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卓越绩效模式下的图书馆馆长领导力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆馆长领导力有两个基本要求:领导决策要求,即确立正确的使命、愿景和价值观;领导能力要求,即构建一个完整的管理体系,促成目标的实现。卓越绩效模式能够提升图书馆馆长领导力,推动图书馆事业的可持续发展。卓越绩效模式下的图书馆馆长要以人为本,准确定位并适时调整本馆的使命、愿景和价值观,建立完善的过程管理系统,建立图书馆与利益相关方之间的有效沟通渠道并协调好他们之间的关系。  相似文献   

作为图书馆馆长,他的领导能力有两种:—种是权力性领导力,一种是非权力性领导力。权力性领导力是利用组织所交给他的权力实施决策和领导的本领;而非权力性领导力是凭借他的为人和影响而实行领导与决策的技能。作为优秀的馆长,既应该利用权力性领导力,又应该借用非权力性领导力,并使二者有机结合,实现最优的领导艺术。然而,一部分馆长一旦大权在握,仅注意了权力的领导,而忽视了非权力的影响。因此,我们很有必要探讨一下非权力领导力包括哪些内容?非权  相似文献   

基层图书馆馆长有效领导力剖析与构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我国图书馆事业发展不平衡,国家图书馆,省级图书馆发展较快,县级图书馆发展不如人意,有的甚至处在生死存亡的边缘。造成这种状况的原因是多方面的,复杂的,但馆长缺乏领导力是主要原因。剖析这一现象,构建和提高馆长的有效领导力显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

从解释学角度分析图书馆馆长战略型领导力,对图书馆战略转型和变革,以及战略领导的初始条件和边界进行重新审视.在我国当前发展形势下,基于图书馆馆长战略型领导力理论,从文化层面分析图书馆馆长与战略的契合,以重构图书馆馆长战略领导的实践模式,在此过程中需要充分发挥和运用到解释学的理解工具和话语分析功能.  相似文献   

文章认为图书馆馆长影响力的含意是指图书馆馆长在行使领导职责时,有效地影响和改变本馆员工的心理与行为,使之纳入组织活动目标轨道的能力.在此基础上,作者提出制约图书馆馆长影响力的因素主要包括馆长的个性条件和员工的相关性,并分别对于如何清醒地认识和把握这些制约因素,有效提升馆长影响力进行了阐述.  相似文献   

怎样扮演大学图书馆馆长角色?馆长究竟该干什么?怎么干?这是每位馆长十分关注的重要问题。本文试图结合自己多年来工作实践,谈一点肤浅认识。  相似文献   

馆长是博物馆的领导核心,馆长的专业素养和能力对博物馆的经营管理工作和未来发展方向会产生直接影响。面对不断变化的工作边界和职责范围,博物馆馆长的职业资格要求也在不断提升。在此情况下,博物馆馆长的职业发展应当受到更为广泛的重视,并且应当构建系统的、有效的和规范的博物馆馆长专业培养和培训体系。本文将探讨美国博物馆馆长的职业发展路径,通过对职前培养和培训、在职发展和导师制等方式的分析,结合相应的项目实例和典型案例,分析其中的理念和成功做法,提出可为我国博物馆馆长职业发展所借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长学习共同体研究-以杭州部分高校为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过杭州部分高校图书馆馆长近年来的实践发现,馆长学习共同体的形成有利于校际图书馆高层交流和沟通,促进互相学习和互相指引。学习共同体为不同高校的馆长们提供了职业上的归属感、信任感、互惠感和分享感。馆长学习共同体的主要特征有自我认同、自我控制、自我适应和自我发展。学习共同体能提升馆长的实践性智慧,促进馆长知识共享,提升馆长效能和生成馆长学习的动态环境。这种学习共同体是对高校图书馆在职学习方式的重要创新,对全面提高高校图书馆管理水平有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

馆长是图书馆工作的核心和带头人,是管理者、决策者、开拓者,他们工作的好坏,直接影响高校图书馆事业的发展。八十年代已过去,九十年代已到来,馆长以怎样的形象进入九十年代?九十年代馆长的历史责任、素质和要求又是什么?是每个馆长需要深思的问题。为此,高校真正重视和发展图书馆,首先要采取的措施应是,从重视配备图书馆馆长开始,选拔符合当代  相似文献   

为了提高基层图书馆馆长管理水平,充分发挥公共图书馆的社会服务功能和提高论文写作能力,2007年12月26日,在遵义市图书谊会议室举办了“全市公共图书馆馆长培训班”。全市公共图书馆馆长和遵义市图书馆全体职工共40多人参加了培训。这是遵义市图书馆搬迁新馆后的第一次公共图书馆业务培训,由贵州省图书馆副馆长、研究馆员钟海珍作了“让公共图书馆社会影响力在延伸服务中得到有效提升”的专题讲座,  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to better understand how academic health sciences library directors construct their understanding of effective leadership. After transcribing and performing thematic analysis on the interviews of eight academic health sciences library directors, five main themes emerged from the data: understanding leadership, building a vision, relationships are key, advocating and credibility, and measuring success. The findings suggest there are internal and external leadership responsibilities for library directors, both of which are important, however, the internal responsibilities are easier to delegate. Also, academic health sciences library directors need better evaluation methods for determining their effectiveness as leaders.  相似文献   

In contrast to research in which an individual leader is assigned or expected to emerge, musical theater productions provide an opportunity to explore how leadership is shared among the director, assistant director, music director, choreographer, and stage manager in a naturally occurring group. This ethnographic study explores how one community theater group managed the sharing of leadership roles when the primary director assumed a passive or ineffective role. The study explores the communication and affective responses of the secondary leaders and cast members when they perceived that the primary leadership failed to function and then examines how secondary leaders and cast members communicated to share the leadership to produce successful theatrical performances. The results have implications for other groups with shared leadership structures.  相似文献   

In contrast to research in which an individual leader is assigned or expected to emerge, musical theater productions provide an opportunity to explore how leadership is shared among the director, assistant director, music director, choreographer, and stage manager in a naturally occurring group. This ethnographic study explores how one community theater group managed the sharing of leadership roles when the primary director assumed a passive or ineffective role. The study explores the communication and affective responses of the secondary leaders and cast members when they perceived that the primary leadership failed to function and then examines how secondary leaders and cast members communicated to share the leadership to produce successful theatrical performances. The results have implications for other groups with shared leadership structures.  相似文献   

Inter-agency collaboration is increasingly important for digital government. Using collaborative governance frameworks and comparative case study of three cases of digital government in the Mexican states of Mexico, Puebla, and Yucatan, we extend current understanding of key determinants of effective inter-agency collaborations in digital government settings. In particular, our research question is as follows: how do leadership, governance, technology, and collaborative capacity and competencies contribute to effective collaboration? Our results indicate that all four components are important, but in different ways. Laws and regulations appear to play an important role supporting governance of the inter-agency networks in our three cases. In addition, multi-level leadership, formal governance, implementation flexibility, the role of technology as a social actor in itself, and trust building based on expertise seem to be particularly salient.  相似文献   

Leaders need a variety of tools to be effective in their management, communication, and leadership. These tools should be used for specific jobs and are operational in working with some personalities but not all. Leaders can develop these tools and over time, learn when and how to effectively use them. Such tools will enhance the leader's ability to address a variety of situations and issues drawing upon expertise gained through experience.  相似文献   

To grapple with the difficulties of change, LIS literature often turns to a discourse of leadership as a way of gaining an understanding of how change can be effectively and appropriately managed. However, much of this work fails to account for the feminized nature of the profession and the gendered practices that shape the roles of men and women who choose this field. Furthermore, there is an absence of literature that interrogates the ways in which LIS master's programs address gendered practice. Beginning with an examination of how the field of LIS is feminized, I set out to reveal how, within the context of gender, the experience of women who advance in LIS leadership and administrative positions remains poorly understood. I suggest that the adoption of masculinized practices is a response to the devaluation of “women's work” that has historically defined the service ethic of librarianship. This article serves as an example of the ways in which it is possible to interrogate assumptions about leadership.  相似文献   

The author suggests the importance of knowledgeable leadership as a factor in improving Philippine school libraries. He offers a brief case study of how two different libraries fared with similar levels of funding. One without outstanding leadership did not advance; the other with knowledgeable leadership made large advances. This report is drawn from the author's earlier degree research at the University of the Philippines' Institute of Library and Information Science.  相似文献   


Transformational leadership is highly correlated with effective organizations and successful change, yet few studies of this leadership style exist in the library literature. This study examined perceptions of transformational traits in academic library leaders. The study asked academic librarians at 4 year institutions to rate their library's leadership using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. While the librarians perceived their library leaders to be more transformational than transactional, the mean score for transformational leadership was middling, as were the scores for each of the transformational components. This could indicate a lack of change readiness in these libraries.  相似文献   

The academic library profession is experiencing a large turnover in leadership. To date, information on differences in the generational expectations about how to lead is scarce and the research is contradictory. This article presents a scoping review of the literature on generational expectations of academic library leaders. Based on predefined eligibility criteria, the authors searched twelve bibliographic databases and performed a broad web search. 5435 articles were located and considered for inclusion, however, only four eligible articles were identified and included for analysis. There is little empirical evidence that generational differences are evident in the academic library setting or in individual leadership expectations. There is a lack of original research on generational differences in leadership in libraries, however, anecdotal and opinion literature is drawing attention to this topic in ways that cannot be validated.  相似文献   

Background: Decades of hospital restructuring in Canada resulted in significant reductions of nursing leadership positions and altered a nursing infrastructure important for guiding patient care. The importance of acquiring nursing leadership skills to address the negative effects of restructuring is advocated by Canadian nursing bodies. Objectives: To describe a service innovation for a nursing community. The librarians of the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries (UMHSL) created an online nursing leadership literature centre to support a leadership programme launched by the Nursing Leadership Council (NLC) of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. The article will contribute to the body of literature about health library services for nurses. Methods: The creation of the service is described. A literature search was undertaken to determine what services have been implemented by librarians for nursing leadership programmes, as well as to review the literature with regard to contributions made by librarians for nursing communities. Results: The literature service, comprised of 19 webliographies based on the NLC's leadership topics, is available on the UMHSL website. A webliography, by definition, is a list of electronic works relating to a particular topic. The NLC created its own website that provides nurses with a means to identify, enhance and evaluate leadership competencies, and which is linked to the UMHSL website. Conclusion: The contributions of the UMHSL librarians to this project support the goals of instilling leadership skills in nurses, encouraging evidence‐based nursing practice, and transforming a practice environment to meet the ultimate goal of effective patient care.  相似文献   

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