innovation may induce price rigidities by allowing the establishment of focal points for tacit collusion. The innovation of compact discs enabled the major record companies to redefine the overall price level to their advantage, after the industry had undergone a period of profit-squeezing price-competition. This has the important policy implication that radical product innovation may call for regulative changes in the techno-institutional structure of the market.  相似文献   
Nowadays, there is a consensus that good teaching and learning needs instructional variation and personalised forms of learning. In teacher education, these concepts have been implemented for years, and prospective teachers are taught accordingly; it is thus assumed that the teaching of novice teachers is in accordance with these new teaching concepts. In the research project ‘ALPHA’, the teaching of novice teachers at the beginning and at the end of their first year in the profession and the teaching of experienced teachers with five or more years of teaching experience was videotaped, so that longitudinal and cross-sectional comparisons were possible. The lessons were analysed by applying a coding system on the instruction and by employing a rater inventory in order to understand the structure and quality of the lessons. Overall, the results indicate high levels of whole class teaching with a rather high level of traditional classroom instruction both for the novice and the experienced teachers. However, the proportions vary depending on the location of teacher education. The results provide evidence that the new teaching concepts learned on the teacher education programme are not necessarily implemented in the classroom and provide possible reasons why this might be the case.  相似文献   
Educational Psychology Review - In the 2018 meta-analysis of Educational Psychology Review entitled “Null effects of perceptual disfluency on learning outcomes in a text-based educational...  相似文献   
Research in Higher Education - Research consistently shows that higher-education participation has positive impacts on individual outcomes. However, few studies explicitly consider differences in...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Topos Bildungsungleichheit hat in der jüngsten Zeit eine Renaissance erfahren. Wie im Anschluss an den so genannten Sputnik-Schock und die Diskussionen der 1960er-bis 70er-Jahre wird durch den PISA-Schock die Frage nach der Qualit?t von Bildung erneut virulent. Gleichzeitig jedoch scheint die heutige bildungstheoretische Debatte zu eingeengt. Sie reduziert sich auf institutionalisierte schulische Bildung und vernachl?ssigt die zentrale Bedeutung au?erschulischer Bildungsprozesse, die sozialstrukturell variieren. So lassen sich aufgrund der — allerdings trotz sozialwissenschaftlicher Dauerbeobachtungen bis heute leider dünnen — Forschungsbasis deutliche Differenzen in milieuspezifischen Bildungsstrategien von Heranwachsenden und ihren Eltern feststellen. In Familie und Gleichaltrigengruppe herrschen demnach erfahrungsbezogene Bildungsinhalte und Strategien vor, die mit den in der Schule dominierenden Leistungs- und Qualifikationsanforderungen auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise zusammentreffen. Die vorgelegte mesotheoretische Bestimmung von Bildungsstrategien weist auf M?glichkeiten einer differenzierten Analyse von Bildungsprozessen hin, die an die makrostrukturellen Pr?missen des Systems sozialer Ungleichheit ebenso anschlussf?hig ist wie an mikrostrukturelle, lebensweltliche Erfahrungsbezüge der Schülerinnern und Schüler.
Summary Milieu-specific Educational Strategies in Families and Peer Groups “Educational disadvantage” is experiencing a renaissance as a topic of educational debate. Just as following the so-called Sputnik-Shock and discussions in the ’60s and ’70s, PISA has renewed the debate on the quality of education. At the same time, the perspective of current educational theory seems too narrow. It focuses on institutionalized school education and overlooks the central importance of educational processes outside of the school, which vary according to social structure. Despite continuous observations within this field, scientific research is weaker than might be expected. However, differences in milieu-specific strategies for education are clearly identifiable between young people and their parents. We propose that experience-based educational content and strategies predominate in both families and peer groups, and that these coincide with the achievements- and qualifications-based educational demands within schools in quite different ways. The following meso-theoretic investigation of educational strategies points to the potential of analyses, which can integrate both the macro-structural conditions of systems of inequality and the experiential, micro-structural reference points of pupils.
1关于数学建模能力21世纪初启动的各国数学课程改革都将学生数学建模思想的形成以及数学建模能力的培养作为数学教育的重要目标之一.例如颁布于2003年底的德国数学教育标准明确提出,数学建模能力是学生应该发展的六大数学能力之一,也就是说学生要学会用数学方法去理解现实相关的情景,提出解决方案,并认清和判断现实中的数学问题.③我国《普通高中数学课程标准实验》也明确提出,数学课程要求把数学探究、数学建模的思想以不同的形式渗透在各模块和专题内容之中.“标准”强调数学建模是运用数学思想、方法和知识解决实际问题的过程.数学建模是…  相似文献   
In the international debate surrounding transitions from school to employment, Japan and Germany are regularly cited as examples of success. This article draws on the Japanese concepts represented by two problematic groups – freeters and NEETs – to demonstrate that over recent years, young people in both countries have also been facing serious problems with the transition process. Interpretation of empirical data also, however, reveals a number of contrasts between them. We focus here on differences in their educational systems and on the role each system plays within its own society. The article also uses divergent recruitment practices and employment structures as vehicles for comparison and interpretation.  相似文献   
A few years ago, publishing companies started to sell digital copies of their magazines. This study investigates a consequence of this change: the increasing online trade with illegal copies. We collected data on almost 10,000 issues of German magazines that are illegally offered online. The files are distributed in a three-sided market, in which a small number of platforms bring suppliers of illegal copies, consumers, and advertisers together. The market has been growing rapidly—between 2009 and 2012 by a factor of 10. In contrast to the legal magazine market, the illegal trade mostly concerns IT and consumer electronics magazines.  相似文献   
Using a membrane emulsification method based on porous hollow-fiber membranes in combination with an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS), we are able to produce “water-in-water” droplets with narrow-dispersed size distributions. The equilibrium phases of the aqueous two-phase system polyethylene glycol-dipotassium hydrogen phosphate are used for this purpose. The droplet diameter of a given fluid system is determined by the flow rates of the continuous and disperse phase as well as the hollow fiber dimensions. When diluting the disperse phase and thus moving the ATPS system out of equilibrium, the droplet size can be further reduced in comparison to the equilibrium case. Generally, droplets formed with this method have diameters 20%–60% larger than the inner hollow fiber diameter. The new strategy of diluting the disperse phase allows the production of droplet diameter below the inner diameter of the membrane.  相似文献   
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