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中学生人际交往障碍及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学生人际交往障碍表现为情绪不稳定、焦虑、紧张、交往恐惧、孤独感、缺乏安全感、冷漠、依赖心重、信任感缺乏、傲慢等方面的特点。其中尤以焦虑、紧张、孤独感、信任感缺乏等表现为多。调查发现,人际认知偏差,不良情绪及不良个性心理品质是引起中学生人际交往障碍的主要原因。针对原因,我们从正确认识自我、学会控制不良情绪、加强个性修养、掌握交往技巧等四方面提出了改善中学生人际交往的对策。  相似文献   

石妍 《班主任》2006,(8):23-24
当前,中学生在学习上的不良情绪表现为自大、自卑、焦虑、考场恐惧、厌学等;在人际交往中表现为争强好胜、逆反、对抗,甚至仇视.这些不良情绪产生的原因,一方面是中学生青春期身心发展不平衡;另一方面是学习、生活压力过大;三是中学生对自身情绪问题的认识模糊,缺乏有效调控情绪的知识、技能和技巧,致使他们在遇到情绪、情感问题时手足无措.  相似文献   

藏汉同班教学中要注重学生人际交往能力的培育。但目前藏汉学生同班学生人际交往中存在着藏族学生交往对象较少、一些学生缺乏交往主动性、缺乏知心朋友甚至人际关系紧张等问题。主要原因是藏汉学生的语言障碍、缺乏交往技巧、民俗差异、个性差异及藏族学生的自尊与自卑的矛盾心态等。要从加强藏汉学生交流、培养学生交往技能、构建藏汉学生和谐的人际关系等方面来培育学生的人际交往能力。  相似文献   

中学生的学习生活,是在同自己的老师、同学、父母、朋友等交往过程中进行的。从这个意义上说,中学生学会处理好人际关系就意味着学会了中学生活。然而,许多中学生在处理人际关系方面却显得力不从心,在人际交往中屡屡受挫,因而临难而退,把自己封闭起来,最终导致冷漠、孤独,有的甚至走上轻生的道路。中学生人际交往受挫的原因很多,就心理方面而言,恐惧、自卑、封闭、孤僻、自傲、嫉妒、自我中心、多疑等心理障碍是造成交往受挫的主要因素。本文拟就中学生人际交往中的心理障碍谈点浅见。(一)恐惧心理引起的交往障碍恐惧心理表现为…  相似文献   

李传瑛 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(6):88-90,94
采用调查法、比较法、统计法、因素分析法等多种研究方法,研究导致大学生产生交往焦虑的深层原因。对调查结果进行相关分析显示:性别、年龄与大学生的社交焦虑障碍的没有直接关联;学历、独生子女与否、个性气质、家庭教养方式与学校教育方式才是大学生人际交往焦虑心理障碍的重要相关因素。  相似文献   

许多中学生在处理人际关系方面显得力不从心 ,在人际交往中屡屡受挫 ,不断发出“做人难”的感叹 ,因而知难而退 ,把自己封闭起来 ,最终导致冷漠、孤独 ,有的甚至走向轻生的道路。中学生人际交往受挫的原因很多 ,就心理方面而言 ,恐惧、自卑、封闭、孤僻、自傲、嫉妒、自我中心、多疑等心理障碍是造成交往受挫的主要因素。本文拟就中学生人际往中的心理障碍谈点浅见。一、心理障碍表现种种1.恐惧心理引起交往受挫恐惧心理表现为与人交往时 (尤其是在大庭广众之下 ) ,会不由自主地感到紧张、害怕 ,以致手足无措 ,语无伦次 ,严重的甚至害怕见人…  相似文献   

通过对江苏省连云港市三所和宿迁市两所五年制高职院校463名“留守学生”自尊、孤独感及人际交往焦虑的测量,采用描述统计、方差分析、t检验、回归分析、中介效应检验等,结果表明,留守学生孤独感程度较高,人际交往焦虑程度较为严重;在自尊、人际焦虑上城镇与农村呈非常显著差异;留守学生的自尊与孤独感呈负相关关系,自尊与人际交往焦虑呈负相关关系,孤独感与人际交往焦虑呈正相关关系;孤独感在自尊和人际交往焦虑之间起完全中介作用,中介效应绝对值ab为0.223,中介效应占总效应的比例(ab/c)为80.21%。  相似文献   

社会的发展、教育的变革给教师带来了较以往更大的职业压力,使得许多教师出现抑郁、焦虑、偏执、人际交往障碍等不良情绪。文章针对教师职业压力的表现,分析了教师产生职业压力的原因,提出了教师职业压力自我调适的策略。  相似文献   

陈义 《现代企业教育》2011,(14):190-191
当代大学生正处在心理走向成熟的阶段,难免会将一些不良的心理因素带到人际交往中,形成交往障碍。本文针对大学生人际交往中存在的心理障碍、认知偏差障碍、不良情绪障碍、人格差异障碍等进行了论述。并提出了一些进行调适的建议:端正认知、调适不良情感、培养良好人格以及学会人际交往的技巧等。  相似文献   

在心理咨询过程中,我们发现交往不良困惑着许多中学生,直接妨碍和制约着他们的学业、个性发展。为什么会出现这种状态?怎样指导他们进行健康、积极的人际交往呢?下面是笔者的一些认识和做法。一、中学生人际交往不良的主要原因影响中学生人际交往的因素有很多,如:年龄特点、性别差异、气质类型等,笔者调查发现,造成中学生人际交往不良的主要原因是交往主体的一些不良性格特征或不良交往态度。(一)自我中心,漠视他人。目前,我国的“四二一”家庭急剧增多,孩子成了家庭生活的中心,家长们一切的一切均围绕着孩子转,这使得不少孩…  相似文献   

本研究选取学习障碍初中学生和与其对照的普通初中学生183名为研究对象,采用调查表和访谈提纲对初中生进行访谈和调查。研究结果表明,学习障碍初中生的交友范围整体比普通初中生广,部分同伴来源于网络和社会上的青少年;绝大多数的学习障碍初中生同伴社会圈子较小,同伴数量也明显比普通学生少;学习障碍初中生更喜欢找比自己年龄小者作为同伴;学习障碍初中生选择同性同伴的比率高于普通初中生,同伴结构相对单一。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the academic peer influence of disabled students in the classroom, exploiting the random student–classroom assignment within middle schools in China. We show that the share of disabled students in a class has a significant negative impact on the academic achievement of their non-disabled classmates. This adverse influence remains largely stable over time when the classroom composition stays constant. We further find that the social spillovers of disabled students are attributable to their disability status rather than to their disability-correlated characteristics. An investigation into the mechanisms shows that disabled children lead to worsened learning environment and increased social interactions of their classmates with disruptive peers at school. There is no evidence that disabled children impair the learning efforts or the educational aspirations of non-disabled students in the same classroom.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study determined whether students who take part in academically challenging high school curricula experience elevated levels of stress and whether this stress co‐occurs with psychological and/or academic problems. Data from self‐report questionnaires and school records were collected from 480 students from four high schools. Results of analyses of covariance suggested that stress is not always associated with deleterious outcomes, as students in academically rigorous programs (specifically, Advanced Placement [AP] classes and International Baccalaureate [IB] programs) reported more perceived stress than did students in general education, while maintaining exceptionally high academic functioning. Furthermore, despite their stress level, the psychological functioning of students in AP and IB is similar or superior to the levels of psychopathology, life satisfaction, and social functioning reported from their peers in general education.  相似文献   

The middle years of school represent a time of educational turbulence, serving to marginalise some students from educational opportunities. Much research has focussed on individual cognitive factors influencing educational engagement, with less attention directed towards social interactions. Theoretically positioned within an expectancy–value model of achievement motivation, this study draws on the lived experience of a 12-year-old student within an alternative school in South Australia, Australia, to explore how social encounters may contribute to educational marginalisation. Findings from a narrative case study employing a semi-structured interview suggested that connections exist between social influences, such as interactions with teachers and peers, and subsequent achievement motivation. This study suggests that social interactions are critical determinants to an individual's educational engagement, affecting educational ability, expectancy and value beliefs.  相似文献   

This study examined the role that everyday academic successes and failures—and the interactions with family members and peers that follow these events—play in predicting day-to-day changes in children's emotional responses to school. Middle school students (N = 101; mean age = 11.62 years) completed daily assessments of their academic experiences, performance disclosures, perceptions of emotional support, and school-related affect. Data were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling. Results indicated that students’ daily academic experiences and social interactions varied by both sex and interaction partner, and that students’ daily academic experiences and social interactions were predictive of day-to-day changes in both positive and anxious affect. The implications of these findings for students’ interpersonal relationships and school adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of social processes and outcomes of the placement of deaf students with hearing peers cannot be easily summarized, but can be grouped into a least four major categories of focus: social skills, interaction and participation, sociometric status and acceptance, and affective functioning. We review 33 studies available since 1980 in which a mainstreamed or included deaf sample was compared to another group. Studies indicated (1) that hearing students were more socially mature than deaf students in public schools, (2) that deaf students interacted with deaf classmates more than hearing ones, (3) that deaf students were somewhat accepted by their hearing classmates, and (4) that self-esteem was not related to extent of mainstreaming. There was a tendency for studies to use observational methods with very young children, teacher evaluations with middle school children, and questionnaires with older children. Three major areas of methodology limit general conclusions: samples, measurements of variables, and experimental manipulations. The reviewed studies provide a basis for understanding the social processes and outcomes in these placement situations; however, it is not possible to make broad generalizations about effects of placement.  相似文献   

The extant literature on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities (LD) has indicated that whereas a majority belong to peer groups, a higher proportion are isolated and most have lower social status among peers in general than their typically achieving classmates. Although some work has examined these issues over short-term longitudinal studies, none to date have examined them over extensive time periods. Toward this end, the current study examined a sample of 1,361 students (678 girls and 683 boys; 55 with LD) using multiple measures of peer social functioning assessed each semester from spring of third grade through fall of sixth grade. The results indicated that whereas students with LD were similar to their typically achieving peers in terms of group functioning and characteristics, they were viewed as lower in social standing among their classmates as a whole. These effects were maintained over time, indicating that long-term inclusion may not substantially affect peer social functioning among students with LD.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the social skills and social status of 22 students with mainly moderate intellectual disabilities who had received an inclusive preschool intervention and were subsequently followed up from 18 months to more than five years later in their mainstream classrooms. Measures included direct assessment of social interaction in the playground, social status obtained by interviewing classmates, and the ratings of classroom teachers, parents and school principals. Large differences were found between the students with disabilities and their typical peers for amount of time spent interacting with peers and amount of time spent in isolation, with a moderate difference found for interactions with teachers. However, no difference was found between the social status of the two groups, and the students with disabilities were still spending more than half their time in the playground interacting with typically developing peers. Parents generally rated their children as having better social skills than did principals or teachers. A moderate relationship was found between the direct measures of peer interactions and teachers' perceptions of peer interaction skills. The relationships between the parents' and principals' perceptions of peer interaction and direct measures of the interaction were only small. Some of the implications of these findings for integrating students into mainstream schools and classes are discussed.  相似文献   

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