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目的:为探寻场地自行车运动员有氧能力与成绩的关系,更好为我国竞技自行车运动服务.方法:对24名优秀青少年自行车运动员最大耗氧量与成绩关系进行22周的跟踪研究.结果:22周训练后,最大耗氧量和运动成绩均呈现增长趋势,男、女运动员绝对最大耗氧量增值和场地骑行成绩有显著的相关性(男子:r=0.884、女子:r=0.939),男、女运动员相对最大耗氧量(ml/min/kg0.32)均呈现显著增长趋势,增值和成绩增值同样具有显著的相关性(男子:r=0.795、女子:r=0.902);同样,男、女运动员相对最大耗氧量(ml/min/kg0.79)增值和运动成绩同样均具有显著相关性(男子:r=0.665、女子:r=0.861).结论:相对最大耗氧量(ml/min/kg0.32)和绝对最大耗氧量反映青少年场地自行车运动员阶段训练效果更加敏感,青少年场地自行车运动员最大耗氧量表达方式有其典型的专项特点.  相似文献   

目的:探索太极拳练习和快走练习对老年人平衡能力的影响效果。方法:31名老年女性被随机分成太极拳组(TC)和快走组(BW)。两组受试者分别接受16周的太极拳练习和快走练习,每周5次,每次1h,随后停止练习跟踪8周。受试者每4周测试一次平衡能力,共测试7次。测试指标包括睁眼(SLO)和闭眼(SLC)状态下的单腿站立时间(TIME)、足底压力中心在左右方向的最大位移量(DX)、足底压力中心在前后方向的最大位移量(DY)。结果:太极拳组(TC)TIME-SLO/SLC从第4周显著性增加,而快走组(BW)从第8周显著性增加;太极拳组DX-SLO/SLC、DY-SLO/SLC从第8周显著性减少,而快走组从第12周显著减少。停练阶段,太极组的平衡能力指标未有显著性变化,但快走组指标中除了DY,其他指标均有明显变化的趋势。结论:太极拳和快走练习均可以提高老年人的平衡能力,太极拳提高的更快(太极vs.快走:8周vs.12周);8周的停练阶段,两种练习方式对平衡能力均有较好的维持作用,但太极拳的维持效果更好。因此,相比于快走练习,老年人可以考虑将太极拳作为首选的练习方式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨12周太极拳锻炼对运动缺乏的女大学生免疫能力的影响.方法:80名运动缺乏的非体育专业女大学生被随机分为太极拳组(TJQ,40人)和对照组(CG,40人),对照组除了正常的日常活动外,不参加任何体育锻炼,太极拳组在太极拳老师的带领下进行12周的简化24式太极拳锻炼,每天练习30分钟,一周练习5天.两组实验对象在12周锻炼前和锻炼后分别测试血清IgG、IgA、IgM、IL-4、IL-12、IFN-γ、CD3、血睾酮(testosterone,T)、皮质醇(cortisol,C)的含量及全血中CD4+、CD8+.结果:经过12周的太极拳训练,IL-12和IFN-γ含量有升高趋势,但与锻炼前相比并无显著性差异.太极拳组的IgG、IgM、CD4+、T/C和锻炼前及对照组相比有显著升高(P =0.000),血清皮质醇含量和锻炼前及对照组相比有明显下降(P =0.000).结论:长时间太极拳锻炼可以提高缺乏体育锻炼的女大学生的身体免疫应答,提高抵抗疾病的能力.为太极拳在运动不足的人群中普及提供科学的理论依据.  相似文献   

为评估我国优秀篮球运动员的有氧耐力水平,测量了国家女子篮球队16名运动员的最大耗氧量、身体成分、血红蛋白和12min跑距,并对其中10名运动员的数据进行了相关分析.结果表明绝对最大耗氧量(L/min)与身高(cm)、体重(kg)、去脂体重(kg)、脂肪含量(kg)成中度正相关,相关度无显著性意义(P>0.05);而相对耗氧量(ml/min@kg)与这些身体成分指标成负相关;绝对最大耗氧量与血红蛋白值显著相关,相关系数达0.68(P<0.05);绝对最大耗氧量与12 min跑成绩相关系数为0.74,有显著意义(P<0.05).利用本实验数据建立了我国女子篮球运动员最大耗氧量与12 min跑距回归方程式.  相似文献   

为评估我国优秀篮球运动员的有氧耐力水平 ,测量了国家女子篮球队 16名运动员的最大耗氧量、身体成分、血红蛋白和 12 min跑距 ,并对其中 10名运动员的数据进行了相关分析。结果表明 :绝对最大耗氧量 (L / m in)与身高 (cm )、体重 (kg)、去脂体重 (kg)、脂肪含量 (kg)成中度正相关 ,相关度无显著性意义 (P>0 .0 5 ) ;而相对耗氧量 (ml/ min· kg)与这些身体成分指标成负相关 ;绝对最大耗氧量与血红蛋白值显著相关 ,相关系数达 0 .6 8(P<0 .0 5 ) ;绝对最大耗氧量与 12min跑成绩相关系数为 0 .74,有显著意义 (P<0 .0 5 )。利用本实验数据建立了我国女子篮球运动员最大耗氧量与 12 min跑距回归方程式。  相似文献   

BMI和心肺适能对全代谢综合征男性最大脂代谢水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探究BMI和心肺适能对全代谢综合征男性最大脂代谢水平的影响.方法:采用CDS代谢综合征诊断标准募集24名全代谢综合征(tMS)男性.血清指标检测采用酶法和放免法.直接测定最大耗氧量和最大有氧功.间接测热法和非连续递增负荷法检测最大脂代谢水平.分别依据BMI、最大耗氧量的平均值将被试分为高,低BMI组,高、低心肺适能组.结果:tMS男性整体最大脂氧化率(MFOR)为151.58±20.64 mg/min,最大脂氧化强度(Fatmax)为28.48±5.98%VO2max,Fatmax相应RER为0.94±0.01;供能交叉点为33.42±6.96%VO2max,心肺适能水平为18.25±2.68 ml/kg/mim;高、低BMI组间心肺适能、MFOR、Fatmax和交叉点均无显著性差异;高、低心肺适能组间MFOR具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),但BMI、Fatmax和交叉点强度均无显著性差异;tMS男性BMI与MFOR相关不具显著性,心肺适能与MFOR具显著性正相关(r=0.75,P<0.01).结论:全代谢综合征男性最大脂氧化强度处于低有氧强度范围,tMS男性最大脂氧化率受心肺适能水平影响,而BMI对其无显著影响.  相似文献   

江西省皮划艇队备战第十一届全运会周期中,狠抓有氧能力训练,冬训前后两次最大摄氧量测试发现摄氧量水平有了显著提高,有氧能力有了长足进步.女子皮艇组提高幅度约12%,男子划艇组相对摄氧量达到67.7ml/kg·min,运动后乳酸清除能力也有了一定提高.说明整个冬训期间结合项目特点,围绕“无氧阈”强度安排训练起到了很好的效果,是一次成功的冬训.  相似文献   

目的:本研究以促进马拉松爱好者的身体机能与生理功能为主要目的,为我国普通的马拉松爱好者提供科学且系统的训练方案。方法:从某省市的马拉松协会中随机选取16名马拉松爱好者,将其平均分为实验组(进行12周的特定运动干预处方训练)与对照组(进行12周常规性训练)。结果:训练前对实验组与对照组分别进行了两项身体机能的生理指标测试(基础代谢率与最大摄氧量),结果显示并没有显著性差异(p>0.05);经过12周的特定运动干预训练后,实验组的基础代谢率提升到1609.60±73.00kcal,最大摄氧量提升到67.90±6.31 ml/(kg.min),实验组与对照组的身体生理指标之间存在显著性的差异(p<0.05)。结论:针对马拉松运动项目的特定运动干预训练对于提高马拉松爱好者身体机能的生理指标具有促进作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大负荷力量训练对举重运动员造血机能、最大耗氧量及运动后血乳酸动力学的影响。方法:选25名优秀男子举重运动员,完成为期5周“二大一调整”式力量训练,其中,第1、2周为大负荷周,第3周为调整周,第4、5周为大负荷周,第4周冲击最大负荷。大负荷周为目标总重量30000kg/d,每天2次训练课,调整负荷为目标总重量小于15000kg/天,每天1次训练课,每周训练6天。于训练前、训练第1、2、3、4、5周取周训练结束后次日晨基础状态静脉血测定红系指标,于试验前、后测定最大耗氧量(V.O2max)及.VO2max测试结束后0、5、10、15min血乳酸变化趋势。结果:训练期间红细胞(RBC)、红细胞压积(Hct)、血红蛋白(Hgb)、血小板(Plt)、血小板压积(Pct)均较试验前显著性下降,但在第5周红细胞、血红蛋白均出现回复性变化;平均红细胞体积(MCV)减小,而平均红细胞血红蛋白(MCH)、红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)、血小板体积分布宽度(PDW)均呈增加趋势;调整周内血红蛋白不仅没有回复,反而呈显著性下降。训练期间外周血网织红细胞(Ret)先增加后回复。5周训练后,V.O2max较训练前显著提高,.VO2max测试后0、5、10、15min血乳酸低于训练前对应点。结论:一定量的大负荷力量训练提高运动员红系造血活动及V.O2max;一定量大负荷力量训练改变定量负荷后血乳酸代谢的动力学特征,其可能的机制是机体清除乳酸的能力提高。  相似文献   

为了检验长期习惯性的体育运动是否影响老年人I型和Ⅱ型T细胞因子的平衡。通过对9名老年妇女(平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(32.2±1.0)mL.kg-1.min-1)进行步行训练;挑选12名不进行运动训练的老年(妇女平均年龄(63±1)岁,最大耗氧量(27.8±0.9)mL.kg-1.min-1)和9名不进行运动训练的年轻妇女(平均年龄(26±1)岁,最大耗氧量(37.8±1.3)mL.kg-1.min-1);然后检测了CD4 和CD8 T细胞中IFN-γ、IL-2和IL-4的水平,并对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞进行了比较。结果:老年人运动组表达IFN-γ的CD4 细胞数目与比青年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);老年运动组表达IL-2的CD8 的T细胞数目与老年非运动组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);青年组表达IL-4的CD8 细胞与老年非运动组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01);3组中CD4 和CD8 T细胞中IFN-γ/IL-4的比率差异无显著性。实验结果显示年龄对I型和Ⅱ型T细胞的影响比运动训练对它的影响更大。  相似文献   

田中  崔书强 《体育科研》2013,(5):64-66,71
目的:探讨我国优秀皮划艇运动员有氧能力的评价方法,为制定针对性的训练计划提供参考。方法:以备战伦敦奥运会国家皮划艇队运动员为研究对象,包括8名男子皮艇、7名女子皮艇和6名划艇运动员。利用皮划艇测功仪采用逐级递增负荷至力竭测最大摄氧量、利用4级1 000 m递增强度划船测试乳酸阈(4 mmol/l对应的船速)。结果:伦敦奥运周期我国优秀男子皮艇、女子皮艇和划艇运动员的绝对最大摄氧量分别为(5.25±0.22)l/min、(3.58±0.22)l/min、(4.85±0.13)l/min;相对最大摄氧量分别为(57.28±3.8 1)ml/(kg·min-1)、(50.92±3.78)ml/(kg·min-1)、(54.72±5.3)1ml/(kg·min-1),,经过3个月训练后男子皮艇和划艇运动员最大摄氧量无明显变化,女子皮艇运动员明显提高;男子皮艇、女子皮艇和划艇运动员乳酸阈船速经过3个月的训练后都明显提高,提高幅度分别为11.92%、3.77%和14.37%。结论:我国伦敦周期优秀皮划艇运动员的最大摄氧量高于国际优秀皮划艇运动员的平均水平,和最大摄氧量比较,乳酸阈表现出更好的训练可塑性,能够更为准确的反映皮划艇运动员有氧能力的动态变化。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of three recovery intensities on time spent at a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (t90[Vdot]O(2max)) during a short intermittent session. Eight endurance-trained male adolescents (16 +/- 1 years) performed four field tests until exhaustion: a graded test to determine maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O(2max); 57.4 +/- 6.1 ml x min(-1) . kg(-1)) and maximal aerobic velocity (17.9 +/- 0.4 km x h(-1)), and three intermittent exercises consisting of repeat 30-s runs at 105% of maximal aerobic velocity alternating with 30 s active recovery at 50% (IE(50)), 67% (IE(67)), and 84% (IE(84)) of maximal aerobic velocity. In absolute values, mean t90[Vdot]O(2max) was not significantly different between IE(50) and IE(67), but both values were significantly longer compared with IE(84). When expressed in relative values (as a percentage of time to exhaustion), mean t90[Vdot]O(2max) was significantly higher during IE(67) than during IE(50). Our results show that both 50% and 67% of maximal aerobic velocity of active recovery induced extensive solicitation of the cardiorespiratory system. Our results suggest that the choice of recovery intensity depends on the exercise objective.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that habitual physical activity (PA) together with progressive endurance training contributes to the differences in training response (Δ[V(·)]O(2max)) in healthy and physically active male participants. Twenty volunteers (age 30±3 years and [V(·)]O(2max) 54±7 ml·kg?1·min?1) participated in an eight-week training program which included four to six heart rate-guided exercise sessions weekly. PA data over the whole period were collected by an accelerometer-equipped wristwatch. Individual relative intensities of endurance training and PA were separately determined by adjusting to [V(·)]O(2max) reserve and calculated as mean daily duration (min) of training and PA at light, moderate, high and very high intensity levels. [V(·)]O(2max) increased 6.4±4.1% (p < 0.0001) during the training period. Δ[V(·)]O(2max) correlated with the amount of habitual PA that was mainly of light intensity (r = 0.53, p = 0.016), but not with the duration of moderate, high or very high intensity PA (p = ns for all). Age, body mass index, and daily amount of training at any intensity level of exercise were not related to Δ[V(·)]O(2max) (p = ns for all). In conclusion, a high amount of habitual PA together with prescribed endurance training was associated with good training response in physically active males.  相似文献   

Cardiorespiratory and body composition changes were evaluated in 25 sedentary females, aged 18 to 30 years, following 12 weeks of aerobic dance training (3 days a week, 45 min a session). Fifteen subjects, from the same population, comprised a control group: they maintained their normal activity and dietary habits over the course of the study. Analysis of variance of the values for selected cardiorespiratory responses revealed that the aerobic dance programme produced training effects in the experimental group. These training effects were indicated by significant improvements in O2 pulse, VE, heart rate and perceived exertion during submaximal exercise. Significant improvements were also noted in VO2 max, maximal O2 pulse, VE max, maximal heart rate and maximal running time on the treadmill. Additionally, increases in lean body mass and body density, together with decreases in percentage body fat and the sum of four skinfold thicknesses were found to be significant for the experimental group. No significant improvements in any of these variables were found for the control group. It was concluded that this 12-week aerobic dance programme was successful in promoting beneficial changes in cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition.  相似文献   

目的:探讨20-MST监测普通大学生心肺功能变化的有效性及对运动训练的敏感性。方法:以32名男性大学生(实验组、对照组各16名)为研究对象,对实验组学生进行8周的有氧耐力训练干预,在实验前后分别测定VO2max、20-MST、库博12min跑、台阶试验四项指标,并对检测结果进行分析比较。结果:20-MST在实验前后与VO2max、12min跑成绩高度相关,与台阶指数低度相关;实验后,各指标均有显著增长,20-MST的增量最明显。结论:20-MST是一种间接评价心肺功能、判断训练效果的有效方法,它对评价运动训练引起心肺功能适应性变化的敏感性高于VO2max。  相似文献   

模拟“低住高练(LoHi)”对游泳运动员运动能力的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨LoHi训练法对运动员运动能力的影响机制,为LoHi训练法在运动实践中的应用提供理论和实践依据.方法对15名优秀游泳运动员进行2周的LoHi训练,分别于训练前后进行气体代谢、力竭性递增负荷运动能力测试;在训练的整个过程中进行5次专项有氧能力的测试.结果2周LoHi训练后,①男运动员VO2max、VO2max/kg、Vemax和O2-plusemax显著提高(P<0.05),女运动员无显著性变化(P>0.05);②力竭性递增负荷运动后,男女运动员运动后的Bla均非常显著的下降(P<0.01~0.001),男女间无性别差异(P>0.05);同时运动后Bla的下降率表现为逐渐升高的趋势;③力竭性递增负荷运动中,男运动员Wmax提高了12.7%(P<0.01),女运动员则提高了6.12%(P>0.05); Tmax男子提高17.7%(P<0.05),女子提高7.44%(P<0.05);④男运动员在2周LoHi训练过程中运动成绩呈升高趋势,Bla呈逐渐下降趋势,训练后7d运动成绩最好,Bla却下降51.9%(P<0.01);女运动员在训练过程中运动成绩和Bla均呈下降趋势,训练后7d运动成绩最高,18d下降,但Bla均明显低于训练前(P<0.01).结论两周LoHi训练提高了运动员对负荷的适应能力,特别使运动员的一般有氧能力和专项有氧能力得到明显改善;同时,女运动员对缺氧的适应能力明显低于男子,表现出明显的性别差异.  相似文献   

Maximal oxygen uptake VO(2max)) is considered the optimal method to assess aerobic fitness. The measurement of VO(2max), however, requires special equipment and training. Maximal exercise testing with determination of maximal power output offers a more simple approach. This study explores the relationship between [Vdot]O(2max) and maximal power output in 247 children (139 boys and 108 girls) aged 7.9-11.1 years. Maximal oxygen uptake was measured by indirect calorimetry during a maximal ergometer exercise test with an initial workload of 30 W and 15 W x min(-1) increments. Maximal power output was also measured. A sample (n = 124) was used to calculate reference equations, which were then validated using another sample (n = 123). The linear reference equation for both sexes combined was: VO(2max) (ml x min(-1)) = 96 + 10.6 x maximal power + 3.5 . body mass. Using this reference equation, estimated VO(2max) per unit of body mass (ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)) calculated from maximal power correlated closely with the direct measurement of VO(2max) (r = 0.91, P <0.001). Bland-Altman analysis gave a mean limits of agreement of 0.2+/-2.9 (ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)) (1 s). Our results suggest that maximal power output serves as a good surrogate measurement for VO(2max) in population studies of children aged 8-11 years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit and the associated exercise time to exhaustion during short-distance running. Fifteen well-trained males (mean - s : VO 2max = 58.0 - 4.6 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ) performed the maximum accumulated oxygen deficit test at an exercise intensity equivalent to 125% VO 2max . The test was repeated at the same time of day on three occasions within 3 weeks. There was no significant systematic bias between trials for either maximum accumulated oxygen deficit (mean - s : trial 1 = 69.0 - 13.1; trial 2 = 71.4 - 12.5; trial 3 = 70.4 - 15.0 ml O 2 Eq.kg -1 ; ANOVA, F = 0.70, P = 0.51) or exercise time to exhaustion (trial 1 = 194 - 31.1; trial 2 = 198 - 33.2; trial 3 = 201 - 36.8 s; F = 1.49, P = 0.24). In addition, other traditional measures of reliability were also favourable. These included intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.91 and 0.87, and sample coefficients of variation of 6.8% and 5.0%, for maximum accumulated oxygen deficit and exercise time to exhaustion respectively. However, the '95% limits of agreement' were 0 - 15.1 ml O 2 Eq (1.01 2 / 1 1.26 as a ratio) and 0 - 33.5 s (1.0 2 / 1 1.18 as a ratio) for maximum accumulated oxygen deficit and exercise time to exhaustion respectively. We estimate that the sample sizes required to detect a 10% change in exercise time to exhaustion and maximum accumulated oxygen deficit after a repeated measures experiment are 10 and 20 respectively. Unlike the results of previous maximum accumulated oxygen deficit studies, we conclude that it is not a reliable measure.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of 15, 30, and 45 min of conditioning on maximum performance and cardiorespiratory fitness variables, body composition, pulmonary function, and serum lipids. Subjects, ages 20 to 35, were 59 inmates at a California state prison. The conditioning included running and walking and was performed three days/week at approximately 85 to 90% max HR for 20 weeks. The distance covered per exercise session was approximately 1.75, 3.25, and 5.1 miles for the 15-, 30-, and 45-min groups, respectively.

Improvements in treadmill performance time. [Vdot]O2 max, max O2 pulse, diastolic blood pressure, and total skinfold fat were proportional to duration of the training session; i.e., the subjects training in the longer duration sessions showed the greater improvements. The control group showed no significant change during the same period. Compared to the control group, the 15-min group made significant reductions in resting HR, total skinfold fat, percent fat, and waist girth and increases in [Vdot]O2 max, max O2 pulse,[Vdot]E max, and treadmill performance time. Vital capacity, FEV1.0, and % FEV1.0 remained relatively unchanged in all four groups, as did serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The 45-min group improved significantly more than the 15-min group in treadmill time, [Vdot]O2 max, max O2 pulse, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and percent fat. In general, comparisons between the 15- and 30-min groups and between the 30- and 45-min groups failed to yield statistically significant differences.  相似文献   

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