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远航 《体育科技》2012,33(1):40-42
对广西基层游泳教练员的现状调查,了解其基本情况、执教能力现状、自身修养与科研能力现状以及岗位培训与待遇现状,并提出改善教练员队伍情况的建议,为广西竞技游泳的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Data were collected from 335 collegiate female athletic directors utilizing a questionnaire designed to assess trends in selecting coaches for female athletes between 1974 and 1979. These demographic results revealed: (a) a 37% increase in the number of coaches for female athletes, (b) a greater increase at the assistant (229%) rather than head (8%) coach level, (c) a substantial increase in male coaches (724) in comparison to their female counterparts (44), (d) a significant decline (294) in female head coaches, and (e) a large increase in the number of male head coaches (437). As the bases for this present investigation, current practices and affirmative action strategies were discussed (i.e., gender employment trends, de facto discrimination, federal civil rights legislation). Possible explanations of these findings were offered.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewide survey of 256 female and 296 male interscholastic coaches and a nationwide survey of 2,719 male and 1,449 female interscholastic coaches. Statistical analyses (p < .001) indicated that female coaches were (a) more qualified than their male counterparts with respect to coaching experience with female teams, professional training, and professional experience; (b) as qualified as male coaches with regard to intercollegiate playing experience; and (c) less qualified than male coaches with respect to high school playing experience and coaching experience with male teams. Findings also indicated that male rather than female coaches more often experienced time constraints due to family responsibilities.  相似文献   
The Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire was developed to effectively measure affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects, represented by the interpersonal constructs of closeness, commitment, and complementarity, of the quality of the relationship within the context of sport coaching. The current study sought to determine the internal reliability and factorial validity of the long (the 29-item Long Version Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) and short (11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire and 13-item Greek Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) versions of the Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire with a sample of 800 Chinese coaches and athletes. Results supported the internal reliability across all Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire versions examined, while confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) only supported the factorial validity of the three-factor first-order model of the 11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   
Transition services are required by law for students with disabilities in many developed countries. In Malaysia, however, there is still no specific legislation mandating that school‐to‐work transition planning and services be provided to students with disabilities. This study investigated the state of the transition services provided by educational organisations to students with disabilities in Malaysia. A mixed method research design, which utilises both quantitative and qualitative research techniques, was employed to obtain information from 23 government organisations and NGOs involved in the education and training of students with disabilities. This study found that the organisations surveyed were aware of the lack of transition support and call attention to the importance of instituting a national policy on school‐to‐work transition services and supported employment systems for students with disabilities. The legislative and educational implications for Malaysia are discussed.  相似文献   
运用多元统计分析方法,以中国国家男子足球队主教练更换为个案,对高洪波、卡马乔执教的中国国家男子足球队技战术特征变化进行分析。统计结果表明:降维分析能够解决多重共线性问题,并能提取反映教练员执教特征与差异的重要因素;中国男足主教练的更迭是一种合理的交接,是为了促进中国男足的发展。在不同阶段、不同主教练面对的对手不同,对男足技战术调整的重点不同,是其战绩不一致的重要原因;单纯地通过胜率、战绩,或者是否实现短期目标来评判教练员执教水平有失公允。通过多元数据统计分析,结合比赛实际,能够更好地对教练员的执教特征、差异及水平进行客观、公正的评判。该方法具有较好的复制性,参考意义重大,但有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
以前期研究中初步构建的大众跆拳道教练员胜任特征模型为基础编写评价量表测试条目,经过条目筛选、项目分析后初步形成初测量表;再经过探索性因素分析确定了量表的因素结构,经过验证性因素分析检验其因素结构效度,并检验了量表的信度和实证效度。结果表明:量表具有较好的结构效度和信度,能有效区分优秀组与一般组教练员。  相似文献   
提高普通高校体育教师的综合素质是21世纪高等体育教育面临的新的任务。在党和国家如此重视素质教育的今天,普通高校体育教师应改变旧的观念,重塑职业形象。不断开拓,进取,创新,提高自身素质。本文从适应当今社会的要求出发,对体育教练员所应具备的素质和能力做了阐述,旨在为建立一支政治思想觉悟性高,执教能力强的高水平教练员队伍提高借鉴。  相似文献   
全国体育系统教练员人力资源状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对2012年奥运会,为了对我国竞技体育发展规划的制定以及促进竞技体育的持续发展提供有力依据,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家咨询法和统计分析法,对全国体育系统教练员29 317人进行分析,结果显示:教练员总量基本满足竞技体育需要,结构趋于合理,教练员的学历层次、整体素质与能力有较大提高,人才地域分布呈现东强西弱态势。目前我国教练员职业尚未建立起系统、规范的职业资格制度。伴随着国际交流的扩大和竞技体育发展的全球化,我国体育界也引进了大批优秀的外籍教练员人才。  相似文献   
在运动训练研究领域,教练员相关研究日益受到研究者的重视,以中、法两国优秀击剑教练员选材、训练工作中的执教理念为研究对象,通过对他们在多年执教过程中选材、不同时期与阶段训练工作的思路和方式进行研究和分析.比较两国击剑教练员在选材,在技能、体能、心理智能三方面训练工作中执教理念的异同,试图通过该研究,促使人们对目前我国击剑教练员执教过程中产生的问题进行深层次思考,揭示执教成功背后的秘密,拓展教练员的执教思路,加深人们对击剑运动的理解,为我国培养高水平击剑竞技人才提供帮助.同时也期望该研究,能够给予竞技领域其他项目的教练员们更多思考与启发,并为运动训练学学科发展和教练员相关研究开辟新的领域.  相似文献   
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